PC 1965-1966-1700RESOL,UTION NO, i70U, SEiHif:; 1965-6G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF 7'HF CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERM1T.690 g~ GRANTED .a~ . , t ~ WH~REAS, the Clty Planning Commiselon of the City ot Mahefm did receive a veritied Petitlon Eor Condltlonel Use Permit trom JAI~~i 'I'. PALM, 1635 ~outh State College f3oulev~~rd, Anaheim, C~litornia, Uwner; CURTIS A. [.ENTZ~ ~739 Van [3ipber Aver.ue, Uranye. G~lifornia, Ayer~t of certain rea] aTO~P,Tty siLuated in the City of Anaheim, Couniy of Ur, ~ge, 5t~ilc~ of C,ilifornia, desr.ribed as lhc~lportion of Lot 5, Tract 71, as shown on a map i.l~ereut, recorded ln book 10, p~-~~~ ~?, Misc~l.lilll@OUS M~.+~,s, records of said Ur~nge County, lyiriy Southwe,t.erly of the ~outhwe~stei llne of the A~chison, "!'opeka and Sanlci Fe Railway Company riyht of way, and lylny tJortt:~rest.arly ot the cent.er line of Kat.ella Avenue, s~id center line being desr.ribed as f~ollows: B~~;inning ~~t, the S~uthwest corn~r of fraction~~l Section 24, Cownship 4 South, Rang~ 10 West,, in the Hancho San Juan Cajon de ~<anta Ana, as shown on a m~+p t.hereof, recorded in t~~~ok `~1, page ]U, Miscell~~„~~uus Map;, records of sai~j Uranc~e County; t.hence South 89°Q5'2~" East 41~~..~'~ feet to the beginning of ~.~ t.angeni, curve con- cave N~rthwesterly h.~ving a radius of 100U.00 feet; thence PJorth~asterly rjlony saicj curve throu~~h a cent.r~i1 angl.e of ~11°06'2`~" ~ dislance ot Jl"l.45 f~~~~t to a tangenl. line; thence NorLh 49°Q8'15" East tu said Southwesterly line of the Nt~hi,on, 7cpeka and Santa Fe Railway Compar i•iqht „i wa y ~~ uci WNEREAS, the City Pl~nning Commiesion did hold a public heoring et the City Holl in the ~ity uf Ane!teim on Ju 1 y L 9, 1965 ~ et 2;00 o'clock P.M,, notice of seid public I~earing having been duly given es eequired by low end in nccordence ~vith the pruv~sions of the Aneheim Municipal code, Chepter 18,G4, to hear end conslder evidence for end egainst seid proposed conditionol use end to investigate end make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter duc tnspection, inves'tlgetion, and atudy mode by itsr,lf ~nd in its behalE, and after due consideration of all evldence and repotts offered et satd he~ring, does fird end determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use ie properly one for which e Conditional .UsC Permit is euthorized by this Cade, to W-t: estabiish a three-story office building, rest-.~~,rant and cockt.ail lounge, and automobile service center on subject propert.y. 2. Thet the preposed usES arv compaCible .3n~i wi11 not advers•e:y ~ffect the ~djoininy land uses anu the growth and development. of tl~e area in which it is proposed i.o be located. 3. Thet the eize and shepe of the site proposed fo~ the use is adequate to ellow the full development of the proposed ~~se in ~ m~nner not detrimentel to the perticular area nor to the peace, health, sefety, and general welEere o[ the Citizens of the City ,f Anaheim. 4. Thot the granting of the Conditionel Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wi(1 not be detrime•,tal to the peace, health, saEety, and generel welfare of the Citizens of the City of An~heim. appeared ir opposition lo subject petition. -1- ~x * - ~ ---- _--- -- . `T_-"^'°'~~------~^-•--....~.,~~_d~.~._- -~..-....~..- --.-~~.~_ ~ ~J ~~ ~ \ n i ' _t NcJW, fFIL'FtEFURE, I~I: I'f f3f:;;~1.VE:l) i.h~~L Lhe Afl~3flr~(:~, Gity E'!,~nnirig Cornm' ~sion does !ierek,y grant subjer,~ Petition for Con~iiCior~al Us~ I?Pi'R11C. ~ipon ttie followinc~ :, ~;iditions which are I~iereby founc! to be .