PC 1964-1965-1427RESOLUTION N0. 1427~ SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COA~MISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEiM ~ 1NAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1670 BE GRANTED WfiEREAS, the City Plaenfaa Commission of the City of Meheim did receive a ved8ed Yetltloa for Vadaace from JOE LOPEZ, 735 North Philadelphia Street, Anaheim, California, Owner of certain real property situate3 in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Caliiornia, described as Lot No. 24 of Block "B" of Tract No. 158 : end WHEREAS, the City Planaing Commissio~ did hold e public headng et the Clty Hall in the City of Aneheim on November 23~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of aeld public henring having been duly givm es required by law ~nd in accordance aith the provisions of the Maheim Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.68,to hear and consider evidence for ~nd againet said propoeed veriance and to inveeUgate and make findings ead recommendetions in connec- tlon therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commisalon, after ~ue inspectlon, investlQatIon, aad atudy m~de by itielE and in its behelf, and after due consideretion of all evidence and repode offered es aald headng, doss Eind end deteemine the followinc f~cts: 1. That the petiUoner cequeate a v~dence from the Anaheim Municipal Code: Section 18.28.050 (3-b) wtiich requires that the square footage of the structure shall be i225 sguare feetf Section i8.28.050 (7) which requires that tt~e minim~ distance between two wain buildings shall be 25 feets and Section 18.28.050 (10•a) which requires 1} parking spacea fer each unit to. sstablish an additional 1164 square foot dwelling on subject property with 20 feet between existing and roposed structures and to provide the existing two car garage for parking purpos+~ 2. That ~he request for var~ance on Code parking requirements is 6ereby denied; that there will be a demand for 3 parking spaces and that they be provided at the rear of the property. 3. That there are e:ceptlonal or extraordiaary circumstances or conditions eppliceble to the property involved or to the Intended uee of the propeety that ~'o not apply generally to the propeity or class of uee in the seme vicinity afd zone. 4. Thet the requested vnduice ie necessary Eor the proservatloa and enjoymeet oE a eubstential propaety dght possessed by othet property in the seme vicinity and sone, end denied to the pmperty in queetion. 5• That the tequested v~dance will not be metedelly detrimental to the public welface or lnjudous to the psop- eKy or improvemmb in such vicinity end zone in which the property Is located. 6. That one person appeared and one letter was received in cnnditional opposition. ti 'd ., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aaaheim City Planning Commis~ion doe~ hereby erent subJect Petitlon for Yadance, npoa the followiae condition~ which are hereby found to be a aece~s~ry pcerequislt~ to the pra po~ed use of the subject propeety in order to pee~erve the safety and genenl welf~ce of the Citlsens of the City of Mehdm. le That the owner of sub~ect property shai: pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 15~ per front foot along Philadeiphia Streety for tree planting purposeso 2. That the damaged and/or hazardous sidewalks and c~rbs shall be repaired along Philadelphia Street, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard pians and specifications on r:le in the office of the City Engineer~ 3o That trash stc*age areas shall be provided in accordancz with approved plans on file in the office of the Director ot Puh;;: 1Morks~ 4. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 52;,00 for the new unit onlyy to be used for park and re.reation purposesy said amount to be Naid at the time the building permit is issLeda 5. That Condition No~ 19 above mentionedy shail be complied with prior to the time that thE Building Permit is issued or within a period of i80 days from date hereofy whichever occurs first, or such further time as the City Council may grant~ 6o That Condition N~se 2 and 3Yabove mentionedy shali be complied with priur to final~ buildina insoectiono 7o That sub~ect property shall be developed substantially 1n accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheimy marked Exhibit Nosa : and 2, provided, however, that three covered parking spaces shail be provided~ TF1E FOREGOING RESCLUTION is siQned and eppeoved by me this 3rd of December, 1964a / ' CHAIRMAN ANAHEDN CITY P ING COIilUSS10N ATTEST: ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQP.iVIA ) COUNTY OF ORAtiGE ) as. CTfY UF ANAHEIM ) I~ Rpn Kr9~y, Secretary of the City Pleaning Commiselon of the City of Maheim, do heeeby ce~tify that the foce- goinQ eesolution aas passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aa~hdm, held on November 23~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS:Allredy Campy Gauer, Wlungally Perry9 Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IId WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my head this 3rd day of December~ 1964a RESOLUTION N0. 1427 V2-G ~.~!~/2'~ . SECRc'fARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION .2. ; f: ; e ~ ~ ~~ ~ - -