PC 1964-1965-15314 . _ _ _. ._ . _ , f~, • ~ } ~ ,~ RESOLUTION NO. 1531, SERIES 2964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C[1'Y PLANNIIQd COIOQSSION OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEDiI RECOlQtENDIDtG TO THE CTTY CdtTdCIL OF THE CTfY OF ANAHEDi TNAT PETff[ON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-93 ~~pp~~ WHEREAS, che clcy ~i.nntn~ commi.•ion of ~he Ctey oE ~n.hetm dtd rece~ve . v.etg.d peclaon for [teci.ssiec.- tleuErom Ti~ ESTATE OF JONPIA Ko WARE, ROBERT K~ WARE, EXECUfOR, 720 Highway 395, Fallbrook, California, Ownery STEPI~N F~ GALLAGI~R, 105 North Claudina Street, Suite 305, Anaheim, California, Agent, of certain real p=operty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranga, State of California, described as Lot No, 30 of Tract Noo 3300 ; ~nd Nt1EREAS, the City Pl~nnin~ Commisalon dld hold ~ pnblic hMdn~ ~t the Gtr Hdl ln th~ Clty of M~heim oa February 15, 1965~ ~t 2:00 o'clock P.ri. ootice ot ~dd pabllc 6Nela~ h~vtn~ bNn dnlr ~Iwn u roqnind by 1~a ~ud in ~coord~nce with the provldon~ of the Ae~6elm Mmicip~l Cod~~ C6~pbr 18.74, bo 6Mr ~md con~idec wid~nc~ (or ~nd ~`dast ~a:d ptoposed nclwl6c~tion ~ad to investls~te ~ad m~ke 8ndiap ~nd e~m~ndWon~ in coonection ~~iw; .~a WHEREAS, sdd Commis~iao, ~tter dn~ iasp~ctian, lnvatlption, ~ad ~tndy m~de by ib~lf ~md la lh b~6atf, ~nd ~ftec due consida~tioa of ~11 wideace ~ed ropoet~ oft~red ~t sdd he~rin~, do~t 8nd ~nd d~t~eafne th~ telimrln~ (~eb; Residen~al,heZone ~o t.he~C~ ~ G n,e ag~Commercia~ Zonye~to~estab~iish~a oneRstor~ynofficely bLildinqo 2~ That the proposed reciassification is con=idered in conjunction with General Plan Amendment No, 5i. 3 ~ T6~t W~ peopo~~d recluaiflc~tion of inb)ect peopnty 1~ n~sary ~md/or dalnble Eoe the ord~ely ~nd pro- per developmaat of the comm~mtty. 4.Th~t t6e praposed nclusi8c~tion of snbJ~ct propeety doa peoperly relab ta th~ soaa and t6eirpeemlttsd we~ loc~lly est~bllshed la close pe~imitp to ~nbJect propety ~nd to the sones ~nd tbeir p~emitbd we~ pnu~llp estab. Ushed throu~ont the commnaity. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property daes not require dedication for and standard improvement of abutting streets because said property does relate to and abut upon streets and highways which are improved to carry the type and quantity of traffic9 which w:il be generated by the permitted uses9 in accordance with the circulation element of the General Plane 6e That no one appeared in opposition to sub,ject petition. Rl-A .1. ~~ ~ ~~ ~.~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t We An~heim City P1m~nL Commit+ion doe~ bMbY m°mmead to the City Camcll oE the Citq of Maheim t6at snbjact Petition for Reclassi6atlon be ~ppeovad ~ad, by w doln`, th~t Title 1&Zoain~ of the Aaaheim lllunidp~l Code be amended to a~clude the ~bove desalbed ptoputy fiom the R-1, One-Family Residential, 2one, and to incorporate safd described property into the C-1, General Commercial, Zone, upon the folloNing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general r+elfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim~ lo That the compietion of these s•eclassification pioceedings is contingent upon the granting of Variance No.. 1686. 2. That subject property shali be developed sub~tantially in accordance with plans an~ specificatior~s on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, provided however9 that the masonry walls proposed shall be stepped down to 42 inches in height in the fxont 25 feet of the sou±h and west property lines. 3e That ail air-~ditioning tac~lities shaii be properly shielded from view from abutting sireets, prior to final building inspectiono THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is dgned ond appeoved by me this 25th Februa=y~ 1965e CHAIIt11AN ANAHEDI CITY P a C01QIL43ION ATTEST: f ~4~~(/ / ~~ s~~ ~J _ _ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CTfY PLANNING COlIMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNU ) COUNTY CF OR~INGE ) as. C:TY OF ANAHBII! ) I~ Ann Ki eb~, Secretuy of the Gty Plannine Commi~sion of the City of M~heim, do 6ereby certiEq th~t t6e fore- gotag resolutioa was pused and ~dopted ~t ~ meetin` of the City Plainlae CommLsioa of the City of M~6eim, held on February 15, 1965 ~ et 2:00 o'cloclc P.M., by the following vote of the memben theeeof: AYES: COltAlISSIONERS: ~~Ps Gauer, .Yungal:, Perry, Rowiand. NOES: COI~!lSSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: CONIQSSIONERS: Ai lredo IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I 6eve heceunto se,t my haad this 25th day of february~ 19650 RESOLUTION N0. 1531 ' ~1 ~ 1i~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANN'ic+l'a COl01ISSI0N R2-A -~