PC 1964-1965-1414~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f f } r f k ! 91 :~ _:. ;:~ 4 `, 1 • . ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1414, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIdG COIOaSSION OF THE C1TY OF ANAHF.I~t THAT PET1T[ON FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERYIT 648 BE dRANTED WHEREAS, tbe City Plimain` Commbsion of the Gtq of M~hele d!d »c~iv~ ~ wri8~d P~titlon Eor Conditload Use Peemitfrom GULF OIL CORPORATION ~ CALIFORNIA, P. 0. Box 64727~ Los Angeles, California, Ormer~ SIERRA PARK CORPORATION, 12311 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, California, Agent of certain real property situeted in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in fuli ; wd ~i ~ 'ii ;~ ~a w WHEREAS, ths dty Pl~aein~ Comml~sion dld 6old ~ public hs~ria` at th~ dty H~11 la !he City of Aa~helm an November 9, 1964~ ~t 2:00 o'clodc P.M., notlce ot sdd pnblle h~~ein` havia~ M~n duly ~iven u rpnlr~d by l~w ~nd in ~coord~nce witb th~ provl~loaa of t!u Aad+~im dinnidp~l cod~, C6~pta 18.64, to he~r ~nd coa~id~r wld~nce foe ~ad ~~~in~t sdd propo~~d ooeditioeal ns~ ~nd to iavNdpt~ ~ad m~ln flndlnp wd e~oomm~ad~tion~ ia coan~tloa . th~rewit6i ~ad ~ i WHEREAS, ~dd Commluion, alt~e dne la~p~ctlon~ iavatl~atiaa, ~ad ~tndy m~de by its~lt ~od !n lt~ b~hdE, ~nd aEt~r du~ coa~id~ntioa of ~11 wld~ao~ ~ad nporb ott~e~d ~t ~dd hNda~, doN ilad ~ed d~tremin~ th~ tollowla` i~ctr 1. Th~t th~ propos~d us~ i~ prop~ely on~ !oc a6lch ~ Canditioad .U~~ P~mlt b~nlhorls~d by t6l~ Cod~, to ~~; establish a motel and restaurant with on-sale liquor on sub~ect property. Z. Th~t th~ propa~d w~ wW not ~dvaNly ~it~et th~ ~djolela~ l~md ww ~nd tb~ powth ~od dw~lopm~ct oi the ~n~ in wf-ich it i~ peopo~~d to M loc~t~d. 3. Th~t th~ ~ls~ ~nd th~p~ oi !h~ ~ib peopo~~d tot th~ w~ !~ ~dpn~t~ to Wow t6~ fn11 dw~lopm~et oi th~ Propo~~d u~~ ia • m~en~r aot d~telm~ntd to th~ puticala ~ na to th~ 0~~~ bN1t6, ~~hty, ~nd pn~n! w~lt~ oi W~ CltlsNU ot th~ Clty ot Ao~hdm. 4. Th~t th~ ~natin~ ot th~ Condlttontl Uu P~emlt mda th~ aoadlWm~ lmOo~~d, U~ny, w111 eot b~ d~trlm~atd to the p~~c~, h~dth, ~d~ty, ~ad pn~nl w~lhn ot t6~ Cltlabu ot !6~ Clly et .4e~hNm. 5. Thet no one appeared in oppo~ition to eubj~cL p~ti~ion. C3•d •~' ---~ ~ ,/ ~1 ; ~,~~• , ~ ~' '~ . ~. ~ .. ... , .. . . . . . . . . . ~ ~.7 ! ' ~'c~ ~ ~. ! I ' . .~i er.;' ~ ~:. ~;,a ~~-; ` . -:~ .; . ,, , . .~ °~' ~ i L,~ "~ z, -z;:., " ;;~ f. ~y':~ )~ ~.~: :~,:~ 'r ~ ~::; ~ ~ : _ _-.- _.. _~------~ ~ p_., . , ~..Y' ' f; l ; r t, ~o uac f,~,_~ ~~1L~T tt A ~~ ~~~,~TM~. . L ~. ,,,~/ ~ • `- 1~ ~ _ ~ r.~`~ ~' t , .'. li~le Insurance and Trust Company ;~; ~~`:;:,~~~ ~'. ~,~., ,.::.,..,,~.~ ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE ~ i, ~y~;~°•~~ BOO NORTH MAIN STREET SANTA ANA , ~^,. U~~~• . ;~~~~ PHONE Ba7•3333 ', October 1~, 195~4 t:~ro~~rn~T 1Vhen rcplying rcfcr to ~.c~r~ P~;t.: Ccr~~~ntior. o°r~~. 395G3!F-:~, jr. • ~:_^~'_ C:1G~~I"~Y1 ::vci:uc • ;~.•::c:~ Gro~*e, Cuii: o::~ia Your l~o. 1,j'y.; COT` ~ ~~~..1 ~a i,L~::: L. S. Fii~le5 ~ & Do.:ling - TL~• G~llot.in;, i; a rrport of Ilir titli~ to 16c land dcscribcd in your application for n Po~icy of Tidc Insurancc, and is madc ~cilhur.