PC 1965-1966-1856RESOLUTION N0, ~~~G, SE:RIES 1965-66 A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY PLANNING COMNISSION OF THE CITY OW' /1NAHEZAI THAT PETJTION FOR CONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT ~785 BE CRANTED .,. :yrr'~ ~ \ ~~ ~~. i , I. i 'I wHERE~.s, che City pt.- Uae Pecmit trom PAC IF IC UN i California, Owner; DAVII) of cErtain real property California, as desc•,•ib~d set forth in full ~Ing Con~mleeion oI the Clty ot An~h~ia dld recelv~ ~ v~dtisd P~tltion t~ ConditlaN + CCNFERENCC UF SLVENTfI DAY AI~VENTISTS, p, U, Dox 146, Glendale, E. TERMOFlL~h, A41 E~st 4th Street, I.ong lieach, California, Agent situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, ;tat;~ of in Exhibit "A" attac.hed heretn and referred to herein as thouyh ; ~nd WHEREAS, the Clty Plonning Commisslon did hold a public headnQ at the City Holl in the City of An~helm on November 22, 1965, ot 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of s~id public headng havlnt b~en dul law end in eccord~nce ~vlth the proviaions oE the Mahelm Municipal code~ Chapter 18,N, to he~r ~n~! c,~on jde~evldeece for and egeinat said proposed oonditfonAl use ~nd to inveetiqete and make tiadieo~~ ~nd reooarme~d~tlon~ ia conn~ctlon therewith; and WHEREAS, aaid Commiselon, aEter due Insper!a-.w:, iaveetis~Uon, Rnd ~tudy m~de by itselt and ln its beh~l(, u~d aEter due consider~tion oE all evidence and reporte ~• ilered ot seld hesr~nQ, does ilnd aad detenmine the followia~ l~ct~; 1. That the propoeed uee is propCrly one (or which a Condltional ,Use per~nlt ls rnthadsed by thls Code, to ~; estab lsh an office builc;ing in the Commercial Recreation Area with waiver of Section 1~.04.030~b-1) which requir~es 433 pa;kiny spar,es for sub'ect spaces. ~ ~roper~ty to permit 380 parking 2. That the propoeed uae pill not edversely aif~ct the ~djolnln` lnnd us~as and the ~roAth ~nd dw9lopmeat ot the nrea in v~h{ch it ie propoeed to be locoted. 3. That the eize and shape of the aite propoaed Eoc the uae is adequate ta allow thp full de~rolope~ent ot fbe proposed uee in a monner not detdmental to the paticular erea nor to the peace, he~lth, ^~fety, ~nd ~enenl walf~re of the Citlzene of the City of Maheim. 4. That the Qranting of the Conditional Use Permit under the condltioas impoeed, it ony, will not be dettimeet~l to the peace, hcalth, anfety, and generel pellare oE the Citisens oE the City of An~helm, 5o That the Commission considered the pr-~posed development. in relation to Re,olution No~ 410y Seiies 1962-63, establishing a land use policy for the Commercial Recreaticn Area, and construed that the proposed development was generally consist.ant with that land use policy. The Commission further no+ec, that the proposed buildiny ~n~as to devol.e a significant amount of floor space to r~ational trade exhibitions and would abut an arterial highway which had ready access to the freeway, and,th~refore~could be construed to qualify as a permissible development under said policy~, Nowever, if such construction is noL possible under said policy9 it is .recomrner.~ied that said Cummer :al Recreation Az•ea land use policy res,~~.ution be amended to permit the p;oposed development., 6~ That no one appeared in opposition to subject pei;ition~ C1-G _1_ ~~ ~ .~ ~~ ; ,~ ....'~`.- . ..,~:-?'1 ~ ------•--- -,---- T---- .~. . ,.~,,,~., -- ~ . :~~~.i'.f,~- _ _ ""s"" . -d ;> ~ ..~,~.~.~ ~~, :; , ~ ,, ,. , , .~., ,,.. _~..._~... . ,. ~:,.~~~..~ ~ ~~ < <~» z ~. . NOW, TNERE~ORE, B~ IT RESOLVED thet the Anohelm City Plenning Commiasion does heteby grant aubJect Petitlon fot Cond~donel Uae Pe~mit, upon the following condltlona whlch are hereby found to be o neceaeary pterequialte to tho proposed use of the ~ub)ect property in order to presetve the setety end gene~al welfare of the Cltizens of the Cl(y af AnAheim: 1,. That the owners of sub,ject property shall pay to the City of AnaF~r,im the sum of $2.00 per fi•~nt foot alonq Flarbor I3oulevard, for street lighi:ing purposes. 2~ That the o~~ne.rs of sub,ject propei•ty sha11 pay to tl~e City oF Anaheim the sum of 15¢ p~r front Eoot along Harhnr BoulevardY for tree planting pi~rposes~ 3. That trash sto.rage areas shall be providsd in accnrdance with appraved plans on file with i:he office of the Directo.r of Pub13c Work;;,. 4. That fire hydrants shal.l be ins~;all~d as 7~?qulr~cl and determined to be nec~ssary by the Ch~ief of the fiir.e Aepartment~ 5~ That all construction shall be in conforrnance to the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Anaheim. 6o That CondiLion hos~ 1 and 2, above menL-ioned, shall be cornplied with prior to the time that the Building Permit, is issued or. Withir~ a peripd of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs firsi;, or such furtl~er i;ime as the Commission or City Council may grant. 7o That any ~ir conditioniny facililies shall be properly shiel~ed from view from abutting streets. R~ That Conditior; Nos~. 3,, 4, 5, and 7, above mentioned, shall be cnmplied with pr.ior to final building inspection,. 9~ That sub,ject pi~opez~ty shall be d~aveloped substantially in accordanc~ with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 7. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me this 2n / - ~ ~~ - CHAIRMAN AIQAf~EIM A.TTEST; , / /%iy~.-;•^./ ~ ~~'LG•-~2~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N STA'TE OF CALIFORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEih~ ) y of D~cember., 19650 PLANNING CUAiM11IS510N I, Ann Krebs, Sec~etary of the City Planning Commission oE the City of Anaheim, do t~ereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on November 22, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the fnllowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: A1'1red, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Munyall<• NOES: COMMJSSIONERS: Perryy Rowland~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITI~ESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 2nd day of December, 1965~ , .~ i ~ '. 1 ~ ,~ ;l :; .,.._; ~ , _ ~ ,i ;: ; ~' ~ ~ ;.~:-; - ..; ~ ,• ; .._~ : - ;.~ L/v""J-~:r., •r,...~ j~~LG~~.,..- SECRETARY ANAfiEIM CITY PLANNING COMA1ISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1856 -2- .;2-G ~