PC 1964-1965-1365I .~ ~ ~ / RESOLUTION N0. ~ 1365~ SERIES.1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTfY PLANNING COIUItlSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHF.OiI THAT PE'flTION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PER1~T NO. .G1$ HE DF.NIED ~fiEREAS, the dty Plamin~ Commiuion of the City of An~6~ did e~ceive ~ wriQed Pxtitlon toc Conditional Use P~eemithom JOHN F. AND MARY R. KIRSCH and RICHARD G, AND PATRICIA KAIY~LING, P240 East South ` Street, Anaheim, California, Amerss CEM'RAL MANAGEI~NT COUIPANY~ 1905 East 17th Street~ Santa Ana~ California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranga, Stat~ of California, described as Parcel ls The East half of the NortM-est quarter of ~ the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Tormship 4 South, Range 10 West in the RanchP San Juan ; Cajon da Santa Ana~ as shorm on a M~p recorded in Book 51~ page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, recordsi of Orange County, California, excepting therefrom the West 330 feet of th~ North 650 feet there- ~ of~ also excepting therefrom the East 255 feet of the North 160 feet of the West 585 feet there- ; oft Parcel 2: The East 130 feet of the West 585 feet of the North 160 feet of the Fast one~half ~ of the Northwest one c;uarter of the Northrrest one quarter of Section i3, Township 4, Range lt7 Y in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of ~ Miscellaneous•IAaps, reccrds of Oranqe ~ounty, California ~~°d ; A WHEREAS. tbe City Pl~nnin` Commiwioa did hoid ~ pnbSc headn` at the City Hall in t6e City of Aaaheim aa ~ September 26~ 1964~ ~t 2:00 o'dock P.S., aotice of sdd pnbUc headn` h~viae beep dnly ~ivaa u cequirad by l~w ~nd ia ~ccoed~nce with the providoa~ of the An~heim IMmidpd Code, Ch~pter 18.64, to heac ~nd oonsider evidence for wd ~~inst sdd pcopos~d ooadittond use ~md to iavestipte ~ad m~ke fiadln~s ~nd recommendaUon~ in conneetion t thecewit67 ~nd ~ WHEREAS, ~dd Commisdon, dt~r dn~ iotpectioa, iavs~tl~otion~ wd studq m~de by itself ~nd in its behdf, wd ~tter dne consldention of ~11 evideaes ~nd repat~ offeced ~t uid 6eadn~, does flad ~nd deteemiae the 6ollowln~ heb: 1. T6~t the pcopo~ed me i~ pcoperly one for wWch ~ Condldon~l Us~ Pecmit i~ antkoitsed bq this Code, to wit: j establish a ch~ and two-story multiple family planned residential development with associated ~ recreational facilities and request waiver of the minimum required front, rear and side yards, s` minlmum lot size, and minimum distance between main and acces~ory bui:dings. ; 2e That tha propoaed use will adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in wh{ch it is proposed to be locatede 3. That the proposed use woUld be incompatible to the existing single family residential developmant to the west, north, end southeast of subjeci propertyo ; 4. That sub~ect property is developable for single tamily residential subdivision. ~ 5. ihat six persons appeared, two of•whom presented petitions signed by 226 property rnmers,~ and who also represented 30 persons present in the Council Chamber in opposition, and that ~ three persons appeared in favor of sub~ect F-tition. ~ • i a j , i + ~ ,) ,_) ~~ ,) _ r NOW,.TFIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED thet the An~heim City Plaaning Commission doee 6erabq d~aq snbjact Petitlon for Coaditiond Uie Pamit on the bui~ of the atorementiaeed 8adin~s. THE FOREGOIIQG RESOLUTION !s siened and ~ppioved ty me~this 8t ay of Gctober, 1964> , ' I CHAIRMAN ANAHE~[ C1TY P G COMMLSSION ATT~T: ~~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEDd CTfY PLANNIIdG CONMISSION STA'1'E 4F CALiFORMA ) CpUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C1TY OF ANAHEAI ) I~ ll1;1't~:Ks@tig~_ Seccetary of ths City Pl~nnine Commluioa oE the City of An~heim, do heceby certiEy that t6e fore- ~~ug raaolutioa wu pasud ~ad ~dopted ~t ~ maetln~ oE the Citq Pl~aain` Coawi~sion of tht City of An~heim, held oa September 28~ 1964,, ~t 2:00 o'clodc P.M., by the followin~ vote of the membees thereof: AYES: CO101LSSIpNERS; Allred, Chavos, Gauer, bungall, Rowland. NOES: COlO~SSIONERS: None. 'ABSENT: COAQ~tISSIONERS: Camp, Perry. II~1 WTfNESS WHEREOF~ I h~ve heruunw s~t my h~nd thir 8th day of October, 1964 . /~4~~ SECRETARY ANAHEW QTY PLANNII~iG COWISSION gg,SOLUTlON N0. 1365 C?rD -y