PC 1965-1966-1752~ RESOLUTION N0. 1''f~2 , SEFt 1CS 1965~66 A. RESULUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMiSS10N OF THL CITY OF ANAH~:IM 'I'IIAT AG'fITION FOR VARIANCI: NO. ,_~,?~5 BE DF;NIED ~ ,,~ ;, ` { ~ I - i - , , * I ~. -- ~ ~ WF1El~I:AS, the City Plenning CommisHion of the City of AnAheim did ceceive n verif3ed Fetitlon (or Vnri~+nce from I.uUfS 1..ESSER EI~'fERE'RI~E~a, T~CUftPC)RA'1'E'f), $~;i7 Wil.~hire E~oulev~rd, [.os Angeles, Calii'ornia, ~)wner~ R M AIRC)NF, 6U~ West Otympic Hoi.ilev.~rd, L.os Angeles, C,7lifornla, Agent, of certain re.~l propcrty situ~l.ed in the City of Anahieim, CounLy of C~rang~, SLr~te of California, de~~cribed ,~s tne Wcst 200 feet, of t.he Nortr; 191 feet of lhe ~~lorthwest quarter of the NorLhwest quar l,er of Sc~c~ion 14, in 'Cown~;hip 4 Soutli, R..~nge [1 West., S~in 13ern~rdlno H~,e ~~nd Meridi~~nS EXCEPTI~JG 1'flFftEFC~(7M the West. 5U f~.~~t. ~~nd the North 6G feet t,hecc~ftorn ; ond IVIIEREAS, the C1ty Plunning Commisaion did hold e publlc henring et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on August ~0., 1965, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing hc~ving been duly given es required by lew und !n eccordence with the provisions of the AnahPim hiunicipnl Code, Chepter 18,68, to hear and consider evidence for and egninst said rroposed vnrinnce and to investignte and make Gndings ~nd recommendntions in connection therewtth; nncl WIiFREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigntion, nnd study made by itself and in its behalf, And Nfter due consideretiun of all evidence and reports otEered ns ~~eid hec~ring, does find nnd determine the following facts; 1. Thet the petitioner requests a verit;nce from the Anaheim Municipol Code; ~ection 18 62 090(a j for w•~iver of the dis;tance bet,weer; roor siqn~. pt:iz~i't.ed o( 300 feet to permit a distance of 74 feet; :,nd SecL.ion i$•6? 090(d) which reauire, tf,at ~,•oof sign with~r; 300 faet of ~~ st.ructt,re used ex clusiveiy Fo.T res:denti.31 purposes s}::3:; be .~ m~ximum of 25 feet to erect. ~~ 36• foot sign on sub~ect p-operty 2'~h:at t.t~,ere are no exception;: or exti••aordinary circums!arices oz conditions applicabiE~ to ±he pioper±y invoi~ed ot t.o the i.~;tended use of the propezty th;t do not apply gene:al;y to t~~e pzoperty o.• c:~~s, of use ir, tne s,irr,~ vi~: ;nity and zone 3 1'hrat, the r~q.~ested v.lr;~nre is not necess;~,;y for t.he preservatlon and enjoyment af a substar;ti-~~ property : ight possesseu hy vt.her p:upe~ t~,~ in lne s~me vi.r,l;~ity and ~one, and denied to the p~•operty ir, a~e~lior 4 That the ~~et~ tione• re~~uest~d a w~~iver of almo t 4U0% over Code reauirerrlents in di5tarice bPtwee~, r,;c;f signs ;~nd 50% in the maxi~num height ;imi~~~+ion without submitted proof t;;.~t: ~ hardsh;p w3s ir.volved if the req~:ested v:+ri~nce was not granted, ~nd that the request was nol t.he norrnal nomin-~1 devi.~tion which the Commission might grant. 5 Th~t ti~e i;ommission is desirous of providing time for the new adopted Siyn Ordinance to operate without grantina rec~ueste~ waivers from said ordin•:~nce 6 T'hat no one appeaI•ed in op[~osition to subject petit,ion. V 1-D -1- ` ~ ~.r~, ,~, ~ "^----_..-.....~~~,.-.~w„ . ~„~y . , , . ~'!5,1, i ... ~~ F~ ~ , : NOW, TFIEREHORC, BE I1' RESOLVED thnt the Annheim Clty Plenning Commission does hereby deny subJect Fetition tor Vnrlc~nce on the besis of the aforementioned findings. 'I'FIG FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed ~nd epproved by me this ~3th d:3y of ~eptembez• 1965. ATTEST: , ~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAFIE[M CITY P NNING COMMISSION ~,!•~!~ / I:L.~ 6 SECRETARY ANAf{EIM CITY PLANPIING COMM[SS10N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann KrQbs;, Secretary of the City Plnnning Commissior. of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certiEy thet the Eore- going resolution was passed and adopted at e meeting oE the City Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim, held on August 30, 1965, at 2:00 c~'clock p,M,, by the foilowing voteof the members thereof: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: Alired, Gauer., Hei•bst, Rowland, Mungall NOES: COMA1ISSIONERS: hone ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Perry , ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONEP,S: Camp, IN µ'ITNGSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hnnd this Sth day of September, 1965 ~ RESULUTION NO. 1752 V2-D ~ 'C= J / ~ !~ ~ .fr~a_./ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~ . _ :-----x-.~;:.~,~--~~... - -- -- .,~ ~..,, ., . -.:.. -r----~-----._.....,:. ~'ei~.e. . - , ~ ~' , . .•w..~.w.et•~,ew,.eo , . . ' ;z.+r~::~~• . ~ ~