PC 1964-1965-1532. . ~• ~ 1 i _~ RESOLUTION N0. 1532, SHRIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY PLANNIIVG COlOrQSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM '!flAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 16~ BE GRANTED WHEREAS. the City Pl~ming Commiuioa of the City of M~heim did receive ~ vecl$ed PetiUon for V~rlance from I'F¢ ESTATE OF JONNA Ko WARE, ROBHRT Ke WARE, EXECUfOR, 720 Highway 395~ Fallbrook, California, Owners STEPF~N F. GALLAGI-~R, 106 North Claudina Street, Suite 305, Anaheim, California, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Lot No. 30 of Tract No. 3300 ; ~ad WHEREAS, the Cicy Plwelae Commission did hold a pnbHc headeg ~t the City Ha11 la the City oE Ae~heim on F~bzuary 15~ 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of sdd public hearinQ havin~ beea dnly Qivee u ceqnlred by l~w ~nd la ~ecoid~nce alth the pcoviaion~ of the Meheim binnicipd Code, Ch~pter 18.68.to he~r ~nd coasider evideace for ~ed ~e~iest ~dd proposed vai~nce and to investigate ~ad m~ke fladines and eecommmdations in coneec- tiaa theiewith~ u~d WFiEREAS, said Commlulen, aRet due inspcction, investleatlon, ~nd study m~de by itaelE ~nd !n ih beh~lf, and atter due coasidentiaa of all evidence and repotts oHered ea sdd hearin~, does Elnd aad detemiiae Wa followin~ f~cts: i, 'fh~t the petitioaer requests e vedaace from t6e Ma6eim Mnnicip~l Code: SeCtion 18.40.070(2-a•2) wi-iCh requires that the minimum setback on a local residential street shall be 10 reet to permit development of one story office bailding with a 5*oot setback. 2. T6~t there aee ezceptioad or exhaordin~ry dtcumst~nces or conditloas ~pplic~bls W We ptoperty ievolved or to the iatended nse of the pcopedy that do not ~pply Qeaenliy to the peoperty or cl~u of we ia tbe ~~ae vicinity aad soae. . ~ Tfiat the requested wri~nce is neces~~ry for the presecvation eed eajoyment of o snbstaitid groperty d~ht pwsesred ,~ otEa propeety la t6e s~me viciaity and soee, .na a~~~a co the propeRy ia que~tioa. 4. Th~t the reqnested vartance will not be m~teddly detriment~l to the pnbSc welf~r; or lnjudous to tLe p~op~ eRy or improvemeab in snch viclaity and zwte ia ahich the propecty is loc~ted. 5. That in accordance with Codes Section 18.68.070, waiver of the required wall on the east property line, where subject property faces R-1 Zoned property, is herebv granted, based on the fact that a clear view of cross vehicular traffic would be obstructed if said wall were constructed. 6. That n~ one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Vl-G -~- ,~~ ~_} t) NOW, TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Maheim City Plaaniag Commissioa d~ t~ sit~e to the i ra Petltion Ior Vadaace, upoa the follcaing conditions which are herobend g neral aelfareoE the CiU~sea of the City of posed nse oE the subject property in order to preserve the aefety Anaheim. 1. That this Variance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 64-65-93e 2a That trash storage areas shall be providedriorato~finalebuildingpinspections on fiie with the office of the Director of Pubiic Works, p 3. That subject property shall be deueloped subetantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of M aheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, provided hoarever, that the masonry walls proposed shall be stepped down to 42 inches in height in the fro~t 25 feet of the south and west property linbs. 4e That all air-conditioning facilities shail be properly shielded from view from abutting streets, prior to finai building inspectione THE FOREGOIIQG RESOLUTION is signed n~d appcoved bp me thi~ 25t of February, 1965 e / . CHAIRMAN AN~FIEIMI C1TY II'1G COINIRSSION A1"fEST: Gz~..~~~, o.~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIld CITY PLANldII1G COb1AlISSION STATE OF CAL1FO1tNI~ D COUNTY ON ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebsy SecretuY oE t}-e City Plannia~ Commission of th= City of M~heim, do hereby ceRify that the forr golag resolution aas passed oud2 ~ o'clock P.Me.~, by the Eolloaving vot~ of the mmemss~f ~~ECity of Ana6eim, held on February 15, 1965, AyES; CO~ILSSIONERS: Camp, Gauer, llungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: CObIb1ISSI0NERS: N~• ABSENT: COIIUYIISSIONERS: ~lired. IId WTfNESS WHEREOF, I heve herennto aet my haad this 25th day of February, 1965. RESOLUTION NO. 1532 ~~~~ / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CObQMISSION V2-G '~'