PC 1965-1966-1835RESOLUI'ION NO„ 1,~,f;35,, SerieN, 1965-6G Il RESp[.U1ION OF' TNE C1TY PLANNiNG Cpb1MISSION OF THE C.j7'Y OC' ANAHCIM RE~UMMENDING TO 1'fff: CITY OOUNCIL OF' THE C;,I1'Y OF' ANAHEIM '~'HAT GEN~RAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO,. 6~1 F.jE DISAPPROVED _. :~tR?$. i ' \ .s ~ I ~ 'dV1iEREA5., the Git,y Counuil of the Cl~y of An~h~im did adopt .~ Gencr~l Plan by Resolution N~., G3k-•E~69~ ,howiny the genc~ral de~~r,~t•ipt.~.on and extent oC l~and uses within the f.:ii:y and indir.ating t:he present be1~c.~f o}' the Cu~.anc:il ~s to possibie f'ut.ure deveiopmEnt ~nd re~development o( land wiLliin thE~ Cttyi arid WHF.REASy Lhe Cit:y ptanning Commis•~ion af f.he Cit,y o!' Anah~~lm did receive ve:.f ie~j Petit.ions fo:r Reclassificat~on Ro~, 65-66•~i6 .and Conditional U,e Permit. No„ 76R, which petitlons have implic~~tion~ on polic-ies a, expr,.,sed on said Genr_r.~l Pl.jnx and WHEREAS, tn conjunc:tion w,~th the not~.i.e of the he~arir~y on said recla~si• ~; fi~aCion and c.ondiCional uae permit~ IlO~l~e w~~ •ilso given rc~gaiding the con- sJ.deration of an amendment to the Generai. F~ian in the general loc:ation and vic:inity of' subject property of s~~id rec:la:,~,ifi~:~tion and ~on~it.ional use permi.t; ~~nd WHEREA5, the City Pl~~nning Commis: ion did ho.d ~~uE,l~~: '~e-~rings at the City Hall in the (:1ty of' Anaheim on O-~t.ober l8 ~~nJ November ~, i9G5., a~ 2r00 0'c;lock P„M.,., noti~'.e Ot~ S]ld publi~: he~~ings h3b'lfly been d~_~iy yiven as requir~d by law and in a.:~ ordance ~vith the provisicns of the An~heim Muni,_:~pal Code, to hear ~3nd ~onsider eviden~•e fo~ dnd .aq~~inst :~:~id Amendmen. ±.o the Gene: ai Pi:~n and said ~~:'cpo~~ea petition f'or re ~~s;tifi_atl~~n ~~n~ :on:1;t ~oria; .,se permit t.o investigate and make f indings and re~;oR.mendations in %.onne~ t.ton Che~e.,~tth; and WNERE.AS,, s~id Comm,s:;ion ~~fter :i~p inspe~ t,ion, investigation, and st~,dy m.~de by 1t~elf ~nd in its t.ehali and ~f~,~r ~utr ~~onsider~ti~~n of ai1 evidenc.e and reports of'fered at said hearing, DOES rEREBY ~'TND ..,, That the pz•esen~ gene~•a; de.~~...•lptton and extent of ::nd ~se~ in the ~f'orementicned are;a ade~~ua~eiy represent~ past ,±nd -:~arrent Clty pol.cies reg~:d.ing pos~ib:e !uture oeve:opment o* ~aid general area, boun~~ed by Magnoiia Avanue on Che we;t; a line approx;mately 4U0 feet south of Ball Ro,:d on ;,he no:±h; a line app:cxtmataly 200 feet east. c,f' Magno'l,a Aven,,e on the east; and .~ iine aF~prcxi^;ately 17~0 f eei_ south of Bal l Rc• ~d on the ;r,u! h, 2 That nu evidence ~rva~, ~,r~:sented at said hear ing nrli•~n wou:d justify the Gity Planning C;,mmission re-:omm~ndiry ~ ~;h.~nge in t.he above m~n*ioned poiicies to the Clty Counci; 3~ That Exhibit "A" ;:~; Ger,era; Pizn Amendr~ent No. 64 does not consr,itu*e an ar.,.eptable alt<~rnative to ~urrent po~t~ i?s as il;~.