PC 1964-1965-1410,~ ~~ `,! RESOLUTION-NO. 1410~ SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTfY PLANNII~IG COlW1SSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDd THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PER~lIT N0. ,{~ BE DENIED WHEFx.:+s. th~ CIRy PIm~1aQ Commission of the City of An~heim did receive ~ veei8ed Petition foe Coaditiond Use Peem!:froc EVA S. BIELANSKI, 2760 Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California, O~mer~ ORCO BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENI, INCORPORATED, 600 North Euclid Avenue, Suite 645, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Cwnty of Orange, State of California, described as the North 425 feet of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 12, in Torrnship 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page 7, et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange Countys EXCEPTING the'West 310 feet ; aad WFTEF.EAS, the Ciey Plannina Commiuioa did hold e pnblic beuing at the City H~11 in the City of Moheim on November 9~ 1964, at 4:00 o'doci~ P.1~., notice of sdd publlc headag h~vine beep dnly gtvea u ceqnired by law and !n ~ccordwce with the provisioas of the M~heim Mnaidpd Code, Chapter 18~64, to heu ond consider evidea :e for ~md ~Q~in~t sdd proposed coaditioaal uss ~nd to investiQate and meke findinas u~d recommendadoas la conaaction tlterewith: and WHEREAS, said Commisdoa, aEter dne in~pection, lnvesd~atioa, ~nd ~tvdy made by itself and 3a ita behelf, aad after due considention of all evldence ~ad repoet~ offeced at sdd 6euia4 does gnd u~d determiae the bollo~vL~g fadx 1. That the propaed nse le pcopedy oae tor which a Condltioad Use Permit is ~uthodsed by this Code, to wit: establish a one and two-story multiple family planned residential development with carports on sub~ect property. 2. That the proposed twa story structures and proposed density of dwelling units would be incompatible to the single family living environment already established on three sides of subject property. 3. That subject property is developable as a single family residential subdivision. 4. Tha# the church existing to the west is a permitted use in the R-1, Znne. 5. That one person appearec~ representing four persons in the Council Chamber and who also presented a petition signed by four•persons opposing sub~ect petition. > - -' . v ~~ ~ ~) ~ NOW,.THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maheim City Plaaning Commissioa does hereby deny ~ubjact Petitloa for Conditioael Uee Pamit en the basis of the aEorementloaed flndlnes. THE FOREGOIIVG RESOLUTION is ~iQeed aad •pptoved by me •thia 19th day of November, 1964. i . ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIIN C1TY P d COlb6IISSION ATTEST: ~i~~~~/~t/ ~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIIN C1TY PLANNIIQG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOI2NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIIH ) I~ Ann:Ksebs~•. Seccetary of the City Pl~aniaa Commiuioa of the City of Aa~helm, do he~eby certiEy that the fora ~oia~ resolution wu peu~ed ead adopted Rt ~ maetln` of the Gty Pl~anin~ Commi~~ioa oE the Ciry of Aa~heim, held oa November 9~ 1964~ , ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the folloaiag vote of the memba:s thereot: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer, Ilungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COAmHISStONERS: None. 'ABSENT: COIKMISSIONERS: Allred~ Camp. IIQ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h~nd thir 19th day of November~ 1964. ~~~/,7~~,~ . ' SECRETARY ANAHEDN CITY PLANNING CO!lA~SSION RESOLUTION NO. 1410