PC 1965-1966-1731RESOGUTION N0. >>~{ ~,.;E?k I ES 19~~`~ -c.,b A RESOLUTIQIJ OF THE CITY riI,ANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY QF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION f~ OR CONDiTIONAL USE PERMI'C ~3t; AF, GRANTED WNEREAS, the City Pl~nntng (~ommisRion oE thc City of M~heim did recelve r veriEled Petltion for Condltlon~l Usr_ Pcrmlt trom ItUY I~ lk~l.l~, 115 'i~i~;t E I 1,wo~ ~.h S f I'C'P.I.~ An,ihelir~, C_~l i forni ~i, (hvne~~ of cert,~ Iri re~~l pr~operl.y si;ii,it.ec~ 1ri tl~e City ~~1 An~ihei~n, (~ounty r~f UI•ar~ye, Sl.ite u~ C~~liiornl.~, ~IF~scribecl :~~. Lot ~Jo~,, 7,~nd H oC ltact ~Jo 497 , nr`. ~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commis~ion did hold a public hepring et the City }{ell in the Ci;y of Anahetm ot~ Au~u~, t I~i, i~)65, at 2:00 o'clock P.M„ notice o( seid public hearing hxvicf been dull given os re~quired by law nnd in eccordance with the provisionR oE the Aneheim Municipnl code, f;hepter 1f,.6d. to hear end conslder avidence for and aqainst setd pcoposed conditional use end to investiqate and make tindingR w~d ~ecommendetlonu in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commisaiun, etter due lnspectlon, inveetlgation, and 4t~~dy m~de by itorlf atfd in it~s behalf, and efter due conalderrtlon ot a11 evidence and reports offered et aaid hearing, doea Eind and deteneine the tollow±ng facte; 1. Thet the propoeed uae is properly one for which a Condltionel .Use Permlt !s •uthorized by thia Code, to wit: E,~..ni! ,~ onr~ oE~e•-+~.ur bF~,,,~ry ~,t;~G, ;n ~~n ex;:.!iny ~~::ri.n:t~nf s+.r..~.~.,re. 2. Thet the proposed uae will not adversely affcct the edjoining lrnd usee an~ the e~~h ~nd developmen4 ot the aroa in which it is proposed to b~ loceted. 3. 7'het the size aer! shepe of thc eite propoaed for thc use is adequatr to allow the tull development of the pcopos~d usr in e manner not detrimentel to the particular areo nor to the peace, health, ~atety, nnd general welt~re of the Citizens of the City of Meheim. 4. 1'hat the grenting of the Conditionel Use permiY undrr the conditlons imposed, i~ ony, will not be detrimental to the pEace, health, sefety, and general welfare of the Citizena of the City of Anaheim, ~, _ i~fldl. ~.G( N;) ~) ~fIP ( Oi IIPi :0( ~ 1'• flOf OtVf1C'C~ f~~/ tilE' I~~-'i l! I'~!~~r'i ~;fIC~ 15 f10~ d~e1Tt Vt t.f115 I?F!1 :t.:Of!~ ?.fIPTI'}Oi'l'. ~I~~? . : piil(ilt?!l~..E'i~ ;.~fl~~l',lUfl 0~ !~PCjl .~t ',UlI l ~ ~ 'c + ~~ •foo~ ~~orner -ecurn is r;er~:~F,y ~lr~letc~~l t:,. 'Cl~,a~, no une ~~~,f~e~~r,i :n uF;i!,~~~-t'.ion Io ~.,k~iE~;;, ~,c,,:tior. i ~1.G .1_ •~ ~ I ~ A ~ «._..._~~____- - ' ~•' . .y1 "'7'~_ "~'~" __'_. ~""~ '~.,,,~ ..~ '.____ __ _' , . _'~'/" •~.,.r-~--. . . ~r~a~.: "_.._ _ __...._... ~ _ -- .... _ - _.~ ~ . ~ ._. ,,~.., - - ~ , NOW, THL~REFURE, AE IT RESO[,VEQ thnt the Anehelm City Ylenning Commission does hereby grent aubject Petltlon for Conditionai Uae Permlt, upon the followinR conditfone which nre hercby tound to be a neceaeary prerequieite to the proponed us~ oE the subJect property in ocdor to preearve the safety end generel weltere ot the i~itizenA of the City of Anaheim: 1~, T'hat. l.he datn.aqer~ ,~r~d/c~r h~z~~r;lc~ia~; ~;idewalks sha1.1 be repa~i•ed alony Elisworth St.rcet, f]S CByUIY'E?C~ 1)y 1.~1C? (;it.y E~.nginc~er :lfl!~ 1~l ~~^C07'C~dfICE' W11:f1 S~Jf1c~IlIC~ r>]~~f1S i3f1C~ specifi.cat,ions Ofl f ile in t,he oCf icc~ of l.he Cil.y E?nyinc:cr.. : ih~:iL r,ond~tio~, No, 1, ;it~ove me~nLioned, shall be complied wi~f~ prior to tfie time that: i:hi~ builrling E~ermit, ia i:~,,ued or wilnin ,i E~eriod af 1~~0 day,; from d~~t.E~ hereoF, whichevc~r• occurs 11i ,t.,, or r,~i~:h furlf~er lime ,~~ Lhc Cornmiss:ian c~r Clty ('uuncil rn~y yrani,. 3„ "f1,~iL ~~~,i~ie~.L E~ro~,erty ~~h~ii b~ ~~~~volaped sub:;!.;~nti~~'lly in ac,~;ordance wiLfi E~lans ~nd ,pe~. tl <<~~~Liori~ c~n !~Ir. ~vtlh ihe Cit.y ot Anaheim., m~i7kcd f~xhibiL Nr~., 1„ , , .w~, ~ ~ i THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me thfs 26th day of AuyusC, 1965. ~` ~ ~ , CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C1T ANNING COMMISSlON ATTEST: i , ~~.~~--~ ~~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C[TY PLANN[NG COMMISSiON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 0,~ ORANGE ) ss. CITY ON ANAHEIM ) 1, Ann :;rebs, Secretary ot the City P(enn:ag Commission of the City of Aneheim. do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was pessed and edopted at e meeting of the City Planning Commission o( the City of Anaheim, held on Auyust LF, 19fi5, at 2;00 o'c~ock P.M., by the following vote o[ thr members thetrof: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: ~~~imp , G~~ue; , Nerb ~ t, Muny~.t ,, Ue- c y; Rowl arip.. NOES: COMMISSIONELRS; None, A BSENT: COMMISSIONERS: A i i r e'1 , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 26tt~ day of August, 1965~ RESOC.UTION N0. 1731 C2-G 1~ i ~ ~~ - -~~~ i.; L~ -t ~ _ % %~~ _~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-.:.-~ - 4 "'^--~~-,wk, ~.. . .~'_._..---- -..~....~~-.-,., "` ' ^ _ •'.-~ _. ~"'^" ~-~~,. _ .--.. ~ a . i ; - . . i1-.~..~.? ij. 7 ~ ti ~ ~ ~