PC 1964-1965-1608 ~ ~ ~ ~~l t- RESOLUTION NO. 1608, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUT[ON OF IHE CTfY PLANNING COYM~SION OF THE CI'I'Y OF ANAHED~I RSCOIdENDIIiG TO THE CITY COUNCII. OF 75t1E6QTiOF BANFpAPiR01~lED PETITION P'OR RECLASSIFIC/1'flON r0. = t ~{gR~AS~ the Cit~ piwiin~ Commissioa ot the Gtp of M~hefm did initiate a verified Petition for i Eteclassifica:lon on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Countr of Orange, State cf California, described as beginning at a point on a line parallel with and distant F~5'arly 50.0~ ieei, as measured at right anglas, from the centerline of Euclid Street, formerly ~,,,cclQn Grwre Road, adjoining said lot on the west, distant 200 feet southerly, as nieasv:•ed at ~-- right angles, from the centerline of Ball Road, adjoining said lot on the north~ thence easterly parallel to said Ball Road centerline, 150 feetR thence northerly, paraliel to said Euclid Stree centarline, 150 feet to a point on a line parallel with and distant southerly 50,00 feet, as ~ measured at ri9ht angles, from said Ball Road centerline{ thence westerly along said lest men- tioned parallel, 135.14 feet, more or less to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave south- easterly and havir.g a radius of 25.00 feetR thence southwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 89°25'40", an arc distance of 39.02 feet to a point on said first mentioned parallel LineR thence southerly 135.14 feet, more or less to the point of beginning ;and Froperty rn+ned bys 2obert Pannier, et al, 11611 Euclid Street, Garden Grove, California~ WFIEREAS. the C-tY F1~nainL Commissloe did 6old ~ pnbllc he~tia~ at ehe Gty H~ll ia the City of And-eim on April 26, 1965~ ~t 2:00 o'dock P.M., aotice of said poDlie heaia~ hwin~ b~ea doly ~iven ~s eeqnircd by law ~md in ~ccoed~uce with the provisions of the Ana6eie Mmlc[p~l Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to he~r ~nd coasidec ev[- denee for ~ad apin~t sdd peopo~ud tecl~ssiffc~tios ani to inNStipM ~ud mdce Hndiep ~ad rocrommeadaUons ia conaectioa thecewlth: ~od IPHERBAS, add Commiuloa, ~Rer dne insp~etioa, inwstliatim, ~ed stady m~de by ib~lf ~nd in ib behdt, w ond ~Rer dae ooosidention of dl evideace ~ad c~poR~ oKered ~t sdd heain~, doe~ 8nd ~cd Mteemine the Eollowia` f~cts: 1,Th.tthe Planning Commission proposes the reclassification of the above described property from the R-A, Agricultural, Zone to establish an existing service station as a conforming use in the C-1, Zone. 2. That an amzndment to the General Plan is deemed unnecessary, because the size of the parcel proposed for reclassification would not generally affect the City's policies in thia area. 3. That the present use of subject property is a service station within 75 feet of R-3 zoned property. 4. That the existing use was established under the jurisdiction of the Countye 5. That no one appeared in opposition to sub,~ect petition. Rl-A -1- :~ i ~ ~ ~' t :~ ~'~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED th~t t6e An~heim Gtq Plamine Commissioa does hecebq eecommend ta the City Cd'nacil of the City oE Maheim th~t tnbJeet PetlUon for Recl~ssl9cadon be ~pproved and, by so doing, that T:::e 1&ZoNne of ths Anoheim Muaidpal Code be ~maaded to ezclude the ~bove described pmperty hom the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, General Commercial, Zone, unconditionally~ THc °GREGOING RESOLUTION ia eigned and approved by me this 6th v of Mayy I9t5• 1 ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY ING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~'~ SECRETARY ANAHEIIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORANGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEDd ) I~ Ann KrebS~ Secretary of We City Plaaniag Commission of the City of Aaaheim, do hereby cerUfy thet the foce- going reaolutioa was peseed aad adopted at e meetina of the City Planaing Commieafon of the City of Meheim, hdd on April 26~ 1965, at 2:00 o'clxk P.M., by the following vote of the membere the:eof: AYES: CONMISSIONERS: Camp, Her.bst, Munyall, perry, Rowiand~ , NOES: COII~SSIONERS: None~ AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Alired, GaLPr~ ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hand thie 6th day of May, 1965 ~ 1 ~ ~~v ' SECRETARY ANAHEIbI CI'fY PLAN~IING COMMISSION , RESOLUTION N0. 1608 • R2-A -2-