PC 1964-1965-1586~~ - .. ~~ l~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1`'~, ~EEIES 1964-us A RESOLUTIOIv OF THE CITY PLANNING COIdI~ISSION OF THE CI'fY OF ANAHEIIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERbIT 683 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Pl~aniea Commissi~ oE the City of Aaaheim aid receive ~ veeified Patitioa for Conditlon~l Use peemit Eran B. E. B. GELKER, WILLIAM H. RIFFLE, ROBERT Le ROF~tER, AND WILLIAM H. CLINE, 1660 East First Street, Santa Ana, California, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the East 120 feet af the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the horthwest quarter of Section 27, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, as shown on a Map recorded in ~ook 51s page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California~ Excepting there- from the Northerly 30 feet ; aad Wl~EREAS, the Gty Plannlag Commi~eion did hold a public headag at the City Hall in the City of Aa~heim oa April 12~ 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., aotice of said p~blic hesrlna havlag been duly ~ivsn as required by law ~nd ia ~ccord~nce aith the pcovisions of the M~heim Municipal code, Chepter 18.64, to hear and coadder evideace for and aQdast sdd proposed oondlUoaal use and to investigate oad make findinp and recommendatioa~ in conaectim- therewith; and WHEREAS, ~~id Commiesioa, aher dne inapection, inveetigetion, and study mede by itself wd la its behalE. ~ad ~fter dae oon~identiat of all evidence ead repods offered at said headng, doea find aad determine the toAopinQ fads: 1. That t6e ptopoeed use is propaly oas for wWch a Coadltion~l.Use Peemit is outhodsed by this Code, to wit: establish an on-sale liquor establishment in con~unction with an existing motel with waiver of the req~;red parking spaces. 2. Th~t the proposed use av111 not adverselq affect the odjoiaina l~ad nses rad the Qeoath ~nd dwelopmeat of the ~eea ia p6ich it is proposed to be located. 3. Th~t the slse wd ~hape of the ~ite proposed Eor the use is adequate to allow the full development oE the proposed use ia ~ manaer aot detdmeatd to the particul~e erea nor to the pcace, health, saEety, ~nd eenenl welfue oE the Citisene of the City of Aaaheim. 4. Thet the granting of the CoadEtional Use Pe~*~it under the conditions impoeed, if any, will not be det¢imentd to the peace, hedth, eafety, and general aelfare of the Citlaene of the City of Aneheim. 5. That.under the authority of Section 18.64.070, waiver of the required twelve parking spaces to permit nine parking spaces is hereby grantede , 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl-G -1- `i ~ ~•~ ;,~' ,y, :x -~ `i4t Q ~k ~. :r ~:e ~~ w ~P r, t ; t _. . ....._ .n.~r~.:_-efm.:.:>s:z -~:;,,-•:.~,c,~;:r-.~•~Y~:.r;.-.::.:~ ~ ~~~' . ti ~,~ ~ NOw, THEREP'ORE, BE R RESOLVED th~t the Ao~h~lm City ~l~nala~ Commissioa does heroDy ~at snbJect PWtlos foe Caidltioa~l Use Pu~elt, apoa the followln~ coaditions which ue 6eeebq `onad to be ~ aecesury precequiaite b tAe peopoa~d w~ ot th~ sab~~et prope~ty ie oed~r ~o pre~eeve the s~fety ~ad ~enenl welf~te of the Cidse~s of the dtp ot M~6N~: 1. ThaL trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with tAe office of the Direator of Public Xorks. 2. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by thQ Chiof of Lbe Fira Depaztment. 3. ?hat Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building i~spection. 4. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Meheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 'ME lORE~iOU~i(i RESOLUTION 1~ si~oed ~ad ~peowd by me this 22nd day of April, i965. ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PL G COItM ION Pro Tem ATTEST: ~ SnCRETARY ANAHEIIi CCfY PLANNDd(i COIOIISSION S?ATE OF CAI.lP'ORNIA ) COqNTY OF ORANtiE ) ~s. CRY 01r ANANE01 ) 1, Aan Kreb~, S~a~hry ot t6~ dty Pl~aale~ Cammission ot the City of An~helm, do heroby eertify th~t tb~ toe~oln~ w~ol~ios w~s pis~~d ~sd ~dapt~d ~t ~ mNtla~ of t6~ Gty Pl~nala{ Commb~ion oE the City of Aa~hNm, Mld aa April 12, 1%5~ ~t 2:00 o'eloek P.M.. by th~ EoAowln~ vot~ oE th~ m~mMes th~reok ~y~; ~pp~g; Laaip, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland. NOeS: COIOiQSSIONER3: NonQ. ABSENT: COIOOSSiOI~IER3: ~llred~ Mlungall, Perry. Di w!'RiESS w1tERE0F, I 6~wha~mto s~t my ha~d thl~ 22nd day of April ~ 1965. RE90LU'Pi0li NO. 1586 ~ /~~~"~~ SECItETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNMG COMNISSION C~G -~-