PC 1964-1965-1434 J 1 ' ` . ! 1 RESOLUTION NOe 1434e SF.RiES 1964-ti5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING ODMIdISSION 6F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RE~MN,ENDING TO THE CITY CDUNG_TL OF THE rITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PEf1TI0N FOR RECLASSIFICATION NOe 64-65-57 BE APPROVID WHEREAS9 the City Pyanning Commission of ihe City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification from H'OUSTON Je NICKEN, '72i SoutF~ Velaze Street9 Anaheim9 CaliPornia9 OwnerY JAMES K, SCHULER, 914 East Katella Avenue, Anaheim, Caiifornia, Agent of certain real property si~uaied in the City of Anaheim9 County of Orange, State of Californiay described as PARCEL 2a 'Ihe north 146a59 feei of the south 293a32 feet of the east haif of the west half of the northwest quarter of ±he soutnwest quarter of Section 18, Township 4 south„ Range 10 west9 in the Rancho Los Ccy~tes, as per map re;:orded in book 51 page 10 of Miscelianeous Maps, in the of'rice or the county recorder of said county ; and V~HFREAS, the Ci!y Planning Commisslon did hold a pLblic hearing at the City Hall in the City ox' Ansheim on Decembe~ 7,, i964, at 2e00 0`clock PoMa9 notir.e of said public hearing having been duly given as req~ired by ::~w and i~~ accordance ~.Jith the ~ro~isions of the Anaheim Muni:•ipal Codev Chapter 18,'r29 to hea~_ ,and conyider evidance for and against said propospd rec:assifi~:ation and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WF:EREA."5, s~:,~ Cormni~:.ic~v ~rLer d::e ins~.e~:.~cr:y inves~iga;,.cr.y and study made by i!self and in its ber,aif, and after due considerat:on of ai1 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does f ind and determine i:he fol io~r•ing f act s: 1~ That the petitioner proposes a re~lassifioaiion of the above described property from the R~A, Agriculturai9 Zone to the R-3, Multip:e Famiiy Resideniiai9 Zone to establish a one and two story apartment structure~ 2e That thp Commission recommends to the Clty Co,anci:t that subject property be *eclassi- fied to the R-2, Muitiple fiamiiy Residential, Zone based on the fact that j heavier density would create uriduiy heavy traffic on one street •~r~,ich serves both the cul•-de-saced R-1 Streets to the east as weil as the deep lot~ on ~the west side of Velare Street and may develop for muitiple fami.iy residen'tial useo F'urther that Orange Avenue which will receive this heavy tra!'fic is presentl~ not deve?oped to +he fu~ll w:dth of a secondary highway> 3e That Generai Plan Amendment No~ 24 incorporating 1ow-medium density for the west side of Veiare Street was adopted by the City Council on September 1, 19(i4~ 4e That the proposed reclassifi:.ation of subjer,t property is necessary and~or desirable for the orderly and proper development or the communityo 5a 7hat the proposed reclassification of svbject property does prope~•ly relate to the zones and their permitted use5 Ioca:ly established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout the communitye 6e That the proposed reciassification of snbject property does not require dedication for and standard improvement of abutting streets because said pr.operty does relate to and abut upon streets and highways which are pa.rtially impx•oved to car:y the type and quantity of traffic, which will be generat~d by the permitted uses, in acr,ordan:;e with the circulation element of the General Plano ~ 7e That 14 letters and a petition signed by 29 persons were received in opposition9 and that one person appeared in favor of subject peitiono a NOW9 THFREE~RE9 BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahexm ('ity Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doingy that Tltie i8-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipai Code be amended to exclude the above desc*ibed propeity #'rom the R~A, Ag.ricuitural, Zone and to incorporate said des~ribed property into the R~2y Multiple Family Residential, Zone upon the foilowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of sub;ject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheimo 1o That the ewner of subject property shali pay to the City of Anahe3m the sum of $2.00 per front t'oot along Velare Street9 for s±reet lighting purposes~ 2o That the owner of subJect property shail pay to the Clty of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per front foot along Velare Street9for tree piar.ting purposese 3e That the r.ompietiun of these rec~assification proceedings is contingent upon the granting of Variance No~ 16'7io 4o That a1i drive~Nays shaT:t be s minimum o!' 21 feeta 5a That a minimum vertical clearance of i4 feet shall be provided for a minimum width of 2? feet and at coxner cut-off~< 6~ That an adeq~ate t~rn•~•aroUnd of 27 r"oot radlus or a hammer•-head be provided for trash trucks and emergency vehic:es.. 70 .Tnat Condiiion iJoso i and 29 above meniioned9 si~aii be compiied wiih prior i,o the time that the B~ilding Pe_~mit is iasued or within a pe::iod o~ 180 days from date nereof9 ~rhichever occu•rs first9 0~ such fuz•ther time as the Commission may granto So That *he sidewalks and di•:iveways shail be instal';ed along Veiare Street, as required by the City Eng3neer and in acc:ordance with standard pians and specifi~ations on Sile in the office of the City Enginee:c~ 9a That the c•urbs and gutters shali be repaired along Velare Street9 as required by the City Engineer and in ac,:ordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Enyineero l0o That ti•ash storaye a•reas sh:~'ll be prov3ded in a~coz•dance with appi•oved plans on file with the of'fic:e o!' the Disecto•r of Pubiic Workso llo That the owner of' subie~.t pruperiy sh~l'L p3y to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25000 pe.r dweiiing unit9 to be used fo•r park and recreation purposes9 said amount to be paid at the time the buiiding permit is issued~ i2o That z ire hydrants shaT'1 be instalied as x•equired and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Depa.r;.ment~ 13o That a 6-t'oot masonry waii shal'1 be cnnstructed aiong ihe north, west and south property lineso 14, That the rear and side N•aTls of the proposed carports shail be finished with exterior building materials, tt~at enclosed storage cabinets of a minimum capacity of 100 cubic feet shail be provided at the rear ~~vali of each carport, and that adeqvate bumper guards shall be provlded to prote;;t the interior. ~a11s of the oarportsa 15o That subje~t property sha21 be deveioped substen•tialiy in a~co.rdance wiih plans and specifications on fi~e with the Czt~y oi' Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos~ 1, 2y and 3, provided howe~e•r, tt~at alI develonment be limited to one st.ory in height- iha That Ccndition Nes, 4, ~, t>, R, 9, ~0, li, i3, and 14 abuve mentionedY sha;i be compl~ed with prior to fina? building insper.•tiu~o THE FOR~iOING RESOLUTION is :signed and approved by me this 17th day of December, 1964e ~"~~'' ~ ,~,~, J `,~',,,,. ~, .~ ~ C . ATTESTa CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI PLANNING COMMISSI ~~~2~in~n/ ~~c~~ip/. SECRETARY ANAHEIM C3TY PLANNING OOMMISS'ION STATE OF CALIFORMA ) ODUNTY OF ORANGE ) ssa CITY OF ANAHIIM ) I9 Mn Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission oY the City of Anaheim9 do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed ?nd adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on Decembex 7, 1964, at 2e00 0°clock PeM,, by the following vote of the memhers thcreofs AYESa COMMISSIONFRS: A11red, Camp, Munga119 Perry, Rowlando NOFSa ODMMISSIONFRSa Gaue*o ABSENTs ODMMISSIONERSa Noneo ' IN WITNESS WHERB~F, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of December, 1964, l~~~%~ /~~r~ SECREfARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~MMISSION Res. Noo 1434