~strated on the Genexal Plan. ~; ~ I _ i :~ ~~ ~ ~ ...a ~ ' ~ ~~ r ~ ~•~ ~ ~': '~ i ,. I I i ~ ~ _e :~ ~ 'j ~ . ~; ~~ ! ; i~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ' ; , C ,..~.a ~: ; ~ ~,'~ NOW9 CHER~FpRF.y 8E TT RESOLVED that the C1ty Planntnc~ Commis~i~r of the Gity at An~~heim does heaeby rucommend ta the Cli.y Council of l.he City of Ana~~eim that 5~.~b,~~ct General Plan Amendment be disapproved on the hasi~ af the a'rorernent ioned f inding,. THF.. FOREGOIN(.i RF50LU7'ION is signed and app:roved by me tlii:; 1Pth clay ~~t November, 1965, .~ -... ~f r!./W~/~i/L' y~~iC/ - ~~s~' CFiAIRMAN ANAHEIII CITY F~L 1NG (~MMISSION A'rT~s~ra UI. ~• .~ .~~ ~ i~~~.-fi~'./ -~.~c.! ~ / ., SECRETARY ANP.I~IEIM CTTY PI.ANNING OI~MMISSION STATE OF CAI.If~RNIA ) ~UN'I'Y OF ~RANGE ) ;5, CITY OF lWAiIEIM ) I, Anr Krebs, Secretary of the City Flanning Com;nission or the City of Anaheim do hereby r.ertify that the f'oregolnq resolution v}s pas,ed 3n: ~3dui~ted at a rneeting of' Che City Plarining Commission of Lt~e City of Anaheim, hel~i un November R, 1965, at ?_~00 O~clack P~M„y by the foilowing vote of the members lhe~rc~~+s AYESs COMMI5SIONERS: Allred, Gauer., Flerbst, Mun~all, Pttry, Rowland WES~ OpMMISSIONERS: None~ AB5ENTa ~MMISSIONERSs Camp. ~~/ ° (/(i' s~ •..=~ ~~/~-~.i~l<,,-- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C~MJv1ISSI0N IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he:eunto set. my hand th~s i`~th d3y of November, 1965 Re~. No. 1835 _~~.~. . - . . ~:.~~;1.:?i+r, ~ ~ a RESOLUI'ION NO„ 1,~,f;35,, SerieN, 1965-6G Il RESp[.U1ION OF' TNE C1TY PLANNiNG Cpb1MISSION OF THE C.j7'Y OC' ANAHCIM RE~UMMENDING TO 1'fff: CITY OOUNCIL OF' THE C;,I1'Y OF' ANAHEIM '~'HAT GEN~RAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO,. 6~1 F.jE DISAPPROVED _. :~tR?$. i ' \ .s ~ I ~ 'dV1iEREA5., the Git,y Counuil of the Cl~y of An~h~im did adopt .~ Gencr~l Plan by Resolution N~., G3k-•E~69~ ,howiny the genc~ral de~~r,~t•ipt.~.on and extent oC l~and uses within the f.:ii:y and indir.ating t:he present be1~c.~f o}' the Cu~.anc:il ~s to possibie f'ut.ure deveiopmEnt ~nd re~development o( land wiLliin thE~ Cttyi arid WHF.REASy Lhe Cit:y ptanning Commis•~ion af f.he Cit,y o!' Anah~~lm did receive ve:.f ie~j Petit.ions fo:r Reclassificat~on Ro~, 65-66•~i6 .and Conditional U,e Permit. No„ 76R, which petitlons have implic~~tion~ on polic-ies a, expr,.,sed on said Genr_r.~l Pl.jnx and WHEREAS, tn conjunc:tion w,~th the not~.i.e of the he~arir~y on said recla~si• ~; fi~aCion and c.ondiCional uae permit~ IlO~l~e w~~ •ilso given rc~gaiding the con- sJ.deration of an amendment to the Generai. F~ian in the general loc:ation and vic:inity of' subject property of s~~id rec:la:,~,ifi~:~tion and ~on~it.ional use permi.t; ~~nd WHEREA5, the City Pl~~nning Commis: ion did ho.d ~~uE,l~~: '~e-~rings at the City Hall in the (:1ty of' Anaheim on O-~t.ober l8 ~~nJ November ~, i9G5., a~ 2r00 0'c;lock P„M.,., noti~'.e Ot~ S]ld publi~: he~~ings