PC 1964-1965-1516•~.. ~ .'~ ~ ~ l) RESOLITTION N0. 1516, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE QTY PLANNII~iG COIOQSSTON OF TEiE CITY OF ANAHF.~i RECOIANENDII~iG TO THE CITY COUNqL OF T~E ~OF ANAHED[ THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. b4-65- ~~~~ WHEREAS, the City Pl~oain~ Commisslon of th~ City of An~helm did eeoai~e ~ nd8~d Petltlon for Reclwi9d- cionErom COSTA M¢SA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 1859 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California, Owner~ DAVID W. HOOK, 1786 West Lfncoln, Suite A, Maheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the North 2.88 acres of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter ~i the Southeast quarter of Section 7, Township d South, Range 10 West, S,B.B, 8 M, ; ~nd WHEREAS, the City Pl~ania` Commisdon d!d 6old a poblie he~da~ ~t tbe Citq HW ie t6e City of An~hWdm oa February 1, 1965, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of sdd pablic 6e~da~ 6wls~ M~a dnly ~iven ~~ reqai~d by laa and ia ~ccord~ace wlfh the pcovision~ of t6e Aa~heim Mmidp~l Code. (~~pta 18.7'l, Eo he~r ~od constda evidence for aad aQ~ia~t ~dd ptoposed eeclwi9catlan ~od to invasd~ ~d o~ke Hndin~ rmd ~oommmdotion~ in caenection therewith; ~nd WHEREAS, sdd Commiuim, dtac dne iaspedioe, ln~laa, ~ed stad~ m~dt b~ iWIE ~nd in ib behalE, aad eRer due consideratioa of ~11 evideac~ ~nd npoets ofhred ~t uid M~da~, dou Snd ~od d~t~ine the foUowla~ f~ch; 1. That the petitioner propo~es ~ ncLwiScaHoa oE t6e ~bove dMaibed peopatp 6oe th~ R-A, Agricultural Zone to the G 1, General Commercial, Zone to establish a two-story store and office building. 2o That although the proposed use, if approved, would not be consistant with the strict interpretation of land use symbols on the Generai Plan, it ~onstitutes such a minor deviation that no immediate amendment to the Plen is necessary, however, its relationship to the existing Generai Rlan symbol will be considered at the nent annual review. 3• T6~t the propos~d :eclusi8eatton of snbj~d pcopnt~ is neoe~s~ snd/a da~irable tor the ~:alq ~nd peo- per developmeat of the oommmiity. 4. ?hat the propos~d reclassification of subjett property does require dedication for and standard improvement of abntting streets because said property does relate to and abut upon sireets and 'nighways which are proposed to carry the type and quantity of traffic, which will be generated by the permitted uses, in accordance with the circulation element of the General Plan. ~.-' 5. That the petitioner stipulated that the drive-in service buildings will be operated for carry out service only. 6. That no one appeared in opposition tn subject petition. Rl-A -1- .~ Y r / \•~ NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED tli~t the M~hdm Gty P'l~osia~ Coeaission doas heeeby cecommeed to the Citq (:ouodl of t6e City of An~heim th~t subiect PetlUon Eor R~e1w19cWon be app~ov~d ~od, by w doin~, that Title 1&ZoNaa of the Aa~heim Yunlcipal Code be amended to adnde t6e ~bove describ~d piopntq feom the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporate said descr;bed property into the C-1, Gen~ral Comnercial, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite tc the proposed use of sub~ect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Maheim: 1: That the owners.of eubject.property shall deed to the City..of Maheim a strip of land 60.fee# in width, from the center line of the street9 along Brookhurst StTeet, for strest widening purposes. 2e That s+~eet improvement pla~s shall be prepared a~d all engineering requirements of the City of Aaaheim along Brookhurst Street, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street gsading... . and paving, drainac~e facilities~. os other appurtenant work shall be.completed as required by the•, City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file.in the office of the City Fngineer; or that a bond in_an-amount and form satisf actory to the City of. Maheim shall be,postec} Mith the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 3. That the.oaners of subject property shali pay to the City of Maheim the sum of $2.90 per front•foot along Brookh~st Street, for street lighting purposes. 4. That •the amers of subject property st~all pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 15a per !, front foot along Brackhurst Street, for.tree.planting purposes. 5. That the completion of these r.eclassification proceedings is contingent upon the grant- ing of Vasiance Noo 16R4, 6e That Condition Noso 1, 2, 3,.and 4~ above mentioned, shall be comrlied with within a period nf 1Fi0 days from date hereof, or such further.ti.me as~the City Council may grant. 7. That sub,~ect property shall be developed sabstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of. Mahe.im, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. R, That the proposed drive-in service.buildings shall be operated.for carry out service only, as stipulated by the petitioner. 9. That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abutting stre~ts, prior to final building inspection. THE FOREGOIIQG RESOLt1TI0N ls sigeed ~ad ~pprovad by me this llth day of February, 1965. ~ , CHAIR~IAN ANAHEDd CYfY PL II~I(i COIOIISSION ATTEST: .%~.~2%~!~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIVG COlIMISSION STATE QF CALIFO:tIdIA ) COUNTY CF 0l2ANiGE ) ss. CTfY OF ANAHEDY[ ) I~ l~r$eeKx~ Secrehcy of the City Plamiae Commissioa of the City of M~heim, do hereby cedify th~t the foca QoinQ resolutioa was pas~ed ~ad ~dopted ~t ~ meatiu~ of the City Ploaeia~ Commission of the City of M~6eim, held on February 1~ 1965, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.1M.. by We foAowlee vote of t6e membees thereof: AYES: COA~IIISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perry, Rowlande NOES: C0111lISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IId ^1TNESS WHEREOF, I have 6aeunto set my h~nd t6is llth day of February~ 1965. RESOLUTION N0. 1516 ' SECRETARY ANAHEDN CiTY PLANNIIIG CONNISSION R2-A -2-