PC 1964-1965-14371 ' ,` RESOLUTION N0. j437, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNiNG COMMI 6 03 OF BE GR/UVTED AHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. ~:; '.t ~ ~~ 'y ~ WEIEREAS, the City Pleaaina Commisaion of the Ciry of Anaheim did receive a ved$ed Petition for Vadnace fmm MARIA G~ HERNANDEZ, 1019 Patt Street, Anaheim, California, owner; DWIC~IiT GIFFEN and~or MANUEL C< SERRANO, 10666 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove, California, Agents of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Lot Noe 10 of Ga~esswell Subdivision ; ~ad WFiEREAS, the City Plannina Commissfoa did hold a public heedng et the City Hall in the City oE Anaheim on ~ecember 7~ 1964 ~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., noUee of said publlc hearing having been duly glven ~s requlred by laa and in eecordance with the provisions of the Maheim Municipd Code, Chapter 18.66,to he~r ~nd conslder evideece tor wd against said ptoposed vedence and to iavesUQate eed make Eindiags and tecommendations la connec- tioa theeewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commiesion, after due iespectlon, investlgetion, and study m~de by ltself and in ih beh~lf, aad aEter due consldention of all evidence and ceporte offeied as eaid hearing, does pnd and determine the followlne facts: 1. Thot the~etitioner requesta e vadance from the Anaheim Mnnicipd Code: Section 18e32o050(1) which requires that ~he maximum side yard shail be not less than 9 feet in width, ana Section 18~80,080 which requlres a minimum ilucr acea oi' :,,225 sqi:a:e :aety !o deve!op s~bject property with 7 foot side yards and a minimum floor area of 918 square feete ~, Thet there ere exceptloael or e:treordiaary circumetaaces or conditlons appllcable to the pcoperty involved or to the intendad nse of the propecty thet do not apply ~enenlly to the property oe cl~ss oE use ia the same vieiaity and zone. 3, That the cequested verioace is necesaary for the pceeecv~tioa ~nd enJoyment oE a substaadal pwpeRy daht possessed by other pmPedY in @-e seme viclaity a-d sone, end denied to the pmperty in question• 4. That the caluested vedance wlll not be mateddly detriment~l to the public welf~te or InJudous to tl~e peoP erty or imp~ovaae3: ir~ :aah vtc~~!!; _r.d ea!~~ in Which the oeoP~v is loc~ted. 5o That the maximum side yard may be reduced to 5 feet, comparable to the -~-i, 7.one in order that the existing tree might be preservedo 6a That no one appeared in oppasition to subject petitiona Vl-G -1- .1, ~;_. - -- . . - - - - ~ <, ~ ,,:, .~ ~ ~--, ,~ ~ ' NOW, TNEREFORE, HE IT R£SOLVED that the Meheim City Planning Commisaion doea hereby grnnt eubject PeUtion for Vadance, upon the following conditlons ahlch are heroby found eo be a necesaery prerequisite to the pro- posed use oE the subject propeety in order to preserve the safety and general aelface of the Citizens of the Clty oE Maheim. 1. That the owner of sub,ject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 30 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Patt Street, for street widening purposeso 2a That the owner of sub,jsct property shali pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Patt Streety for street ::ghting purposes~ 3e I'hat the o•amer of subject property shail pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15Q per front foot along Patt Street, for t:ee pianting purposeso 4„ That the owner of subject property sha;: pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of S25v00 per dwelling units to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is jtisuedo 50 7hat Condition Noso i, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the timE that Lhe building permit is issued or Hithin a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such rurther time as the Conunission or City Council may grante 6~ That subject prcpe~±y shal: be developed substantially in accordance with ptan~ and specif;cat:ons or~ fiie wiiii the City of Anaheimy marked Exhibit Noso i, 2, and 3a THE FOREGOIIVG RESOLUTION is aigned and approved by me this 17 of December 1964e ATTEST: r ~ ~ i CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C1TY P NIIdG COMMISSION _C~~ vn~/~2~,~i SECRETARY ANAHEIM.CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORI~IIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ee. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ A17g+:14eEb~y. Secretery of the City Plennieg Commieelon of the City of Maheim, do hereby cecdfy that the foro- going resolutlon wes peseed end adoptod at a meeting of the Clty Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held oa December 7~ 1964y at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp9 Gauery Munqall, Perry9 Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. II~1 WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuato eet my hand this 17th day of December' 1964 0 RESOLUTION N0. 1437 V2-G / A G~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~ ' ~ 1 :~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -•-