PC 1965-1966-1704RESOLUTION NO.._.. I!~`~+ J~.~~II:.7 1 yc;~-F,F, A RESOI.UTION OF THE CITY PLANNING C()MMISSiON OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE FERMIT 1%' '.BF. GRANTED • ~~ ~ ~ f k ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~; i ~ _ ~ * ~x i WH~.RF AS, the City Plenning Co~miasion of the City of Mahelm did recetve ~ verlfled Petition tor Conditionol lJsePermitfram HF:LLEiN Sf'R1NKL,E, 2U'-i Mills Urivr~~ A~i,aheici, C'~iI ilr~rni~~, UwnE~rs i-;qNAIiL I.UMf!Ei~ CuN:~fRIX;"fIl)N CUM{'A~JY, ~~01 l'.,,;1. Llricolri, An~+helm, Cc~liforrii-~, Agent o! cerl~iin real {~roE~ert.y situ;ilecl In tht~ C9t.y of An~ihelm, County ol UT~tII_Jn~ ;t~~te ot ~;,ili(ornir+, descrtl~ecl ,~s l.oi ~Jo, 2~ liluck '~, ol I'r,ic.t. No. 30q ; en! WHEREAS, the Clty Planning CommleRion did hold a public hearinR r~t tht City Nall in the City ot Anehcim ou 1 u 1 y 1~~, 1`:)G~, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of aeid puhlic henring havir.d been duly given as required by low nnd i~~ ~ccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear end consider evidence for cind eReinal suld pt~poRed conc~itionel use anct to lnveatlgate and make findiugs and recommendetions 1n connectian therewith; nnd WNLREAS, sutd Commisslon, atter due lnapection, investiqation, autd study made by iteelf end in its behelf, end after due consideretion of ell evidence and repocte oEfered at said heari. g, doea tind and determine the following fects: I. 'That the proposed use ie p~operly one for which e Condltionel .Use Permlt la authorized by this Code, to wit; Pxpand an existiing resl humea 2. Thet the propoeted use will not adversrly effrct the edjoinin~ lnnd u~ca and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be loceted, 3. Thet the size end shepe of the sitr propoaed for the uae is edequetc to allow the Eull development of the proposed use in e manner not detrimentei to the perticular area nor to tht peace, heelth, srtety, and gener4l welEere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. Thet the granting of the Conditional 'Use Fermit under the condition s imposed, if any, wlll not be detrimentel t~ the peace, health, sefety, end general weifere ot the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. ~fhat (10 Or1Q appeared in opposition to subject petit ior, C1-G _1_ ~I .. 1... . ._...__,_._.,_,_,,,_ _,-____ ._._.___._-____ _.......___ __ _._. . ... .,, . __.._~..._.._ _ -,---.~,...~~...•:.,.-,-o...,... , . , ~ _ _ __ __ ,___ _ . ~~~ . . , .. s~i ,~ ; ) NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED thet the An~heim City Plonning Commladon doe~ heroby grant subJect Petltlon Eor Condltlonel Use Permit, upon the tellowing condltlonr v-t~ich are hereby found to be ~ necessory prerequlslte to the propoeod uee ot the eubject ptoperty in otder to pteaecve the sRfety nnd 4~nerol wetta~e oI tt~e Citlsens ot the Clty ot Anahelm; 1. Chal lhe sidewalks <ind yulters shall be repaired alor~y Mllls i~rivP, as reyuir~d by i.tie City l:ngineer and in ~iccordance witt~ stanclard plans ,~nd sF.~ectf ications an fil.e ln lhe ,~ftice o( the City E:nyineer~ 2~ :t,at t.r.~sh st.ar~~ge areas shall be provided in accorci~~nce wit.h approved plans on tile with the office of the f)irector of Publir Works. 3.. I'hat, the prepos~d addition shall be construci,c~d in accordance to the Uniforrn liuilc~ing Cocle a; adopted by the Ci ty of Anaheim. 4~ l'hal CondiCion Nos. 1,irid '2, ,~bove mentioned, shall k~e complied with prior to fin,:il building ~r~spe~ti~~r~~ 5. 1'h~l subject property shall t;e developed substanti,ally in accordai~ce with plans and spc~ciCications on fila with the City of Anaheim, marke~i F.xhihit, Nos. ! anri 2, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is slgned end approved by me this 29~~~( July, 1965~ i ATTEST: CNAIRMAN ANAHEIM CiTY P[~~(NNING COMMISSION l '~~f1~h~ ~~~ti~ SECRETARY ANANEIM CITY PLANMING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plenning Con~mission of the City o( Anohelm, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was pessed end edopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City oE Aneheim, held on Ju?.y 19, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, flerbst, {'erry, Rowlar:d, Murigall~ YOES: CUMMISSIONERS: None . ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hend this 29th day of July, 1965a ~ I ~ i , ;~~ T I ~ ~' ' ~. ~ i RESOLUTION N0, 1704 C2-G ~,~ i SECRETARY ANAHEIM CfTY PLANNiNG COMMISSION -2- ~ ~ ; L:. _ -- -- _.`,~.. ,y. ~- , --~-----------.~-~__..,_,-.~,~:,_,,., ._...,_..._._.__.:.:~~.-: . ,. , ~ ,,,,,,,..,~~..n ~_........._ _ ._ : .. „y ~ . . ;~r~., ... ~ .; ~ .~ - - ~~