PC 1964-1965-1374. „ ~.1 '~' ~.~ ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1374~ SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIIG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIMI THAT PETITLON FOR VARIANCE N0. 1663 gE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Plaaning Commisaioa of the City of Mehetm did receive a veri$ed Petitloa for Vadance from RICHRRD Mo POLENI'Z, 423 Park Way9 Anaheim~ California~, Owner~ HAROLD L. NIEIRICH~ 420 South Euciid Avenue, Anaheim,~California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the north 65035 feet of Lot Noa 1 of Tract Noe 1071 ; ~nd WHEREAS, tha City Planaiag Commisaioa did hold e pub8c heating at the City Hall ln the City of Anahelm ca ~='tQbe= 19 ~ 1Sf,4 ~ et 2:80 o'cIock P.M„ notice of said publlc hearing having been duly Qiven as required laa° and ia ecooeLake wlth the provIeions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapt~t 18.68, to hear and considec evideace fo and egainst seid proposed vedance and to inveatlgete and make findiag's. and crcommendatioas la connection therewith; aad WHEREAS, sald Commisaion, aher due iaspectioe, investigation, end study mede by itself end in it~ behalf, aud after due conatdaation of ell evidence and repods oifered as said hearing, doea find and deteemine the fullowia~ facts: ~~ That the petitioner reqnests a variaace from the Aaeheim Municipei Code: Section 18a24.030(4-a) to weive the minimum lot area of seventy-two hundred square fee•t to create a R-: parcel to be sold as a building siteo 2~ ?hat there ar.e'no exceptior.al or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to.the intended use of the property that do not apply general'ly to ~the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zoneo 3~ That the rern~esLed variance is not necessary for the preservation and en~oyment of a substantial property r3ght possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone~ and denied to the property in qwstlono 4o That the requested variance w31] be mater3ally detrimental to the public.welfare or in~urious,to the property or improvements in such v3cinity and zone in which the property is located. 5o That tAe division of the property of which subiect oronerty ig a~art 4srou?d crsate su1,5i,andard R-0 and R-i loteo 6~ 'fhat the proposed R-1 lot would be.in~ompatible to the existing development of residential suburban lots which have a minimum of 109000 square feeto 7, That two person~ appeared representing five~persons in the Council Chamber and two letters were received in opposition to subject petitiono .: : ~ -', ,-. `~:.r`~