PC 1965-1966-1713RESOLUT[ON N0. 1713, :;kiftif:;; 1'~b5-Gr~ A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION OE THE GITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY Op' ANAHEIM THAT I~F;TITlO~Q FOR RECLASSIFICATION NU, ~i5'F~~~-1 ~ _ BE DF.NiF.p , ~' r i \ t 1, ~ 'R I ~ WHEREAS, the C~ty Plenning Commfselon ot the Cfty of An~h~im dfd r~cMv~ ~ verltied Petition tor Recl~a~itlc~- tion trom ~•~:~1,IE ,J. ANU i311U1?A FUWKF.:, 1F~11 Sou~h l:uclid Sl.reet,, An,zheirn, i:~ilifornia, Uwners; I~UNAI.I) M, Cf~ll'riE~1.L, r,y14 La Itjera l+oulevr.~rci, Los Angeles 45, C~~liforni~~, Agenl ot certr~in i•e,il F?rapei•t.y situ led in the Gity of Anraheim~ Counly ~f ur~:nqe, ~t~ite of Califoi-nia, ;lescrit~ed ~~s all t}~at l~in~l si~,u<~ced in lh~ south hal( of t,he nor+.l~east r,~~iarter nf cne sout.heasL yuarler• of E;~ction ?_0, 'fownship 4 South, fZc~nge 10 W~st., <is per• map recorded in t~ook 51, pag~ 10; Mf.scella~leous Mc~F>s, record~ ~f said ui•ange ~~uunt.y~ ~iescr•ibed c~s fo; luwss lieginning at :~ point on t he e~.~s ~ 1 ine o( s~i id ~e~ ion 20, s~~ id eas r 1 I ~~e t,e ing a 1:o lhe cen t.er 1 ine of ~uc 1 i d Avenue, 11,80.40 feet, norll~ 0°`,;~,'00" e~~st frv~r If~~ ;~utheast, corner of sr~id ~ection 10; thence north ~9~05'G we,L `~U.00 feet to Lhe t.rue point ot heyinning; t.hence nort.h 0°55'00" ecist E38,00 tr~et; I.hence soufh 8~)°2`,i'3~3" wast 10O.U3 feni.~ Llience soulh 0°~:~5'00" wesl 8`.~.~10 f~~et.; tl~ence sou~h ~3~3°0'~'00" c,~~~,t 100,GU {eet to the LruP point, 01 k~eyinniny ; anc! WNFRF.AS, the City PlenninB Commfssfon dld hold ~ publlc h~~rin~ et the Clty Hdl ln the Clty of An~helm on 1' ~ 1 Y ~`~ +~'~' ~~, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice ot ~~ld publlc hewrin` havin~ b~an duly Qiven •o roquirod by law end in c+ccordence with the proviaione ot the An~helm Munlclp~l Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to he~r ~nd con~ider evi- dence Eor end ageinet said propcaed reclassitic~tion ~nd ~- inve~ti~~tt ~nd make findln~ ~nd recommend~tiona ln cottnec:ion therewith: and WHEREAS, aeid Commiaeion, etter due i~.P~cton, fnvestit~tion, ~nd •tndy m~de by lt~el[ and in it• boh~lf, nnri after due conr.ideretion of oll evidence and report• otfand •t seld he~rinR, doe~ find ~nd determine the tollooving facts: 1. Thet the petltioner proE,c~nes ~ recl~sri(ic~ti~ ~E the •bove de+~cri~~d prop~rty Erom tha H-~+, Agricul lur~l, 'Lone t.o t.he C-1. ~~~~~ei•,~l ~omrnerci~l, Lone tu estaLlish a r.eal est;:~te oales office in an existinq residenr.~, 2. fhat ti~e proNose~1 r•eclassificalion, if approved, constitutes such a minor devi~,tion Lh:~t nu imrr~edi~~e -:imendment to the General !'l~~n is necessary; howe/er, its relationship to the exi~~ting ~~ener~~l I'13I1 symbol wi11 be considered in the next annual review. 3~ ~ih~~t the proposecJ reclassifir.~~tion would set a prec?dent for commercial land use in close prcximity to suk,ject. property, since t.here presently exists a number. of similar p~rcels ~{ i~-A l,~nd„ 4. f'hat if an~i wi~en subject Nroper.t.y is tavorably considered for commerci~l development, it should k~e cornt~ined i~itu some l~nd ~~ssembly pro;ect in order t.o F>rovide ~dequate parki~~g anu ~o .~voic3 ~pot. zoning in an ~~re~~ not prese~~tly developed with cc~rimercial uses~ ~. ihat ~he p:oposed reclassification would set a p.recedent t.o develop the property in ~~ sim.il•~r ~in~aesir.ahle m~nner as those propert.ies north of Lincoln Avenue on Br•ookh~irst ~~treet, since pr.~rkiny is ~roposed far tf~e Eront. setb~ck area. ~>. 7hat no one ,~ppe~ie~1 in opposition to subject petition. R1-D _1_ - ~ ; ._- ,.-•-- --- _ --- _._.._..-- ----~....,..--.-.... -- ___----. .,. . ~., 'X''~T-" --- ..... ~ . .,rr., /~ . .=c~ 9 ,, NnW, THEREFORE, E3E I1' F2ES0[.VEp thnt the Annheim Clty Planning Commi~.sion doas hereby recommend ta the City C~uncil oE the City of Anc~heim thnt subject Petition for Reclassification ba denied on the besis of the eforementioned findings. 'I'}{E FOREGOING RFSOI.UTiUN is signed and npproved by me this 2~t day of July, 1965. ~ Ct{AIRMAN ANAfiEIM C1TY PL NING CQ;NMISSION A'CTE57: , ~/~ ~ ~ ~ i - (/ (/i2- :2 './ ,. ;% / _ ~~.~./ SECRGTARY ANAHEM CI'TY FLANNING COMMISSION S'fATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Ob ORANGE ) ss. CITY Oi~ ANAHEIhi ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- ; going resolution was passed eind edopted at e me~eting of the City Planning Commission af the City of AnHheim, hcld on July 199 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M , by the Eollowing vote of the members thereof: ; ~ AYESc COMM1SSIdNERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland, Mungall. I ~ ~ ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS; Nonee ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nune.~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th d~y of July~ 1965~ ~~-~~r.~ ~.~~% ~ SECRETARI' ANANEIM CITY PLANNING C0111MISSION 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1713 R2-D -2- ~,~ F~