PC 1964-1965-1644_ f _ ~ RESOLUTION N0.- 1644, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTfY PLANNMG COIQQSS[ON OF THE QTY GF ANAHE01 THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERIRT N0. IQQ SE DENIED r., ~nqz 41 i{ ~- 1IHEREAS. t6e Gty Plrain~ Commiuion oE the Gty of An~heim did ncviw ~ ved8~d Petitlon for Coaditioad Use Pe~mlttrom ROBERT L. PpNEK~ 1725 Chateau, Anaheim, California, Owner, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Qrange, State of Celifornia, described as Lot No. 1 of Tract No. 2381 ; and NHEFEAS, t6e Ciq Pla~aln~ Commiwlon did hold ~ pnbUc 6a~rln~ ~t the City Hall in the City of M~heim oa ~y 24, 1965~ ~t Z:00 o'dock P.N., aotlce of sdd paWic 6tidn~ h~vio` beep duiq avsn u~eq~~ 5p 1.w .na ia .ccoea.nco w~~, c~e provi.iaas of ~6• ea.6.~m trunid~ coae, Ch~pter 18.N, to he~r ~nd coa~ider evidence tor ~nd ~pinst sdd proposed coadltload nse aid to inve~tipt~ ~ad m~ke 8ndin`s ~nd ncommend~Uons ln conaeMioa theeeaith: a-d WFiEREAS. Wd Commi~aiou, ~fta dne ln~p~etton~ iav~sti~~tlon~ ~d ~~y m~de bq itself ~nd in its behalf, ~ad after due rnesidm~tion oE ali wldeac~ ~md espcnti ofEered ~t uid h~rin~, doN $nd ~nd d~teemine y~e 5ollowie~ f~ 1. 'IU~t t6~ ptopo~ed nse i~ properly oae [or which ~ Conditloaol Ua P~emit 1~ ~nt6orised by this Code, to wit: establish an ambulance service in conjunction with use of a single fami:y residence as a homee 2• That the proposed use will advarsely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. ?hat the proposed use would introduce cow~uerciel use of a street'primarily designed for residential purposes. . 4. That the Commission has previously denied co~enercial use of residential structures in close proximity to sub,ject property, and to grant sub,ject petition xould be granting a privilege not enjoyed by others in the same vicinity. ' 5. That six persons appeared in oppoaition, representing eleven persons present in the Council Chamber, and two persons appeared in favor of subject petition. d Cl-D -1- ,J ~ ~ , 4 , • :i ~, . i: ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that d-e Aaahelm City Planniag Commission does hereby deay subject Petltloa tor Condition~l Uie Pennit on the buis of the aforementioaed fiadlags. THE FOREGOIIQG RESOLUTION is siened ~nd approved by me.this 3 y of June, 1965. CHAIRM ANAHEI6[ CTfY P G COMMISSION ATTEST: r~ SECRETARY ANAHEDi! CITY PLANNIIQG COMMISStON STATE OF CALIFOItNIA ) COUNT'Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secret~ry of the City Plamiae Coamisetoa of the City oE An~heim, do hereby certi{y thnt the fore- `oin~ resolution wu pu~ed aad ~dopted ~t a mesdn~ of the City PlenninQ Commis~ioa of the City oE pn~heim, held oa Map 24, 1965, , at 2:00 o'clodc P.IN., by the following vote oE the membe~s thereof: ,;i AYES: COItlIISSIONERS: Camp, Gauer, Herbst, )dungall, Perry, Rowland. ~ NOES: COl1lQSSIONERS: None. 4, ~a ~` ABSENT: COh~ItISSIONERS: n11Ted. ~ t~ II~i NTfNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereunto ~et my h~ad this 3rd day of June, 1965. RESOLUTtON N0. 1644 /r~ ~%~i~/ SECRETARY ANAHEDN CITY PLANNING COMAQSSION C2~D _~