PC 1964-1965-1508_ ~ ~ ~ _.__,.~_...- ..~ RESOLUTION N0. 1508, SEP.IES 1964-65 , J• A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANN~G COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ~-NAHE~1 THAT PETITION FOR VARIAIIQ N0. 16~9 BE GRANTGO WfiEREAS, the City-•Placaiag Commission of the City,st Aaahoim did netlve a vedfled Petitlon for Vulance ~ ROBHRT C. AND A. MAE HROOKS, 1609 Humor Drive~ Anaheim, California~ Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Lot No. 44 of Tract No. 14 ; and WHEREAS. the City Plaanin` Commissioa did hold e pabllc headna at the Cltq H~11 la the Clty of Aa~hetm on February' 1~ 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of sald public heacin~ h~vleg beea duly Qiven ~s eeqnired by law aad ia accoed~nce with the provisioas of the Aoaheim Muaidpal Code, Ch~pter 18.68,to 6e~r ~nd consider evldence 6or ~ad ~QeLut said p~oposed v~ri~ace aad to inveetiQate and make findla~ md recommead~tions ia coaaec- tion thereavith; u-d WHEREAS, ~dd Comml~doa, after dne iaspectlon, inveatlaatioa, and ~q~dy m~ds by ib~lf ~nd ia it~ beh~lf, aad atter due coasideratioa of dl avideace md repods offseed u sdd heulaQ, does $nd ~ad deteemine the followia~ f~cta 1. That the petitioner requests a vadaace from the Aaa6elm Mnaicipd Code: Section 18.28.050(3) which r ires that each dwelling unit have not._less than 700 square feet; and Section_18.2f3:050(6-b) wh~h requires that the side yard shall be not less than 12 feet, to convert an.existing single fsmily residence into two apartments, one of which has 670 square feetf and a main sntrance 10 feet 8 inches from the rsorth property line~ 2. That thete aee exceptioad or extnotdlnoey drenmehaces or conditioa~ applicable to the ptoperty lavolvad or W the iateadsd we of the pcopeetq th~t do not apply ~anenlly to ffie propaty or cl~u of nse ia We s~me viciaity aad zons. 3. That the reqnested vuitace is necessary for the pteseivation aad eefoymeat of a subst~mtl~l pcoperty deht posse~sed by other propeety in fhe .same vicinity aad sone, aad deaied to the ptopeety in quastlon. , 4. That the reqnested veriance wIIl aot be materially detrimeatal to the publlc aelfa[e or inJndous to We q~ eity or improvemeats in snch vicWty! ~nd sone ia which the property is located. 5e That one person appeared i~ opposition to sub~ect petition. b ,t~• '.'I , • ~ F`, . ~ `: ,= t._-:: ~ ` 1 ~ t~ !~~ ~~ --- i ,..- l~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion does hereby gcent snbject ~ Petition for Variance, upoa the folloaing conditions wMch are hereby fonnd to be a aecessary pcerequisite to the pra t poaed use of the anbject property in order to~ presecve the eafety and geaeral aelfete of the Citlsats of the Citq of ~ Meheim. • , 1. That curbs and damaged and~or haaardous sidewalks shall be repaired along Philadelphia~ Street, as required by the City F:ngineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifi- ' catieas..on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. 3. That the owners of subjact hroperty shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 525.00; per chvelling unit; to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued~ 4. That Condition Nos. l and 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building.inspectione 5. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2, provided, how- ever, that all constructiun be brought up to present building, electrical and piumbing code. THE FO4EGOIIQG RESOLUTION ie signed ead approved by me tLis 11 f February, 1965. i ' CHAII2MAN ANAHEIM CITY PL ING COM6QSSION ATTEST: Li4~'2~/!~V ~~~i'C.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIId CITY PLAI~NING CObiMISSION STATE OF CALIFOI2NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Anir~Kirb~b6~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commiesioa of the City of Aneheim, do 6ereby cedity that the fore- going reeolution was pessed and edopted at a meeting of the Cfty Plaaalag Commissioa of the City of Aaaheim, held on February 1, 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the foIIowing vote of the members thereof: AYFS: COl~YQSSIONERS: Caotp, Gauer,. .Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: C06aNISSIONF.RS: None,~ ABSENT: CiiE~AIISSIONERS: NoF-e. ABSTAIN: ~NOaIISSIONFRS: Allred. IIQ WTfNESS WHEREOF, I have heceuato set my hend Uils llth day of February, 1965. L~~2~/L.~ /~~~~C%~ SECRETARY ANAHEDN CITY PLANNING COA~IISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1508 V2-G _~ E h ~ . . . . . . .. . - ' ~ ~ ..~.".~t: . . . . . .. . . . . ~ - . ..