h3b'lfly been d~_~iy yiven as requir~d by law and in a.:~ ordance ~vith the provisicns of the An~heim Muni,_:~pal Code, to hear ~3nd ~onsider eviden~•e fo~ dnd .aq~~inst :~:~id Amendmen. ±.o the Gene: ai Pi:~n and said ~~:'cpo~~ea petition f'or re ~~s;tifi_atl~~n ~~n~ :on:1;t ~oria; .,se permit t.o investigate and make f indings and re~;oR.mendations in %.onne~ t.ton Che~e.,~tth; and WNERE.AS,, s~id Comm,s:;ion ~~fter :i~p inspe~ t,ion, investigation, and st~,dy m.~de by 1t~elf ~nd in its t.ehali and ~f~,~r ~utr ~~onsider~ti~~n of ai1 evidenc.e and reports of'fered at said hearing, DOES rEREBY ~'TND ..,, That the pz•esen~ gene~•a; de.~~...•lptton and extent of ::nd ~se~ in the ~f'orementicned are;a ade~~ua~eiy represent~ past ,±nd -:~arrent Clty pol.cies reg~:d.ing pos~ib:e !uture oeve:opment o* ~aid general area, boun~~ed by Magnoiia Avanue on Che we;t; a line approx;mately 4U0 feet south of Ball Ro,:d on ;,he no:±h; a line app:cxtmataly 200 feet east. c,f' Magno'l,a Aven,,e on the east; and .~ iine aF~prcxi^;ately 17~0 f eei_ south of Bal l Rc• ~d on the ;r,u! h, 2 That nu evidence ~rva~, ~,r~:sented at said hear ing nrli•~n wou:d justify the Gity Planning C;,mmission re-:omm~ndiry ~ ~;h.~nge in t.he above m~n*ioned poiicies to the Clty Counci; 3~ That Exhibit "A" ;:~; Ger,era; Pizn Amendr~ent No. 64 does not consr,itu*e an ar.,.eptable alt<~rnative to ~urrent po~t~ i?s as il;~.~strated on the Genexal Plan. ~; ~ I _ i :~ ~~ ~ ~ ...a ~ ' ~ ~~ r ~ ~•~ ~ ~': '~ i ,. I I i ~ ~ _e :~ ~ 'j ~ . ~; ~~ ! ; i~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ' ; , C ,..~.a ~: ; ~ ~,'~ NOW9 CHER~FpRF.y 8E TT RESOLVED that the C1ty Planntnc~ Commis~i~r of the Gity at An~~heim does heaeby rucommend ta the Cli.y Council of l.he City of Ana~~eim that 5~.~b,~~ct General Plan Amendment be disapproved on the hasi~ af the a'rorernent ioned f inding,. THF.. FOREGOIN(.i RF50LU7'ION is signed and app:roved by me tlii:; 1Pth clay ~~t November, 1965, .~ -... ~f r!./W~/~i/L' y~~iC/ - ~~s~' CFiAIRMAN ANAHEIII CITY F~L 1NG (~MMISSION A'rT~s~ra UI. ~• .~ .~~ ~ i~~~.-fi~'./ -~.~c.! ~ / ., SECRETARY ANP.I~IEIM CTTY PI.ANNING OI~MMISSION STATE OF CAI.If~RNIA ) ~UN'I'Y OF ~RANGE ) ;5, CITY OF lWAiIEIM ) I, Anr Krebs, Secretary of the City Flanning Com;nission or the City of Anaheim do hereby r.ertify that the f'oregolnq resolution v}s pas,ed 3n: ~3dui~ted at a rneeting of' Che City Plarining Commission of Lt~e City of Anaheim, hel~i un November R, 1965, at ?_~00 O~clack P~M„y by the foilowing vote of the members lhe~rc~~+s AYESs COMMI5SIONERS: Allred, Gauer., Flerbst, Mun~all, Pttry, Rowland WES~ OpMMISSIONERS: None~ AB5ENTa ~MMISSIONERSs Camp. ~~/ ° (/(i' s~ •..=~ ~~/~-~.i~l<,,-- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C~MJv1ISSI0N IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he:eunto set. my hand th~s i`~th d3y of November, 1965 Re~. No. 1835 _~~.~. . - . . ~:.~~;1.:?i+r, ~ ~ a