PC 1965-1966-1710R~SOI.UTION NO. l IIU, Sk:f3IE; 1965-F,b A RESUi,UTION OF TNE CiTY PLANNING COMMISS[ON OF THE CiTY OF ANAIiE[M THAT PGTiT10N ~OR CONDITIONAL USE pERMIT NQ, ~g Af: ~~h11i:U WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiseion of the City o( Anaheim did receive p veritied Petition Eor Conditionnl Uqe 1`~rmit from L.ET[A ~3121t~(;S, E~, U, L3ox ?_97, I'alo; Verdes, ~_;~~llfornia, Uwnei•; E3f~NSUN (~E:A1.TY, iE303 N~rth l~ld 'I'ust:in Av2nue, Sant:a An~, .r,alifornia, Ager~t uf cert~jin real property ;itu~teci tn the Cit.y of Anaheim, County of Uranye, State of CallForr.ic~, described as t.ho WesterLy 1~0 feel of ihe ~outh 200.0~ teet of the Wr_s~ 2E3U.00 feet, me~~surr.d along the 5outh ~~~nd Wesl. IInE~s, of Lhe Suiitl~west yu~~rter of' the ;;o~ithe~sL ~.{ur.irt.Pr of :.;ec.t.lon 20, Townshi~ 4 Sout.f~, R,~n~7e 10 West, ~~s shown on ~i M~~p I•ecorded in f~ook ~1, pagc~ lU of ~Misceitaneous M~~E~~„ ~•~~;~~r~j; ~ '~`f ~i ~f ~z~ange Co~n~Ly, C,,lifornla t ~ r '~ ; ond WHE;RF.AS, the City Plr~nning C:ommiRSiou did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of An~heim on J~iIY 19, 1`)'",`~, et 2:OU o'ciock P.M., notlce of eaid public heoring heving been duly given ~s required by IE~w nnd in accordHnce with the provisions of the Anaheim ~lunicipel Code, Chnpter 1f1,64, to hear and consider evidence for and c~griinst snid proposed c~nditionel use and to investigete nnd moke tlndings and recommendations in .;onnection therewith; and 1Vlih:REAS, sf~ic{ Commission, after duP inspection, investip,atlon, end study mndc by itselt end in its behelf, end nfter due cc>nsideration of ell evidence and reports offered nt seid hearing, dces find and determine the following f~+cts: 1. T}iat the praposed use is ptoperly one for which a Conditionel Use Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit: e~t~~blish ,a ~,ervice st<~tion at the inter5ection of ~ collector slreet and an arteri~l h~c~t-,w,,y, ~rui wikliin 75 feel of ~~n R-1, Une-Iarniiy Hesident.ial, Zone; reyuescing w~iver of Section 1~.,62 090(t~-; ) which ~~,t~l>lishes heiyht reyuirements for free-standing signs, 2~ feet t,einy ~:~rmittr.~c.i ~ind ~•~ feet, t,eing proposecl, and .>ection 18.r;2.104 which pz•ot~ib;ts projecting s~iyn, unless permission from Che City Counci] is obtc~ined since the p~titioner proposes a tl~ree- foot. sign pc•o;ection into the public rigi~~-of-way on suk,ject pruF~erty. Z~ Cllat, ~he proE:osed use will ~~iversely affect, the adjoininy single-family residential developmenL lo Lhe north and west of subject pr~perty. 3, ~I'h~1. the proposed use would be ir~cornpatible with tfie existing residenti~l uses ~st,ablisr,e~i in close pz•oxirnity t.o sub,;ect proqertyo ~. That Urdic,~nce No. 1°7~, amending the commercial zones, limited service stations to l'nose sites loc~t.ed ~t. L}te intFrsection of two highways desiynated as major, przrn.ary, or second=iry, ~n~i t.he petitioner has not establistied the required showings that. the proposed us~ wcul~l nok havr an adverse ~ffect on adjoininq land uses; that t.he Lraffic qenerated woulci not impose an unclue burden upon th~ s~reets ~nd hiyhway,, or that if granted unc~er the condit.ior.s imposed would not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and gener:~: welfar~ of he Cit.izE~ns oF the ~ity of Anah?im, by establishing the proposed service station ~3L th~ intersection of ~~ collector street and an arterial highway. `~. fhal one person appeared in opposition to subject petition. C 1-D -1- ~x:s -.~ ~H ~ - i- ~- - - -- - -----~'^'--"•-~~w~=.-.-,-.-",.,,e,~, . ~ +r+~r~.ma..~..~.~. .-,+~ ~ 3. NOW, THEREF6Rfi, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby deny subject Petlt{on for Conditionel Use Permit on the basis of the a(orementioned flridinga. rHE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 29t~jr.~of ,iu1y, (?F~r, /~ , ti~ ,~. CfiAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAN G COMMISSION ATTEST; -,_~, .~._./ .~ „ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAI~TGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~~'~ Secretecy of the City Planning Commission of the City oi Aneheim, do heteby~ certify that the fore- going resolution wes pessed end adopted at e meeting oE the City Flanning Commission of the City of qnaheim, held on July 1~, 1965, , at 2:Q0 o'clock P.M., by the [nltowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Alli•ed, Gauer, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COtriMISSIONERS: Camp, Her~st, Mungall. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 29th day of July, 19650 y''/ /~< '~v/r SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1710 C2-D . .'~ -2- a