PC 1964-1965-1394~ . -• ._ ~ ~~ :1 RESOLUTION N0. 1394, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTfY PLANNING COMA~ISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEAI RECOMNENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDiI THAT ~ ~ PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-47 gE APPRWED WHEREAS. the City Planning Commission of the City of Aaeheim did :initiate a vezified Petition for Reclassification on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of California, describad as the Northerly 182 feet of the Easterly 210 feet of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 18~ Toxnship 4 South, Range 10 West~ SoB,B,BM.~ Excepting therefrom the Uortherly 32 feet lying within the right of way of Orange Avenue and the Easterly 60 feet lying Nithin the right of Nay of Brookhurst Str4eta Property ormed byi Wiltower Properties, Incorporated, 1010 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 900170 ; end WHEREAS, the City Plaaniag Commission did hold e public headag at the City Hall in the Ciry of pnaheim oa OCtOber 26~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said publlc headag heviag been dnly glven as required by law md ia accordance with the provisione oE the Meheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear aad constder evi- dence for and againat aeid propoaed reclesaificeUon and to iavestlgete and meke Qndings aad recommendationa in ooanection fhereaith: and WHEREAS, aaid Commiaaioa, after due inspectton, iaveetigetioa, and study made by itself end in ita behelf, and aher due conaideretlon of all evidmce and reports oEfered at said hearing, does flnd end detamine the following fects: 1. Thetthe planning Commission ~roposes the reclassification of the above described property from the existing C-3y Heavy Co~anercial„ Zone deed restricted to service station usa or any C-19 use9 to estoblish aa existing service station in the C-1, Neighberhood Co~ercialq Zonee 2. That an amendment to the General Plan is deemed unnecessary, because the size of the pazcel proposad for rec;lassifYcation would not gene*ally affect the City's policies in this azeaa 3. ?hat the present use of sub~ect property is a service stationo 4. That the existing use was established under Reciassification No. 57-58-20a 5. I'hat no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~k, --x~=e -1- -,"!, i 'r S ~ ~ ~ • i t~ ~ ,1 ~ l f ~ f . NOW, TE~EREFORE, HE R RBSOLVED t6at t6~ Aa~hNm Gqr P'l~ooln~ Qooelssioa doa hMh' e~eomm~nd to t6e City Cooncil ot th~ Clt~r ot An~helm that ~nbJ~et Petltlon 6or R~elasidddoa be ~ppeot~d ~ad~ b~ ~o doin~. th~t Titls 1&Zonle= of t6~ Aa~hNm Mueidp~l Cade bs ~od~d eo atelad~ tht ~bov~ dMaib~d peop~ety feom th~ C-3, Heavy Commezcial, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone, unconditionallya THE FOREt30ING RESOLl1TION i~ si~aed wd ~pQeoved by me lhis 5th day of Novembex~, 1964 0 , , ~ . CHAIItMAN ANAHEW CCfY d COIO18810N A'f'PEST: ~,~:~ SECRETARY ANAE~EDA C1TY PLANNIIdG COIIMISSlON STATE OF CALIFORlM ) COUNTY CF ORANdE ) s~. C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I~~geK~'~a, Secret~ey ot th~ City Pl~mia` Commis~iaa of the Gry ot An~bNm, do h~nby cafi:, th~t tea toes• ~oln` nwlutioa wu pua~d ~od ~dopbd ~t ~ mMtin` ot the Clty Plmiia~ Co~dnioa ot the Clty ol i~Ml~, 6~:~ ~r.: Oc tober 26 y i964, .t Z:00 o'ctoeic ?.~., by tha fa1laulaQ v~a oi !~a membaa theseof: AYES: CO1R~II5S10NERS: A11red, Camp, Chavos, Gauer9 l4Unga11, Rorrlando 1 NOES: COIOi1SSI0HERS: "~MOne;, ABSENT: COWQSSIONERS: Perryo ~ IN piTNESS WfiERFAF, I luw henmto ~~t my h~md tLis 5th day of November, 1964a ~ .I, SECRETARY ANAHEUI CP1`Y PI.AIiN@IG COIOO~IOII ~ i RFSOLUTION N0. 1394 ' R~A -~ i ~