PC 1964-1965-1484~ . ; -, t~ ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1484, SERIES 1964-65 t A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNINfi COMMLSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDI~ . RECOD~IENDIIV(i TO THE CIT'1" COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEAb TFIAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-73 8E APPROVED NiHEREAS~~h~ Clty Plw~ln~ Commiuion of ths City of M~hNm d!d initiate a verifisd Potition for Rscl~asaifi~atl~~dn certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of.Galifornie, deacribed as that portion of Section 17, Tormehip 4 South, Range 10 Weet, ih the ~o San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shorm on a Map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Mlif~c'sklari~oi~s Maps, records of Orange County, California, described as follows~ Lots 3 and 4 in Blxk A of Tract No. 13, as ahown on a Map recorded in Book 9, page 12 of Mtacellaneous Maps~ records of Orange County, California, (For the purpose of this description, the Westline of said Lot 4 is assumed.to be the centerline of Brookhurst Street and the North line of said ~~ Lots 3 and 4 fs asaumsd to be the North line of Lincoln Avenueo) Excepiing therefrom any portion 1~'~;•t,,. reof lying Nithin L3nColn Avenue and Hrookhurst Street, including that certain area of road ;~'~~~,~ement granted to the City of Anaheim by deed recorded April 8, 1964 in Hook 6994, page 859 ~' Official Records of Oran e Count Caliiorniao Pro ert owned b+ Ben Hur 011 Co. ~~ittier Slvdo, Whittier, Calife~ Paul Jo Knaak, 1751PSe Ea Skyline Drive, Santa Ana, Calife~t nd Dors Acreage, 1160 South Street, Long Beach, Califo ~ and ~ WHEREAS, the City Plenaing Commieston did hold e publlc headng et the Clry Hall In the City of Aneheim on January 4~ I965~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of aeid public headag hnvIng been duly given as required by law and in accordaace with the proviaiona of the Maheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear aad consider evl- deace for aad egainet said proposed rodaesificetioa ead to investigate and make 8ndinge and recommeadeUoas ia _ coonection therewith: and WHEREAS, aeid Commieeioa, efter due inspection, inveatlgation, and etudy mede by itself aad in ite behalf, and aher due consideretion oE al! evidence and repode offered at said headng, doea flad end det ,r,mine the followlog fects: 1:Thatthe Planning_Commission proposes.the reclassification of the above described pronerty from the R-A9 Zone to establish an existing ser"vice station and other coamiercial businesaes as a conforming use to the C~19Zone. 2. That..an-.amendment to the General Plan is deemed unnecessarv, necause the size of . the..}~arcel proposed for reclassification would not generally affect the City's policies in this area. 3. That the preseat.use of sub~ec:t property is a service station and other commercial bnsinesses. \ 4. That th++ service station was established under Conditional Use Permit No. 5I4, ',~'othlar...cnmmercial businesses ur~der County zoninge ~ • 5.That Conditional Use Permit Noo 514 and Variance Noo 699 be terminated. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub,~ect petition. / ~ Rl•A ~ a00R CONTAAST FOR MICRQFILMIpa`Iy` --- i -- _--- -_ i -1- ' , i; i ~~ ~~ J NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the An~6dm Citp P'l~min~ Oomdwlon does henM eeoommead to the City Oomcil oE the Gtr oE Ae~heim ttut ~abi~ct PWtion foe R~clwiSation be ~ppeoved ~md, by w do1nQ, th~t Title 18-Zoaia~ of the Aa~hheim lfuaidpal Code be ~mendad to aelude the ~bove descrlbed piopaty fiom the R-A, Agriculti~isl, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zdne, unconditionallye „~ ~ 3 ~ 1.~ ~t ~d ~nd m~ t6l~ 14th da of Jenuary~ 1965. ~ TN6 !'ORl~GOlNO Rt10LUTlON W ~towd bl Y , . i ~'GG~t~'~~l^'~~. :~ . CHAIIiMAl1 MiAHF~I CITY ~ANNIIiO COMIItaStON ATTEST: . C~~~ secx~r~r ex~auc cn~r p~n~a cwmssrox STATE 0!' CALA~'ORIM ) COUNIY CF ORANGE ) u. C1TY OF ANAHLrW ) ~ ' I+ -•~pl~- ~Y oi th~ Ciqr Plm~lo~ Caamiwlon ot t6~ Gqr ot An~hds, ao h~nby pe~r th~t eh~ ton- ~oln~ raolaHoo wn pw~d ~ad ~dopt~d ~t ~ mMlia~ ot t6~ Ger Pl~oel~~ C~i~~ion oi fM Citi oI Au6de. h~id a~ January 4, 1969, at Z:00 o'elodc P.M.~ by th~ followln~ vot~ oi !b~ iMb~ t6~ ~ AYES: COIpOSSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOEB: COW~: Nons. AHSENT: COIqD~S1o1fERSa None. ~ IN piTNE~.911E;dR8A~'~ I fulw h~to ~k my l~ad t~l~• 14th day of January, 1965. ~~~~C.G~'Q~ iaCRlTARY At1AHZ01 QTY Pi.ANIl~IG ~YQOlt ' Ra30LUTI0I1 H0. 1484 ' , RZ-A •~ ~, ~ w ~ ~ .t ~ :~ ; - ~