PC 1964-1965-1560~ • ~ ? ~ . ~~ ~::~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1560, SERIES 1964-65 s I ; A RESOLiI'fION OF 1HE C1TY PLANNIIQG COB~I~QSSION OF THG CITY OF ANAHEIIN . THAT PETTfION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1691 gE GRANTED WHEREAS, ffie City Pl~neing Commiesion ~f the City of Anaheim did receive e vedfled Petition for Variance 5om CHARLES L. BARNARD, 2346 Mall Avenue, Anaheim, California, ~wner~ SAL A~RAZ, Forcier Construction Company, 8742 Oceanview, Orange, California~ Agent~ of certain real properxy situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ described as Lot No. ]9 of Tract No. 2001 ; aad WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiseion did hold a pnbllc hearing et the City Hell in t1e•~ Clry of Anaheim on March 15~ 1965~ ot 2:00 o'clock P.M., aotlce of said public hearing heving been duly given as reQnlced bq law aad ln sccorda~nce alth the pmviaions of the MaheLn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and coasider evideace foc aad ~gdnst said proposed vert~mce aad to inveatigate aad make findings end ~ecommeadatioas in connec- tlao t6erewith; ~nd ~ WHEREAS, said Commission, etter due inspectlon, investigetion, aad stndy made by itseif and in ite behelE, md ~Ra dne coasideration of all evldence aad repods offeced ae eaid headng, doea $nd and deteemine the folloaing f~cts: 1. T6at tLe petitlo~ner reqaests a varlaace from t6e Aeaheim Muaicipal Code: Section 18.24. G30(3-b) which established the minies~m requised i tance~between an additian to an existing structure and the rear lot line; Sectio~ 18.24.030 ~2~ which Established a..minimum side yard of 5 feet; and Section 16.04.110 (4) which stipulates a 40;K maximum coverage of the rzquired rear yard,to permit an addition to an existing structure to within 7 feet of the lear lot line. 2. That thaa aie ~ceptional or extraordiaary cinvmstaaces or cor~diUone applicable to the property involved or to the iatended we of the property that do not apply generelly to the property or cl~s~ of nse ia the same vicinity ~nd wne. ~ 3. Thot t6e ceqnested wriaace is necessary for the preservatioa and eajoymeat of e~nbstantial Pmpeity dQht posseased by other property ln the seme vicinitq aad sone, end dmied to the property in questIon. 4. That ffie ceqnested verience avlll not be materially det~imentel to the public welfere or iniudone ta the peop~ ettY o* impiovemmts in sneh vidnity aad zoae ta w6ic6 the propetty is located. • 5..ThaL.the graating of.suh~ect variance.shall.not set a precedent for any future similar requests that might be made for the area in question. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. , Vl-G -1- ~ . -~._.-~ ; . ~ '. 4 ~ / ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aaeheim City Plaaning Coamissioa does hereby grant subject Petitloa for Vadance, upon the following conditioas which are hereby found to be e necessery pcerequisite to the pro- posed une of the anbject piopecty in order to proserve the safety ead geaerel welfere of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. le That sub3ect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Maheim, marked Exhibit No. 1. THE FOREGOIIIG RESOLUTION is signed aad approved by me ffiis 25 of March, 1965. r / ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIIN CITY PL G COMb1iSSI0N ATTEST: • !''~.-'~t/L- ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAtQNIIdG COd~ISSION STATE OF CALIFORMA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIIH ) I, ~nrr:~,rebg.~ Secrecary of the City Plam3ng Commissioa of the City oE Meheim, do hereby cattfy thet the foro- goiag resolutioa aes pessed ead adopted at a meetiag of thc~ City Planning Commission, of the City of Aneheim, held oa March 15~ 1965~ et 2:00 o'olock P.M., by the folloaing vote of the membe-s theceof: AYES: COM~lISSIONERS: Ailred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, )dungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMIMISSIONERS: ~One• ABSENT: COIV~IISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WliEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 25th day of March, 1965. RESOLUTION N0. 1560 SECRETARY ANAHEIAI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G -2~