PC 1964-1965-1426RESOLUTION NO. 1426, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COl~QSSION OF THE CI'TY OF ANAHEII~ RECOIQIENDING TO THE CTCY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR ,BECLASSIFICATION NO. 63~64-8 HE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City P1annL-g Commisaioa of fhe City of Aaaheim did recelve a vedfied Petition Eor Recleasifica tlonfrom FANNY SHOWALTER, c/o Decon Corporation, 1633 East 17th Streets Santa Ana, California, Umer~ DECAN CORPORATION, 1833 East 17th Street, :.+anta Ana, California, Agent of certain real ~ property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; ~nd WHEREAS, the City Plannieg Commission did hold • public hearin~ et the City Hdl in the City fli M~heim on Novembbr 23~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of sdd pnblic headag 6oving beea duly ~iven ~s requlred by 1aa and la accocdsace with the provisions of the M~heim Municipol Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to heu ~nd coa~ider evidence for ~nd a~ainst sdd proposed reclaaaipc~tlon ~nd to invesUeate ~ud make Hndin`s ~nd recommmd~tion~ in ccnnactlen the:earith; and WKEREAS, ~aid Commission, ~ftec due Inspection, investieaUoa, ~ud ~tudy m~de by it~elf a~d ln !t~ behalf, ~nd after due oonaideratlon of all evidence aod cepods offaed ~t sdd headn`, does find and deteemine the followin~ hcts: 1. Thst tl~e petitioaer proposes a reclessification of the ebove deaalbed property itom the R-A~ Agricultural~ Zone to the R-3, Multiple Family Residential, Zone. 2. That the petitioner requested termination of the petition after consideration by the Planning Comnission on 8 separate occasions since July9 1963o However, since the date of filing, Port~on Noo 2 was annexed to the City and reclassified in the R-2, Zonee Therefore, recommendation is made that the Council fav.orably consider the unconditional reclassification of Po~:ion Nae 1 to the R-2, ~one~ • That the propoted roclassiHc~tion of ~ubject prope-ty is necessary ~nd/or desinble for the orderly and pco- per developmeet of the community. 4: That the pcoposed reelusi6catlon of ~ub;ect propeety does properly relate to the zoaes end t6eir pemittad uees locally estoblished in cloee proumtty to subject property and to the zoaes and their permltted u~es ~enenlly estab- lfs~ae~ throughaet !~e cem.:.ee~!;. 5. That no one apr2ared in opposition to subject petitiono Rl-A ~ ~ i S ~. - ~ , `~:t~.!'.`.• ~~ ~ -1- ; f ~ :~ ~: • ~ J ;~ ! • - _ " a ' ••,: , _ - ~ ., ~ _~ .. ' , ...?~ - z1;~ ~_.' c. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED th~t t6e An~h~im City Pl~oaln~ Commiulon does herebg recommend to t6e City Coundl oE the Gty of Aa~heim th~t ~nbj~ct Petltion for Reelusl8atlw- be ~ppioved ~nd, by w doin~, th~t Title 18-Zoaln~ of the M~heim Mnnicipsl Code b~ omeeded to e:elud~ the ~bove describ~d ptop~rty &om the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporated said described property unconditionally into the R-2, Multiple-Family Residential, Zone for Portion 1, and termination of reclassifica- tion proceedings on Portion 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed wd ~pproved by me this 3rd day of December, 1964. ~ CHAIRhtAN ANAHEIM CITY (3 C0101L1SION ATTEST: ~~~' t..c.~i"Q~ SECRETARY PsNAHEDN CITY PLANNING COM6RSSION STATE OF CALIFORNU ) COUNTY CF OR~-NGE ) ss. CiTY OF ANAHEIIN ) I, ADtt Krebsy, Secretuy of ths City Pl~mine Commi~sioa of the City oE M~heim, do hereby ceetify th~t the foea going resolution ww pasaed ~ad adopted at ~ mestin~ of the City Pl~aein` Commissfon oEthe City ot An~heim, held oa November 23~ 1964, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the fo11ow1aQ vote of the memben thereoE AYES: C01tM1ISSI0NER&: Allred9 Camp, Ga~er, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: EOMMISSIONERS: Nonee AHSENT: COMIQSSIONERS: None. IN WI1TiESS NHEREOF, I h~ve heraunto ~et my h~nd tLis 3rd day of December~ 19640 RESOLUTION N0. 1426 R2-A ~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEDI C1TY PLAl1NIIiG COIO(ISSION .~