PC 1964-1965-1629_ ~~ . , . .i ; ~ RSSOLi7IIaN NOo 15299 Series 1964• 65 A k:SOLUTI0P1 OF THE CITY PLAivNiN(i GUMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RE~AMMENDING TO THE CITY OOUNCIL OF ~ THE r:.i7Y ~F pNA~I'r_TM TFiAT GrNFRAL FtAN AMENDMEM' N0, 57 RE DISAPPROVFD WHEREAS, ihe City Cour,cil cf the City of Anahelm did adopt a Generai Flan by Reso!ution Noe 63R•-869, sho•ning th? generai description a+~d extent of lanr~ uses with,in the City and ir.dicating the present belief of the City Council as to possible future development and redevelopment of land within the Ci.ty~ ~nd wiiEREAS, tte Cit•y Planning Commissia~ cf the City of Anaheim did receive ,~a~:rie9 Petiticns for Reclas,iFication Noo 64m65 l?.'1 and Conditional Use k'ern~iL ~tiu~ 700 ti~r,~cr pe±it:ons have impiications on poiicies as ex~ressed on said.General Plan; and WHFR~S, in ccnjurctiun witn t.l~e natice of the I.earing on said Reciasai- fi.cation arid Ccr~ditionai U~e Fermit9 not:ce was also given rega*diny the c~:nsideratio~~ of an amendR,ent to Lhe General P;an ir. the gene*al location and vicinity of subject property of said reclas~ificat.:on and conditional use permit;.and Wli~REAS, the City Planniny Cummission did hold a public he~ring at the City Hall in the City of M ahei.m on May 10, :9659 at 2aQ0 0'clock PeM.9 notice of said public hearing having been duly given as req~,ired by law and in ac~o:•dance with t`:e provisions of the Anaheim Municipai Codey to hear and consider evidence far and against. said Amendment to the General Plan u~~~ Sai~ N~GNuSEJ F2~iL~G:~ f0~ R@GiiiS:a:i~iL'd~~'i0i~ u,i~ .~iu:l~iti.l~77i~1 U~e Perm:t to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection ihere- with; and WHERi:AS, said.Commission after due inspection9 investigation, and st.udy.made by itseli and in its behaif and after due consideration of all evidence and repoits offered at said heaxing9 DO&S HEREBX FIAID 1. That the present general description and ex.tent of land uses.in the aforementioned area adequately represents past and current City polic3as regarding possible future development of said general area, described asa generally bounded by a line 650 feet west of Sunkist Street on the west, a line 200 feet south of Waaner Avenue on the south9 °' Sunkist Street on the east9 and W:gner Avenue on the northe •' 2e That no evidence was }~resented at said hear,ng which would justify the City Planning Commission recommending a change in the above-mentioned policies to the Clty Councilo 3. Ttat Exhibits "A" and "B" of Genera: Plan Amendment Noe 57 '*,~~ r~ not constitute an acceptable alternative to current policies as illustrated on the General Plan. ~~ , ;[ ~ ~ ~__ ~ _-. . a _ ~ .. -. . ~ i ; ~ NOW, T6F_REFORE,. B~ .? Ri:SOL'J~ the~ the Gi±y Pianning Commis~~ion of the '•:_t~ oi Ar.a;~eim .~oas ~~~°aby re~_~mmend tc the City Councii or" the City oi Ar,.i}~eim {hat _•u:~je::t. Carerai P.ar, Amendment be d:sapproved on ±he basis o~ ±i:e a:'c*emer.tio~ed °.ir.d~ngs~, THE FORf~OsNG RFSOLt~iION i~ ~ic,ned and a~,p:~oved by iiie this 20th day ~ of May, i965. Y vl , , CuAIRM rANAHF.IM ~ITY PL ING ~MMISSION ATPEST~ ~~ ~ ''_;..-( ~ ? "_1 n c'`^;'f~.2.~~' SFCA~TA~:1 ANAF?EII~ GI?Y PI.ANNItJ3 COMMISSION STATE OF CALIE~RNIA ) rAUM'Y OF ORANGE j ;s., CITY OF ANAHEIM j Iy Mn Krebs9 Se:_etary of the Ci*_~ Pianning Commission of the City of Anaheimy do he:eby certify that ihe fc:ego:ng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Pianning Commission of the City of Anaheim, he.id on May i0y 1965s at 2°C~ C~c'~o~k P„M~, by the foiiowing vote of the members thereofe AYESs GOMMISSIONERS~ A::~edy Campt Gaser~ Herbst, Mtmgaily Pexryy Rowland, IV~ESa COMMISSION£RSa None,. ABSFMs WMMISSIONFASs None.. IN WITNESS WHFREOFa I hare hereUnto set my hand this 20th day fo May, i965~ : ~ ~~~ i ~ C/!/ 1/~-"r". ~' / ./ (. ~' ~/, - , 3ECRETAAY ANAHEIM ~~:Y PiANNIt~'i OOMMISSION i i Reso Noa 1629