PC 1965-1966-1701RESOLUTION N0. ~~U1 ' w'~-Ir 1::S ] 9t;~~-(,~ A RES0I.,UTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSlON OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM Tt~AT PGTITION FOR CONDTTIONAL USE PERMIT 7?1 BE GRANTED . ~r 4 f ~ ~ ~ i WHCREAS, the Ctty Planning Commiealon oi the City of Mrtheim did receive a verifled Petition for Condltlonel Use Parmit trom MARY T. HUNi), 241 South [.oara ..~reel:, Ana-~eim. Calif'ornia, Uwner; c. U. GAUI.T, 817 Nortti flarbor t~oulev~ard, Fullertor, Californi~~, A.;enl, of cer~ain re~~l properiy situ~led tn t.he Citv of J,n;ihetm, County of Ur~-~ng~. , SL~te ot Cc9~.1~OT'f1L~i, de,crlbed ~, ;:he Suutherly t;~ f~~~, of the follewing described land: "fhe East.erly 1`.il„29 l~eet. of lot, f, of Helen cind [,yncl~ ad~Ji~ic~n to An~.~heim, ,is per m~~p rec~rcied in f3ook 442, page 158, Misc~llaneous Map, Rec~rds of I.os Anc~nles County, Cal.ifo~r~ia; Lki;E:P"fi~lC, 1'EIEREFI~UM: "l~h~ Nnlt,herly 19!i fNet ihereof; A1so excepting therefi lhe Southerly 312"33 feet t.hereof ; and W1iEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon dld hold e public hearing at the Clty Hell in tl~e City of Aneheim on Ju l y 19, 1955, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notlce r~f said publlc hearing heving been duly given es required by low nnd in occordence with the provislons of the Aneheim A(unicipel code, Chepter 18.64, to hear end consider evidence far and egeinst said proposed condittonel use snd to invastigete end make findinga and recommendetlonR in connection thrrewith; and WHEREAS, said Commiseion, eftcr due inspection, iavestigatlon, pnd etudy mede by itself end in Ita behalf, and a(ter due consideration of ell evidenca and ~eports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the Eallowing facts: 1. Thet ttie proposed use is propeely one fot which a Condltionel ,Use Permit is euthorized by this Code, to wit: ~5'.abllsh a spc~ech an~i language therapy clinic with waiver of the n~inimum width of ].40 feet and a minimurn area of one acre in lhe R-A 'L.one on subject property. 2, That the pro~;osed use will not adversely effect the adjoining lend uses and the ~~wth and development of the aren in which it ia proposed to be leceted. 3. That the eize end shepe of the site proposed for the uae is adequete to allow the Eull develoQment ot th~ proposed use ln a menner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, eafety, end general welEere of •'.e Citizens oF the City of Maheim. 4. That the grenting of the Conditional Use Pecmit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, heelth, setety, end p,eneral welfare nf the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 50 l~hat under the ~uChority of Code Sect.ion 13~64~070 waiver of Sect:ion 18.16~050 (2-a and 2•-b) which requil•es thal the minimum width of an N•-A lot sflall be 140 fee< <~nd the minimum area sha11 be one acre to permit, utilization of the existing structure and land for the proposed use is hereby ~arantecJ., 6~~ ~Chat no one c~ppe,~r~d in opposition to subjecL petition~ C1-G _1_ ~ ~-:._. . ~ ___.._~ ._.._.. y ~ _.'~~' •' _ _'_~.-.~._.....'..""~...~;;~'~i.-~~~-.~_-.s~'rw~+r~r~a. ' _ _ _.. . ' . . .. ^ ' ' ~r:a +~i =~s~:;~:~.,..:- ; /• ~ej ~ ~``» . \ ~ NOW, T}iERF.~ORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheir~ City Plenning Commisslon doea hereby g~ent subJect Petition [or Condltlanel Use Permlt, upon the (ollowing c.onditlona whlch ere hereby Eound to be a neceaeary prerequfaite to thv propoaed uae o( the subiect rroperty i~~ urder to predecve the aa(ety and gencral weltare at the Citisena ot the City o( Annhein,: l,'Chat the owner of subject properLy shal] deed to the Cily of An~,h~~im a strip ~f land 32 f~~~t in width, from the cenkerl ine of tl,~ ,Lre~l, al.ong l.or~ra Street, ~or street, widening F.~,rpo,es. 2~ Chat streel: impt•ovement pl~~ns s-,all t.~e prepared ~~nd a1) engi.neerin_y requirernent.s the Ciiy of Anaheirn along Loar~i Stt•eel., sucl~ ~s curbs ~„~;' gut ters, sidewalks, st.reet yrading and pa~ ,~y, drainr~c~e facil.iti~~r,, or ot,l~er ~~ppurtenant. work s a1L I~r compleled as requiz•ed by the C:ty Enyine~r and in accordance w1t1~ st,and~~rd pl~ins rind speclficaCionS on file in the oftlce of the Cit,y Fnyineer; or that a bond in r~n ~mounl an~.l {orm satisCar,Lory Lo the City of An~~heirn shall be poste~J with t.he ~:ity to guarantee t.he inst.allat.iori of sa.id enyineeriny re~{uirements. 3~ Th~t the owner of s~il,jecf, property shr~ll pc~y ta the CiLy of Anaheim Lhe surn of $?,00 per front faot ~~lc~ng f..o~ra :~Ireet, 4or street liyi~t.ing purposes~ 4„ Th~t the ~wner ~~f sub.ject prop~rty shall ~~~y t,o Ll~e ~:ily of An:.~hc?m the sum of 15¢ per front foot alone~ I.nr~r~ ~~~r~•~::, fur Cree plaiic.iny pur~~oses. 5e That a Hecord ot JUl,rey t,o record the approved divis.ion of subjecl property be submitled to the City of Anaheim for i~eview and t.hen be c•ecorcied in t.he office of i.he Uranye County flecorder~ 6~ 1'hat tr~~sh stor.~ge ~~rr~~~s shall be provided in accordance with ~pproved plans on file with the office of the Uire~~tor o' :'uhlir Woi•ks, prior to f~nal build.tng inspection. 7, Thai: the remou~~ling of the existinq ~iil-.iing shall be in accordc~nce Lo the Uniform Huildiny ~°de a, acJopt?d by Lhe Ci t•y of Anaheim~ 8, That CondiCion No:;. 1, 2, 3, 4~, ~, above mentioned, sh~ll be complied with prior to the time that lhe f~uilding F-er•mit is lssued ~ within a perioci uf 1n0 days from date hereof, whictiever occ~rs first., ar s~.~ch further time as ±~, Comn~ission or City Council may grant~ 9~ l'hat sut~ject property ~hall : developed substantially in accordance with plans and speci- fic~t:o~,s on file wit,~~ the City of A~ •heim, markec~ Exhibit No,~ 1 and 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUT(C~V is signed end epprc~ved by me this 29tf~^y of July, 19~•5~ ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P~I~MNING COh1M11fSSI0N ~ !~ -~/`-2/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF rALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Sec!etery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify chqt the foregoing resolution was passed end edopted at e meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim, held on •Tu 1 y 19, .9h5, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote of the members thercoL• AYES: rOMMISSIONERS: Allrecl, Camp, G~~~r, Flerbst, F~Frry, Rowland, Mungoll ~ NOES: COMMISS10NERS: :~or~e, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haveheceunto set my hend this 29th day of July, 1455. RESOLUTION NO. 1701 C2-G -~ * , ~~ , ~ 2~,~ ' v -~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CfTY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~ 4~: .. .._:;~_^--i+--.T ---.,....,,.~ _,~-_ .._.-_--- ----- ----~-~..~~.-..- _..__..._...__ , ~ - ,~.~