PC 1964-1965-1604`~ 1 ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1604. SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIi(i CO1~Q!QSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIlI~ RECOMMENDIIVG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEiE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETTfION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-109 gE APPROVED WFiERF:AS. the City PlaaninQ Commissioa oE the City of Aaeheim dld receive n verified Petitioa for ReclassiEica tionfrom ELBIA HALL, 3518 West Oran s Avenue, Anaheim, California, O~vner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as that portion of the west half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 13, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as per m~p recorded in book 51 page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as followse Beginning at the southwest corner of said west halfs thence East 214e50 feet along the southerly line of said west hal` io a point West 450000 feet from the East line of said west half, said point being the true point of beginningq thence norther.ly 365~00 feet parallel with said East lines thence westerly 79e50 feet parallel with said southerly line to a point East 135s00 feet from the West line of said west halfq thence southerly 3155~00 feet parall^1 with said West line to said southerly lineg thence East 79e50 feet to the true point of begin- ning~ EXCEPT the North 141000 feet thereof ~nd WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did hold a pubiic headng at the City Hall in the Ciry of Meheim on April 2 6~ 1965~ et 2:00 o'olock P.M. notice of aaid public headng heving been duly given ae required by law and in eccordance alth the provitioes oE the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18;72, to hear end rnnaider evidence for and agalnst aaid ptopoaed reclas~iHcadoa ead to investigete and meke findings and cecommendatione in conaection thecewith; end VYEiEREAS, seid Commiasion, ofta due inspection, inveetigatlon, and atudy made by itaelf aad in ita behelf, end after due coneidaetion of ell evidmce end repoKe offered at seid headng, doea find and determine the following fects: 1. Thet the petltloner propoees e reclansiAcetion of the above described property from the R"A, Agric~tit~~ral, Zone to the C~i, General Commercial, Zone to estahlish a 9oy and c•!. hospita;~ 2~ That the proposed reclassffication is in ~:onfo_roance with t!~~ Genera: Plano 3• Thet the propoaed recleasiUcation of subject property is neceesery and/or desireble tor the ordecly and pro- per development of the commuaity. 4o That the proposed eeclaseificaUon of subject propetty doea p~operly rolete to the aones aad thelr peimitted usee locelly eetabliehed in close proximity to subfect property and to the zonee end their permitted uaee generally esteb- lished thn ~ghout the communiry. 5e That the proposed .reciassification o£ subjer.j p:operty does not :reqt:i:.e additional dedication but does require standard improvement. of =,but',:.rg ,~Tee+.s because said p.roperty does relate to and ebut upon streets and highways xhich a:~~a propused.to cari•y the type and quantity of traffic9 whlch wi11 be generated by the permittad use~, in ac:oz•dan~e a~ith the circulation element of the Generai Plano 60 ?hat no one appeared in opposition to sub3ect petitzon~ Rl-A ~1- ~ - t,? ~l NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED lhat the M~helm City P'l~onlat Commisaloa does herebq recommend to the Cit~ Couecil of th~ Gtq of An~6elm that subject PWUon foc Rkia~st$c~tlon be ~pp~ov~d ~od, by ro dolas, that TYBe 18-?.aafa~ of t6e Aa~hNm Munidp~l Codt b~ ~ded to atcinde the ~bove deecrlbed propertyr feom the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, General Coimoercial, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim: lo That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Fublic Works, prior to final building inspectione 2e That subject property shaii be developed stubstantially in accordan:e with plans aud specif icatinns nn file with.the City of M aheim, marked Exhibit Nos,, Z, 2,•and 3. 3. That the completion of these reclassification procee~ings is contfngent upon the completion of the conditions set forth in the grantin5 of Conditional Use Permit Noe 629e THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ia siQeed aad q>proved by me thia 6th da of May, 1965e ~ ~ . CHAIRMAN ANAHEIhI CITY PL 1Nd COl~AfISSION ATTEST: C~~ SECRETARY ANAHEM ClTY PLANNING C01[MISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF OR~INGE ) u. CITY OF ANAHEDI ) I, •Ann Krebs, Secrotary of the City P1~nainQ Commiseioa of tLe City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fora goIag taolution ww pused aad adopted at a meettag oE We City Planning Commission oE the City of Aa~heim, held on April 26~ 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followlna vote of the membeis thereoE; AYES: COI~IISSIONERS: Allred,. Camp, Herbst, ~lunyall, Perry, Rowland,. NOES: COIUIQSSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: CWtIOSSIONERS: Gauera II~1 Wl?NESS wfiEREOF, I 6ave haeuato set my haad this 6th day of May, 1965~ . , ; ~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEI6! QTY pI,AriNII~IG COl~IIISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1604 • ~ ( , ; R2-I~ .~ a j ~ ~ ' i ~ i , ; , . ~ ~__'~