~ f~n,C(?;,~~I~y pr,,I•~,qut;it.e t.o the proposed use of tli~ sub,jecL E~roEerty in or;~er t,o ~~res~rve the s~~fet:y ~ind gener,~l welfare o( Llie Cit.i;;en, of the City of An~heim: 1~ ~1'hal, t.he owners of sub)ect propert:y sliall p:iy to Lhe City of Ar ~heiri ihe sum of ~%'.00 per front fc~ot alony Katr.ll.~ Ave~~i~, for ~~t;z~e~t lighting purposes, :'. 1~hat Lhe owners c~f sub,je~;t propert.y ,h~~ll p~.~y to t.he CiLy of An~;hc~im the ;~am of 15c~ per (ront ,ooi alonc~ K.~tella Avenue, for t.l•ee plantiny piirposes. ~~ ~~~~~~~ the c>wners of subject property shall ~Jeed t.o t.f~e Urang~~ Co~.~n~y Flooci•C;onl.rol I:ist,rict ~;trip of land of sufficient wiclt.h for the 5~u'.I,~ ~st Anaheirn ~`~innel (:-•12), alo, ~ t.he northwesterly property line. 4~ 'I'1-at the~ vehicul~~r ~ccess t.o K~~LeI'~i Aven~.ie sh~~il be dr_dic:~ted ?,~ t.he C;Ly of An,,l~ei~ii for a dist~ir:e ~~f' 575 feet me~~s~.ired alor~g th~r ~~nt,erline of Kat,r 1;~ Avenue and extending west.erly from ihe centerline of tf~e maln track of thf A„';.r~S.}~, f2.H~ 5. ~I'hat the siclewalks and driveways sh~~ll ~,e in;talled ,~long Kr:itell~ Aven~~e, as required by i.he City Enyineer and in accordance wit~i sl ~ulard pl_jns ,~nd specificat,ions on filf i.n Lhe off'ice of the City Fngineero 6. fl~at i,rash storage are:~s shaLi be ~~rovided i~ ~ccoi~d,~nce with a~prove:~ pl~ns on file wit.h ~he office of the Director of Public Works, 7~ 1'hat, ; ire hydrants shal.l be instailed as reyuired ~nd determined to ;,e n~c,_,~„~I•y ~,Y the Chief of the Fire Depai•tment. 8,• Tha~ Cu,idition N,s. 1, 2, 3 a;id ~i, above merit.ioned, shall be COfllf)11!!d wilh F;rior to the time thaL ~e buiiding permit is issued or withlr; a~er:od of 180 d~ys from datt~ hereof, whichever uccurs first, or such further time a, the Comrnission or Cit:y Cour.cil rnay ql~,nt, 9~ That, c;ondition Nos~ 5, F~ and 7, ibove mentionep, ,I»11 be complied with pri~~~ ~ fin~l building inspecl.ion~ lU, 1'h~~t, all ~~ir-conditioning facilities sh~ll be qroperly hieldAd f~•am vi?w frum ahutCing streets~ prior to final builaing inspection~ 11., That subject property shall ba developed substanLi~~11y in ,~ccord~.nce wit.h F~lans and specifications on file with the City of An~heim, m,~rked Exhibi~. Nos. 1, 1, 3~nd 4,, REVi,ion No. lo TIIE FOREc~(~INC kES01.!11~IUN is si~ned ~nd ~ippI~oved by me Lt~is 29tt1 day of iuly, i965~ , __.1- V ~ v v ~ - ~ - - - -v 'i't/1~C6 A'I'TEST: ~f~+IRMA(J ANAHEIM CIT'Y PI.A^ NG COMMI~SIUN , ~ (/~/ / ~ , ~ Z~ ,; _/ { ~ SECRETARY AtJAHEI,M CITY PLA,NNI~JG COMMISSION S7'ATE v;' CAI.IFUF.IJIA ) CUUNTY ;~F ORANGE ) 5S, CICY OF ANAHEIM j I, Ann Krebs, Secret.~ry of the City f~lanning ~omrnission of the City of An,~heim, ~o hereh F certify Lhat the foregoing resolution was pa;sed and ~,,~~pted at a meeting of t.he Cit.y }'lanning Commission of the City of Ar-~aheim, held on July 1~), 195~ ,,~t 2:00 o'c:lock F'~M., by the follow- ~ ing vote of the members thereof: ' , , i i AYES: C~MMIS5IuN~RS: A11red, Cd;np, ~_~.3uer, Munqal'.. i• i NUES: CUMMISSIONFRS: Herbst, Perry, Rowland, E ~ ~ ~ ~ ABSEN~f: COMMISSIONERS: None. , ~ Ild WITNESS WHE~EOI, I have hereunto set my hand this 29t.h cl~~y of July, 1965. ~ k ~ ~ f. ~ , G~ -,-=-~ 7~ ~> ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY i-'LA~.~ING COMMISSIVN ~ ~ , ~ i RESOLUTIUN N0, 1700 ; i' ~ ~ C2-G -2- S A ~ : ,S ~ ~ ~ ~k,~ -.;~....~r_,.- .- - -- ----- ---- ~_tr..~..-.-. . . , y...,-~,-,-....-.-., ~.. _ :y ..~ . ~:r.., ;:,