PC 1964-1965-1485{, `~ V RESOLUTION NO. 1485, SERIES 1964-~F A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNING COAtAtISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIbI RECOMHENDII~iG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHF.IA1 THAT PET1Ti0N FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-74 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the Clty Pla~aina Commission of the City of M.heim did ~initiate a verified Petition for Reclassification on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ described as that porticn of Section 17, To~rnship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de San~ta Ana, as shorr- on a Map recorded in Book 51, oage 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, described as folloxsi The West 210 feet of the North 195 feet of Lot 4 in Block B of Tract Noo 13, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 9, page 12 of Miscelianeous Maps, records of Orange County, ~aliforniao (For the purpose of this descriptian the West line if said Lot 4 is assumed to be the centerline of Brookhurst Street and the North line of said Lot 4 is assumed to be the centerline of Broadrray.) Excepting therefrom any portion thereof iying Mithin said Broadway and Broakhurst Streets, including the portion conveyed for road purposes to the City of Anaheim by deed recorded November 16, 1960 in Book 5513, page 229 of Official Records of Orange County, Galiforniao Property owned by Gulf 011 Corporation of California, Wilshire 011 Company of California, 727 West 7th SLreet, Los Angelea, California, 90017, 9 and WHEREAS, the C:tq Plrnniag Commicsion did hoid a public headag at the City Hell in the City of And-aim o0 Jdnuary 4~ 196~, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., notlce of sald public headng heving been duly Qivea u required by law ~ad in accord~ace wlth the pmvistons of the Maheim Muaicipel Code, Chapter 18.72,to hear and conaider evi- dence for ~ad ~piaat s~id propoaed reclnssificadoe nnd to investigate and meke findings end recommeadations in oonaectioe thetewltl~: ~nd WHEREAS, sdd Canmissioa, a(tee due laspectioa, iaveeti~ation, and study mede by itself and in ita behalf, a~d aEter dne coasidmtiaa of dl evideace aed repods oHered nt aaId headng, doea find end determine the Eollowing f~cU: 1.Th~tthe P',~~njng Comm{s~ion ~TO(N15PS the rP~l~sslfication ~F +he above described proper±y from the C-3 and C-19 Zones to establish an existing service statior as a r,cnforming use dee~i restricted ~o a sarvice station or any C-1 usee to the C-1, Zone< 2. That an amendment to the Generai Plan is deemed unnecessary, because the size of the parcel proposed for reclassification would not generally affect the City's policies in this areaa 3. 7hat the present use of subject property is a service station within 75 feet of a singl~r family resldenceo 4. That the existing use was established under Condltional Use Permit Noo 413. 5. ~nat no one appeared in opposition to sub,ject ~~it:a~~o ~ Rl-A -1- ~ _ ',• . ~ ~.~ ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, HE Tf RESOLVED t}iat the An~)-eim Gty Plm~ini Coeai~sion doss ya~bp eecommead to t6e Citq Conadl of t6e City of An~heim that snbJect Petitia- f~r R~clwi6atlon be ~pprovad ~nd, bp w do.in`, t6~t TiBe 1&ZoalnQ of the Maheim Mnaidp~l Code be ameeded eo euclnde the ~bow deicribed propaty feom the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial~ and C-3, Heavy Commercial, Zones, and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zones, unconditionallye THE FOREGGIIIG RESOLUTION i~ slQned ~nd appcoved by ~e this 14th day of January, 19650 ~ - ~ . ' CHAIRMAN ANAHEW CITY P d CO~ULRSION ATTEST: i~~2'.C~i~tJ SECRETARY ANAHEII[ CITY PI.ANNIIdG COlINISSION STATE OF' CALI~ORHi~A } COUNTY CF OR~idE ) u. CITY OF ANAHEDiI ) I, AtilUdGue~y~, Secretaey ot the City Fl~anin~ Commission of the City ot M~6Nei, do h~nby ~Mitr t6~t t6t fon- gola~ rewluUoa wu pused ~nd adopted ~t a meetin~ of the City Pl~nnin~ CommL~ion of th~ Gtp ot Aa~6Nm, hdd oa January 4, 1965, ~t 2:00 o'ctock P.M., by the follo~vinQ vote uf the memba~s th~of: AYES: COAtMISSIONERS: AYlred9 Camp, Gauer, Yunga119 Perry, Rowland. N0~3: C06MSSIONERS: Noneo AHSENT: COA(MISSIONERS: Noneo IN WCENESS IVHEREOF. I 6~ve henmto ~et my h~ad th!^ 14th day of January~ 1965. ~~~ SECRETARY ANAgiF.n( CiTy pLApNII~iG COIOIISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1485 R2-A .Z.