PC 1964-1965-1310 ,•, z~ . ~ } ~ 4 RESOLUTION I~, :31~, Series :9oA•65 A RE9(lLL?ION OF IHE CII'Y PLANNING CnMMISSION ~F IF?E C:;Y OF ANAiiEIM THA; PEI'??ION AOR CO6IDITIONAL l1SE PERNI. 6:7 BE GRANTID WHEREAS. tf;e City Planning Ccmm;ssion of the Ci'y of Anaheim dld rece:ve a ve~~fied Pet:tion for Candittonal Use Permit from AOA7C A1~ }~LEN Pt~VISOR9 SHEILS R~ CHASIN9 AND ARAALD 7~ PAOVISORy Trustee. ;73i Camden A•~en~e, Los Ange:es~ Ca~lfornia~ ONnezs of certain reai p-o~er'y s.ituated i~ Lhe City of Anat,eim, Cour~ty of Orangeo S~ate of Californ3ay des;;:ibed as a:l r.na` ~;ertain reai property situated in the Rar,cho Los Coyo±esy descrined .. n., . ~: ,. ~ iVl d 9S bf~l!tt1.':~ 3j th@ :„thCd~: ,:^v:fE,- ..°.E' ]~y 'uwna}~i~ ti ~~ui.~ty R~rige i. ~eyt a n Bernardinc Base and Ideridian, and running thence South 890 36' Xesi 248~Q2 Feet to a p-~int~ thence North 53~ 2a° We;: a.ong ±ne Pac.:fic E~ectrl: Ra1L oad rigrt+, ef wav 5ti~6'. Yeet to a po,r,!.y !nence North ~~ i3~ Mest 72 95 fept to a~oir.t; thence Nor:h 890 3b' East FFS~nn fee! ~o a pcin! in t~,e EasLer.y line af sa:d sec~.ion~ thar.ce South ~~ ~5~ 45' °_ast ~66~74 t~et to +r,e p:~..e ot beg:rniny= EXCFPTI(~, ;NEREFROM *_ne South ;63~^~ reet of the East i83~C0 feet ot tr,e So..che~s~ q ~arte- ~~ the So.rtne-~st q•,,ar±er of tne SOt:~hedS! q,:a. re_ cf said Section ,~~ in To;~n,t~ip 4 Sc,.t;.~ Ra~ge ,, Me;~S San Re,nardino B~se 3r,d Me:.dian WMF~tEASy tne City P]anntr.g Cummis:s• ~ d:d ho'id :i pub.?c neari~~g at 'he City Hal1 in tne City or M aheim on Aug~st 3:9 1963, a~ 7!C~ O~.;lo~k P,M,~ no±i•~e of said pubiic hearing having be~n duiy given as req~ired by iaw ~nd in a::co:dance +ritt; the pcovisions of tne Maheim kun:c~pai codav Chdp~er iB„64, to hear end ccnsider ~videm~e for and against said proFose~ •.r.~±! t:cr.~~ ;;~c :~:.a, :o L-,.o~t.yo:a ~n~ maRa ! iudLnye end recommenaa~ions in cor~nectinn tha.rewith; and M1iF~tFAS, said Commission~ after due ir.spe~tion, inves:iq3tion, and study m3de by ltse'cf and in i!.a behaif, :.nd ar'.es due conslde~racion of :~~i ev~den:e and repo*ts o}fered at said hearing9 doo, fir.d and datQr~o.the fo:iowing tacts~ ':~ That the proposed use is prope~i,y.one for which a Condltiona: Use Pa.mit is avthorized by this Code., to witn establish a Hofbrau and an :ta~ian ~estalrant bo*}-r-ith on-6aie beer9 and a resta~rant with on-sale iiquor on s»b~ect propertyo 2~ rhat tLe Commission CIQRm6 that the proposed hofbzau Hou:d be incompatihie to the family typa restauranis ~~ncwsed to be immediate:y adjacent to said ho~'brau and thereby denies said portton of ihe petition~ 3~ That '~a prcposed use wiii not adverseiy aff~ct the adioining iand uses and the growth and d~veiopmant of the area in which it is proposed to be loca+.ed~. 4, Tnat tha cize and shape of the aite proposed for the use 3s ~.iequate ~o a11ow the fu11 dev~lopment of the prc^^sad use ir- a manner not detsimentai to the particular azea nor to the peacey health, safaty aed general weT~are of the Citizens of the City of Anaheime 5a That tho granting of *_he Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposedY i: any, will nat ba dotsirtv~tal to the paaceq hea:th~ safe:y, artd genera: ;~e:fare of the Cit'zens of the City of Mbheim~ 6o That one person appeared in oppositlon to subiect petitiono .-.. .._ , ..._,...__... ..~, ...~....... . . " . ~~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED thet the Maheim C1ty Plnnning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditlonal Use Permit, upon the following conditioae which ere hereby Eound to 5e a necessary prerequisite Fo the proposed use of the subJect propeety in otdet to preaetve the sefety and generel welfate of the Citizens of the Clty of Aaeheim: • i. That fire hydrants shall be instalied as required and deternined to be np-essary by the Chief of the Fire Departmente 2e That Condition Noo I, above mentioned, shail be complied with prior to fina; building inspection~ 3a That subject property shall be developed si~bstantiaily in accardance wit h pians and specifica±ions on file with the City of Anaheimy marked Exhibit Nose 1 through 7v for the Italian restaurant9 and rest~urant only~ ae Chat sub]ect property shall be deveioped in accordance with alt provisions or Rec:assification Noo 53-64-78< THE FOREGOING RESOLIITION is eigeed end epproved by me this 10 of September~ 1964a ' ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY NNING COMMISSiON ATTEST: ~. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Planniag Commissioa of the City of Aaeheim, do hereby ceRify thet the foregoiag rcsolntioa was pasaed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commiseion of the City of Aneheim, held oa August 31 ~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the fellowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: CObatISSIONERS: ~p~ ~havos9 Gauer, M~mgall, Perry, Rowiando NOES: COA9NISSIONERS: ~eo ABSENT: :OMMISSIONER9: Ailrede IN WTfNESS WFIEREOF, I.l~nherenaW set my haad this lOth day of Septewber~ 19640 SECRETARY ANAHF.AS CITY PLANNING COl~MISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1310