~ liabiliil• and tritl~out obligulion to icsuc such policy. In nddition to any exccplions shoH•n hcrrin, and uot c;, ar~•d, thu policp, if i:.ucd, will contain conditions and ~tipulation. and al caccptions from its covcragc ns may bc requircd by thc particulnr form of policy ia~ucd. ~,.~ ~ ~ Datcd as of_Q~s'~p~~,Sa t`a~~-1'~--at 7:30 a.m. /11 ~iL '~~"" - :•~. I~~~iter, Jr. T~a~oR~~~ t'cstce: GUL~ 0~~ CC~P~ u:fiIOi•F GP Ci.LZ:~O:?.~iIA, a Dclwt•:are cor~oration. .~ 1:.,~~ptions: ~. ~, ~ _ . ' - . ~~•, . ,,~: ....:.,. t ti.:' ~__.....:_.=....~ ~ J Cil l.~iY ~C ~..'v_. v~~ :rl~~ 2Q :.Cl~s o~ t:~c wo~LlccrZy .4:.0 a~rc:^ ~ tt..; i/` .r•~. ~ J.~i 01 /tn~:tNl:':: i ; -~ : ~. ` ~~ ' :c .~~ `.' ;:c~, 1ri ~1:~ .^• y , <,,_ ~., u_ C_a;~;;~, :: i:, t~~ ~;i r::liT~r:~I.^, r..~ ner -:'p x~~c~~~cc:i1 j ,. L~~! '2, ;?~:_cN ~T ~r,d uv o: t:~~c _ll~r.c;vta: %iCC:lI`G.i, i.~ ! r:'•' ~r.r. oi ~::c c~~:::.~v r~CO~•::ez* ol L~~ I~st,~-,e2^~ Cou~.t;lr t - _ ....___ .~~.. ._...:i_:,. 'i::C• :.Jl:: i ~'~C~.CJ ~GS:4 ~i:.._`uJ=~. i~;...~ ::C~:t'i' i::::.~~ ;„'_ L? :.. ~-: :...::: ?'; ii:;; L:.::2:ex`Zy Oi ~:1:E ~'~ ~,1~~ ~~?' Gl ._ .:i.:. u~~~.::.:~ z~J~.ri~ ZI:C~: iZl tFi4~[T~ i:.~ VL'-'r:L'i:~.' If::^ a~~ ..•:,i.C~sl'i C+L~iVl ~ L'4`J :.:/ ~1ilZ~::u~~ • ''l:?lii.^.'' .: ii u::J:i:iL Gia ti:f:C C: :1:~.^.~ 1.~.Z:C: i7.~' ~ L~~=~.^.: .'':"!:f~i'.f.'~ " • :3' ' • 1~1 ['•`! ~'•..:4 I~l~~ l.vv 1::~~i.~i:~:..:~J;t .~.. ~.'._~ ' j VJt 'bj', J..i::iN~ ~~i3~/ b' V .,.:.~ ;'. _ V.2 V~."i~ C\::l~.C:1' ~.lr~ Ui r`'~ail:c~ :~ VI"~•~tr s1V '3ct1C1 l.. Vf:i..~, v ~tOi• :: :..':141;J1 '.~is ~;•:+l.i:ii.;~..rili:c~,'iJi~3 t'r fi::i`v :C:'iiS 12,~'',~ f,':~.C~C ~~~ O:l .~~'~~ti i:2 i:~::: G:.F'~~•v Q7'.~ ~''~'. CJi::lv;~ .r.-+LiL•'E:~GY' O] v,^•iG~ GCL'.i.'<~.~J ;;;:? c: :~:;~:ic i;~~: U:: ~ c:o:°-~::r.;;~.a~ cu~ae c~nc:avc c~~LC; l;; ~~~~c: ~~.~•ri~,^ ~:•a~i3z~~ at 4~J~~ ~'ecx, . r~c:iul linc to ~~fd ~~~.:7i. OCuT:r ::Ji ~~t v'c~~ ~.~C~i~ c~t~ i%^_3'~". j'~11C: CZ tJsi~ w~w~1~ ~'7~•';2 ~ee~ ulor.tT ::a:i.d c::r~e L.~.~~~;~z a ccn~ral an~3.4 ot 3~ ~=r~ 5`i°; ~tlc ice ~3:~~ent tr~ aaiit ct:z•tr~ }iorth 1Za ,;G' :Sl'~ _::~;,, I~~0.26 a'ec~, ~:;: ~c~~::~cc~ ~o t; c u~nae yv~r,t;l "r'wco6 ~ontro3 Di~tr:.c~ by c:_~c.~ i~cco~c:ec: .ebruar;~ ?, '~141 in book ~b21 S~~c £S6 oi :JS _,j::J.r^,.}. ..=i.U:"::~. ~`, .. ., .. .,,.;..,-,,,.. ~ 1~Fa' ~~, . 203 Pe~~ af t.~ . r.L` .~ ::i~Ct:t ~'._:: .u.:,:.~ ~~..o~a '~Ci L s. ~s.~a ~ ~~Ll~ ;Gi`1~ ::.1_i`=::-~• ,`.:w~il U.LSViLi~CGS ~iL T.:~~:i~V.2`: (3 ;)£tl`.^.~.1C3 Lo i':c t:c::':.e::~~y u:c ~aut-F.c~l;~ 3.ir:e~ of ioti 15 respec~~vL2;~. r:..,_._ ._,:;~ ,... ., =~ oi~ ~~trcle::~, c~Lsu•al ~ab, pinercl. rir-~izt;~ ,..., . .~_: r ~ ~ s : .: _ .._..__ ._ _ ._ ,_._._...~ _~...._.. ,...,.... ...__.-..,~.a-c,_<,r_ -- ---- -------- . _ _ -- --- - - - - - ---- - ----- - . . -. _=~ ~ ,~~..--~ - -: • _•__ _ --~ ; ~, ~ 1 ., ; , NO1Mo THEREPORF.~ BE IT RE90LVID that the Maheim City pl~nnir.g Comnission does hereby yiant svb~ect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the~following conditions which are 'hexeby found to be a necessary prerequisite :c the proposed use of the subject property in ~~der to presarve the safety and general welfare of tha Citizen~ of the City of Anaheim. 