PC 1964-1965-1494e ~ ~-, ~ ~.l RESOLUTION NO. 1494, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PI.AbiNII~iG COWISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDiI ~ RECOf~q1ENDWfi TO THE C1TY GOUNCIL OF 1HE CITY OF ANAHEDI THAT PETI'TION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-78 ~ ~ppRpy~ WHEREAS, the Clty Pl~ania~ Commisdm oi th~ Citq of An~hNm did cec~iw ~ vMflod Petltioa tor R~claui8ca~ tionfrom HAZEL R. EPICBNS, 821 South ICnott Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owner; GREGORY E. JAA~S;, 96i1 Maureen Drive, Garden Grove, California, Agent nf certain real property situated in ttle City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ 5tate o~ California, described as the south 35 feet of Lot No. 4 and all of I,ot Nos. 5, 6, and 7 of Tract No. 743 ; ~nd WtiEREAS, the City Plamia` Commissioa did lrold ~ public hwdn` ~t the Clty H~11 in the Clqr of Aa~heim on January 18' 1963~ ~t 2:00 o'clodc P.l[. notice of sdd pnblic hNeia~ havin~ M~n duly ~lvea ~~ eeqni~d by law ~nd ia accocdanae a1tL the Provid~s of ths Aaa6Nm llnnidpd Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to 6ur ~nd coa~id~Ir wld~nce for aad ~ainst edd ptopaed teclaniHc~tion ~nd to lnvestipte ~nd m~ks 8adiap aid eeoommwd~tions in conn~ctlon the~ewlthi a~d tAHEREAS, sdd Commisdaa, ~ft~r dn~ in~p~ctlon~ iawstlptlon~ ~nd ~tndy m~de by 1bdE ~od ia its Mh~lf, and ~Rer due oonsidewtion of ~11 evidaace ~nd ceporb offeced ~t sud haein~, do~s ~nd ~nd debemine the toAowia~ hctr. 1. Th~t t6e pdtitiooer peo~~es ~ eecl~aiSc~tion ot t6e ~bove de~cri~ed property from the R-A, Agricultural, Zone to the C-1, General Commercial, Zone to establish a coin-operated car wash and a'service station at the intersection of a primary highway and a local street. 2a That the proposed reClassification is in conformance with the General Plan. 3. Th~t the pcopos~d eecl~algc~tlon of ~snb)ect prop~cly ls a~ca~~eq ~md/or dainbl~ tor t6e oed~efy ~md peo- per development of the commuqity. 4e Th~t ths peopo~ed nelu~t8c~tion of ~nbJect propeety~ dAa pcop~rlr nl~b W t6~ soa~ ~ad thNr p~emittsd ~ee 1op11y aat~blished ia clo~e proYimity to snbJ~ct ptopeety ~nd Eo t6~ soaN ~nd t6Nr pamitbd n~~s pneallq s~t~b- lished thronghout the commnnlty. 5. That the proposed reclassification of sub,~ect property doas require dedioation for and.standard.,improvement of abutt~ng streets because said property.does.relat8 to and abut upor+ s#xaets.-and highways which are proposed to carry the•type and quantity of traffic, which will.be.generated by the.permitted uses, in accordance with the circulation element of the general plan. ~ 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subJect petition. , t : .. ~ ~ :4%;;r., . . Yiy~, ~ i .~ ~ _ .. , ~ ' ~,,* ~ NOw~ THBRSF'ORB. BQ !P R6SOLVSD tD~t tM M~6~lo Ctb Pl~~t Oodipb~ as~s 1~'~67 nooam~ed bo t~ Ciq- Qo~aoll ot ttie Clqr of A~~bN~ ll~t wbl~ct PWt~aa 6or iE~dwleo~tio~ b~ ~~d rd. h7 so doin~, ~'IY~I! I~Z00I0~ O~ ~M AM~lL MOOICI~I ~f ~~ b liClll~ !~! rDON AMQ~~ ~r ~tOm ~~ R-A, Agricultural, Zoae. and to incorporate :aid described ~~ropsrty into the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, 2one, upon the follo~ring conditions whxch are htr~by found to be a neces4ary pre- requisite to the propos~d use of subject property in order to preserve th~ ~afety and general welfar~ of the ci!isans of the City of Maheim~ 1. That the ormer of subi~ct proplrty ahall deed to tha City of Maheim a strip of land 53 feet in Nidth, from tt-e ce~~~r line of the street, along Knott Street, for stree.t widw~ing purposes, including a 15-foot radiua corner reEurn. 2. That ~#~-~oMaat-of sub~~ct prop~rty shall dted to the City af Maheim a strip of land 32 f~et•in Midth, fr~ the c~nter lia~ of tha street~ along Savanna Streat, for atreet wid~nir~g purpos~a. 3. That stre~t i~aprov~+nent plens shall be pr~parad and all ~ngineering requireme~ta of ti~e-Citr of Mah~is ala~g Kaott Stse~t.ond Savaona Streat, auch as curbs ar~d gutt~rs, sidewalks. sLr~et graaing and paviag~ drainac~ faciliLies,.cr oth~r.appurt~nent work s~all M aoopleted a4•~+quir~d by the City E~yin~r; ar that a bond.in.an amount and.£crm satisfactory to the City of ~4aahaia~.~ha11 be poated with th~ City to guaraniee the installation of said MginQesirx} . raquic~nts.' 4. Thet thr o~ner of subj~ct ~ron~rty shall pay to the City of Maheim th~ a~ oP 52.00 p~r front foot along Krmtt 9t:N# and Savanna Street, for strQet lighting purpoa~s. 9, That tAe owner df subj~ct prop~rty shall pay to the City of Maheim thQ sum of 15~.psr front foe: along KnoLt Str~et and Savanna StrMt, for trea plantinq purpos~s. 6. That Conditfon Nos. 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5, above mentioned, shall be comp lied with withia a.pariod of 180 deya from the dat~ har~of, or such further time as the City Counc:l may grant. 7, That sab~act proparty shall ba deve.lop~d subatantially in accordanct with plans and spacif ications on fil• with th~ City of Mah~im, mbcked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2s and 3~ provided however, that oniy on~ 36 foot acceee driv~ to Knott Avenue be provided. lBased on a study and rtco~nendation by the Traffic Engineer.) 77tE FOR6d0IIf0 RE~OLtITION b sip~d ~~ppeowd br ~~ Ws 28t ay of Jenuary, 196~. ~ . . cHea~ux urrwea~ c« e c~aao~x ATiFST: ~ %~'~~~ ~~~~~~a~ STATE O!' CALilOfQM ) COt1If'IY C1~ ORANGa ) w. GTY OF MtAH601 ) I, ~,zh~d(~. S~ent~r ot tlw d~r Pl~nin~ Ca~oiaiaa oE Ca~ dtf o[ Auti~, do b~ ~ tluit th~ toea ~ eMOl~tlan w~s pw~d ~sd ~dopNd ~t ~~ d t6~ Citp ~Irals~ Cariulas ot e6~ dt~ ot A~Mi~~ 6dd m January 18, 1%5~ ~~ o'~ p~~ til ~~~~t ~«~ ot W~ ~M~ tY~wo~ ~yg,g; pp~pp~ypKp~; Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perry, Rowlend. NOES: C0190~0~: ~ ~~• ~T. ~~: None. at ~TNE4S ~pp, I ka~ h~+m~o Nt n Nsd ehls 28th day of January, 1%5. RFSOLII'ti0tf I10. 1494 ' ~~ ~•if~ SECRETARY A1fAHE~ C~'PY PI.ANIIIIIQ OOIOI~DIt RTrA -~-