PC 1964-1965-1413~ „ ~ 1 r ! RESOLUTION N0. 1413, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLi1TI0'N OF THE CITY PLANNQiG C010[ISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDiI '1~tAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1669 BE dRANTED WHEREAS. th~ Ciqr Pl~mia~ Commlaioa of th~ dty ot M~hNm dld acelve ~ wdSed P~tltion for V~el~ec~ ~ C~RTRUDE MI. E(~GI.ESTON, 3371 East Miraloma, Anaheim, California, Orrr;er of certain real property =ituat~d in tha City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the East 166 faat of the Wsst 660 feet of that portion of Lot 2 in Block "K" of the Kraemer Tract, ia tha Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ma, as shorun on a map thereof recorded in Book 12, peyQB g7 and 88 of M~scelleneous Records of Los Angalas County, California, described as follorrs~ B~ginning at a point in the Easterly line of said Lot, 28 chains Southerly from the Northeasterly corner of said Lot, thence Southerly along the Easterly line 12.03 chains to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot~ thence Westerly along the Soutt~erly line of said Lot, 20 chains to the South- westerly corner of said Lot~ thence Northerly aloag the Westerly line of said Lot, 12.03 chains to the SoutMresterly corner of Tract of land described in deed from Mtattie Goetz and husband to Emma Shaffer, recorded December 6, 1917, in Book 316, page 202 of Deeds, records of Orange County, California~ thence Basterly along the Southerly line of said Tract, 20 chains to the point of beginning~ EXCEPTING TF~REFROM the Northeriy 264 feet thereof ~~od WHEREAS, the Citq Pl~naing Commission dld hold ~ pnbllc hndne at the Citq H~11 in the Citq of M~6eim ou November 9~ 1964f ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., aotice of sdd pubilc 6e~le~ h~vin~ been dnlq elwn u teqnitad bq l~w aad in ~ccoed~uce with the provisions of the Aa~heim blanicipd Code, C6~pter 18.68,to he~r ~ad consider ~d~~ (or ~nd apiast ~dd proposed vul~nce ond to levestlBate ~nd m~e findlap ~nd ~ecommaudatloas ia coonec- Uaa tdeeewiffi; oad WHEI2EAS, wid Comndsdon, a8er due iaspectlon, inve~tlpUon, ~d ~tudy m~de by itseli ~nd in ib beh~lf, md ~er due cocsidentloa of dl evideece wd report~ offeied u~dd heaL+i. does 8nd ~ad determiae ths foUowla~ E~cts: 1. '1't~~t the petitiaoer eeqnat~ ~ wd~ace 6om the Aa~helm Mneldpd Code: Section 18. Y6.030 (4-b) rrhich reqdlres Lhai the minimwn area of parcels other than designated lots in a subdivision shall not ba less than one acre to permit the aubdivision of subJect property into two pazcels ane of rrhich will be a 40y200 square foot R-A parcel. 2. Th~t ehere ue ~ceptlonal or ~Mordinary drenmst~cce~ or conditloa~ ~ppllcable to the property iavolvad or to th~ intanded nse of the peoperty th~t do aot ~pply ~enenUy to t6e pcopectq or el~~s oE use ia the ~~me vicinity ~ad mae. 3. Th~t the raque~ted wri~ace is aecas~eey tor t1-e preseevatim- ~ad anjoymeat of a wbstonti~l P~P~Y ~i~t posseued bY otl-ec PropeetY in d-e s~me vicinity aad sone, ~nd danied to the propeRy la que~tton. ~, 'I'hat tbe eeqaested v~riince wil! ao! bc aai~:ie!!y deMment~l to the pnb8c welf~te or inJndons to the pwp e~ty or 1mPeovemeah in snCh vidaity and sone in whtch the Ptopstty ls located. 5o That m one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Vl-G -1- i ~ ~..~. ~ a r 1 ~. ti ~~ i ! ~ t ( ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED t}ut tl-e M~hetm Citq P1~enin~ Commiuloa doe~ henbY L~nt subiect Petition tor Vad~ace. uPon the followine oonditloes which ~re hereby toaad to be ~ aeces~~eY Peac~4alslte to Ehe pro- ~~ ~e of the snbject peope~ty in ocder to preseeve the ufety ~ad ~eaenl welhce of the Citisea~ of the City of An~heim. 1. That the owner of subject property shall deed to the City of Maheim a strip of lan 45 feet in ~idth, from the center line of the street, along Miraloma Avenue and Miller Street, for street widening purposes, including a 25 foot corner return. 2. That street improvemant pians shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the Citstreetnaradinga and ypavin~g~,edratnageafac~litiesStoreo~hercappurtenantaworkushall~beide- caumpleted as required by the City Engineer; or that a bond in an amovnt and form satisfactory to the ~ity of Maheim shall be posted xith the City to guarantee the installation of said enginqer in requirements., 3. Th~at the ormer ot subject property shall pay to the City of Meheim the s~ of 52.00 per front foot along Miraloma Avenue and ~liller Street for street liyhting purposes. 4e That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sulp of 15E per front foot along Miraloma Avenue and Miller Street for tree planting purposes. 5o That a Record of Survey to record the approved division of subject property be recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. 6. That Condition Noso 19 2, 3 4, and 5, above mentioned shall be compliec} with prior to the time that the Building Permi~ is issued or within a per~od of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grant. 7e That the sub~ect property shalY be divided in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit No. 1. THE FORE(iOIIQG RESOLUTION is siQned ~nd ~ppeoved by me thi~ 19th day of November, 1964 ~ ~ CHAII~1lAN ANAHEDd CITY P IIQG COIQILSSION A1"fEST: ~iA~iri~ SECRETARY ANAHEO! CITY PLANNIIQG C0101LSSION STATE OF CALIFORMA ) COUNTY ur ~RAliGe~ 3 t~• C1TY OF ANAHEDiI ) I~~r1^Krebgy, Seccetary of We City Pl~mtn` Commie~iaa o# the City oE M~heim, do heceby ceRity that the fora Qoing rewlutioa wu pused ~nd ~dopted ~t ~ meeUa~ oE the City Pla~ain` Commissioa of the dtq of An~helm~, held an November 9~ 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followin` wte of t6e memben Wereof: AYES: CONdIISSIONERS: Gauar, Mfungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COlUi[ISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: CAIWISSIONERS: Allred, Camp. IIi W!'CNESS WHEREOF, I hwe heeeunto set my 6and Wis 19th day of November, 1964. RESOLUTION N0. 1413 V~G /!~~!l/1~/ ~~di:c.~/ ~- SECRETARY AIdAHED~t CITY PLANNIIiG COMMLSSiON ~~ 4 3 i a