1. That the owners of aubiect property shall deed to the C'ty of Maheim a strip of Iand 53 feet in width, from the cecrter line of the street, along La Palma and Dowling Avenue~ for streat widening purpoaes. 2a That street improvemen} plans shall be pnepared and all engineering requirements of ttr City of Maheim along La Pa1ma~Avenue and Dowlina Avenue, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and pavingy drainage facilities, ar other appurtenant work shall be completed as raquired by the City Engineer in accordance xith standard pYans and specifications on file in the office af the City rnginaers or that a bond in an amount and form satiefactory to the City of Meheim ehall be poste~~ with tha City to guarantee the instailation of said engirteering require~nenteo 3. 'fhat the owner.a of sub,iect property ahaii ~ay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 52.00 per front foot along La Palme and Dowling 1lvenuee or atreet lighting purpcses• 4. That the a~-ners of sub~ect property ahall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 15« pe~ front foot along La Pelma and Dowling Avenues for tree planting purposes. +~ ?hat t aeh tora9e a e 6h a~1 D provided in accordanca with approved plane on file in the of~ice of ~he D~.rectar o~ ~ublic a1or~CSo 6. Tt~at fire fiydrante shall ba installed as raquired and detarminad to be necesaery by the Chief of the Fire~t~epartmento 7. That only one acceas point to La Palma Avenue be permitted and located near the vr~ster- :y property Iines 8. That the two southerly driveways along Dowling Avenue be canbined into one driveway of a max~ width of 30 feet. 9. ?hat a miniartmi vertical clearance. of 14 feet be provided. l0o That all interior drives be a minimu~ width of 25 feete 11~ That Condit~lon Nose ly 2, 3, and 4, ebove mentioned, ahall be cemplied with prior to t}~ t3ms that the Building P~rmit is iasuad or within a.~eriod of 180.da~s.fsam~e hereof, whichever occurs firat, or such further tim~ ae the Commiasion or City Ccuncil may granto 12. Thet Condition Ncse 5 and 6, above mantioned, ahall be compliad with prior to final building inap~ction. 13a Thet subjsct property s.:.ali b• develop~d substentiaYly in accordance with plans and apecification~ on file• with ths City.of Maheim9 marlu~ Exhibit Noso 1 and 20 Landacaping, ~on5s~un~eT~ec~aeait~icetion Noa 61-62•69 ~'14~fight Industrial and P-L, Parkir.g THE POR~OIt~ RESOLUI'ION is signed and approved by m ie 9th day of November, 1964. ~ ~ CHAIRYIAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA NG ~WAISSION ATTFS'j'i - %e~~Z~iG~/ •, g~tETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ODI~IMIISSI H ~'~ STA'TE OF CALIFORNIA ) apU(~'Y OF ORANQE ) ee• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Mn Kr~ba, Secretary of the City Planning CortQnisaion of the C~ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wae paeaed and adop+ed et a m~eting of the City Planning Coffiniesion af .the City of M aheimq held on Nov~mb~r 9, 1S64, et 2~00 0'clock P.MI.o by the following vote of the membere th~reoft Ay~q~ OOMNII39IONFASs Gauer, MlungalY, Perry, Rowland. I~pESt OOWdISSIONFRSs None. /1EggN7t fA1WIS3I0NBRSs Allrad, Camp. IN WITNESS MHFR~F, I have hereunto eet my hand this 19th day of November, 1964. ~~~~v~n/~~YZc~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANMN~i OOIWISSION Reet 1414 -2-