PC 1965-1966-1938RESOLUTIQN NQ. 1`~~~~3, SrN1ES 196~•-~C? A R~:SOLUTxON OF THE CITY FLANNINC; COMMI5SION OF TNE CIT1' Uf ANAi~F1M THAT PETITIC~N FOR CONDITIONAL USE F'ERMI'f_B~.~Bi: GRANTEn ,.. ~ ~ \ , ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ 1. i I i ~ I I J~ ~ ; ~ ~• 'VHEREAS, the Clty Plenning Commisaion of the City oF Anaheim did receive a verlfied Petition for ConditlonAl U9l3Acimltfrom PAI..I.MAI,L PkOPLR7'IE:S, INC:URI'UR/;~IED, l,%00 N~e;t. i?roadw;:+y, Anaheim, ~~li.forni.~, Uwnert WILLIAM FINULF.Y, 2141 We,t. La Palma /~ve~nue, Sui±.e 1, F~r,aheim, California, Ac~enl o[ cei•Cain re~l property sltuai,ed in the Ci~y of An:~t;eiir, ~:~unl; of ~r~.~nye, State ot Californi.~, descr Ib~d as the Sou~herly 2~9, 75 feeL rnea,ure:d Irorn lh~ cenl er 1 inf~ of Sycair~ore 5t reet., ly3n<~ We,terly of a line paratlel with, ~ind LqU~,II ~1~~~ ;i' lU" We:,t t~15~00 feet from the East~~rly line oE Lot 1 of Anaheim Extension, ~~s showri on -~ map of survey m~de by N~ili.am H~mel in 18Ga, and tiled in I_o5 Angeles i;o~in~,y, .~ copy ot which is liled in the offtce of lhe County Recorder of Urang~ County, or~ p:~~7e 163, ~~t, seq., book 3, entit,led I.os P,ngeles County maps; EXCEF~ 1'FI~R'r_'FRUM Lh~ Sou~herly ~,.25 ieet, t},e ;;ovtherly line of whlch is the Nc~r+.herly line of said Sycamore ;;tr.cet ; Nnd WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dirl hold e public heering at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on '"P.bT'Uary 16, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P,M,, notice of said ublic hearin hevin been dul P B B y glven ~s required by Inw end in accordnnce with the provisions of the AnAheim Municipal code, Chepter 18.64, t~ t~ear and consider evidence for Hnd agninst said proposed conditional use and tu Investlgete and meke findings end recommendattons in r.onnection therewith; nnd WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investlgation, and atudy mede by ftself and in its behelf, end eftrr due consideration of ell evidence nnd reports ofEered at seid hearing, does Eind and detecmine the following fACts; l, 'Il~,it `t;e E.rrE:~;~;e~ ~~se 1.~ pro~crly one for which ;i Cvnci,+i~~,~;~; Use Per~~it. i~ .~uthorized k:y this Co iE::, to ~n~, : ~,t~~t,lish r~ re~•~~,u •~jnt wit~; on salr h~~~_1 anu v:,tv~ r of ~e~t:ion 1%3,4U.070 ('~•.~) { e) ~,yt~ict~ requit~~,~ « F>arkic~c7 sf~'cc~; for t.hc proposed ~.ornmt:~r~i,il -ieveloF:~!~~eni. to pc•i;nit ~levelor••~~.~nc with 67 parki~„ spaces on subject property~ 2. Thet the p~oposed use will not adversely offect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is prnposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape oE the site proposed for the use is ede~uete to allow the full development of the proposed use in a menner not detrimental ;o the particular erea nor to the peoce, health, saEety, and general wel[are of the Citizens of the City oE Anaheim. 4. Thet the grenting oE the Condltional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, iE any, will not be detrimentel to the peece, health, sefety, and gener~al W elfare of the Citizens of the City ot Anaheim. 5~ That t.he petitioner stipulated to }~ours of operation from 11:OU a,m, to 11~00 p.m„ and t`~at. the serving of al.coholic b~verages (k~eer) would be only in cor~jurct,ion with and inr.ident~al i.o the serving of f~,od, 6o Thai under tfie authorit.~: of Code: Sectiun 1~~64~0~;'0, waivex of the 7R required parking space~ to permit development o'~ the commercial complex •,vith r,7 p3rkina spaces is gr,~nle~, based on the fact ihai after a builr.ing perr~it tvas issued, ttie C~r.:ulation Element Ffiahway Riafits- of-Way ~f the GErneral Pla~ w;.s arnended to requ.ire dedication of 45 f'eet ,rom the centerlir~c of E.i~-t. Street fnr ~tree~ :~it.ening purposes, thus 7educinca ti~e origin~31 number of pa;kina spaces by eiyht~ ~ 7. That two persons apprared in op~,osition to subject pelition~ C1-G .1_ R ~_ ~ . . :;~ ,. ~ ..-`_ . __'^_"""„^~~....~.,,.,--. w ,.. y . '~!w!~~~.im z n ,_~.:~ ;.\ t ~ ~ l , ~ ~ "~... ~ , I ~ NOW, 1'HEREFORF, BE IT RESOLVEb thet the Anuholm City PlAnning Commisplon d~~es he~eby gront :~ubJect F~etltion for Condltionel U~~e Permit, upon the [ollowing conditione whlch Are hereby founr! tu b~: a neceasnry prerequieife to thr proposed uae of tl•~e eubJect property In orde~ to pre~ervo the satoty end genernl weifare ;,! the CiHzens of the City of Aneheim: lo 'f'h~ it t:he o~~ners of' ~~.ibj,,~cC F.>roperly sl~ali dE~~~;1 to th~~ C~l.y ~~f' l,~;;,t,~~im r; stt ip ~~1 l~,~c1 ~~ fe:~i ir~ ~r~idtL, F~•nm the ceriLer linc~ oC ilie strac:~t, ~lcng L~s~ Str~~F;1, for s,t:reE~L tivLCI~~f11IlC) ~I,iF)OG@Sy inrLi:_Jing ~r) ~00~ lc7CjU.IS ~;OI'Ill!T I'l?~,11If15 7h (i.lE~fIWpOCI AVCtII'@ and 5ycamore .ci~,I•B@t„ 2~ Tha`. Crnditic~ii No,, i, il~ove m~ntionE~d~ shall be ~:omplied with prior to 1.he t.i,ne i.hat the Huildinc~ Pe.rmi}. :.s is~ued or within ~~ period of lf"30 days From ciate herc~f, whichever occurs t't rst, or su~:h fu: ther tirne a~ kl~e Corn;~iss ion or C~.ty Ce~u~ci 1 may gr~ant , '?., ]'hat any air conditioniny i'acili~:ies shaii be properay shf;aldE~d from vlew from abutting strret,., ~~., 1'hat subje;;t property shal.J bc~ de~~elo~~d subst~ntially ir~, ~~rcordar;ce with plans and specii' ic:atir~ns on f i~le wlth the CiLy of Ana}ieim, mark~d Exhihit P~os~ 1, ?, and 3, provided, I~owever, l.hat any r•evision to the approved develop;nenL plans, ar• any fui:ure remod~ling of tf~e struc~:ure,, which may indicate th~ ~ti.lization ~f a bar and siqols shal.l be submii;ted to i.he Pl.~nniny Cominission for xeview anr! ~~pproval prinr t;o the iss~~ancc~ of ~ building permii:~ THE FUREGOING RCSOLUTION is signed And approved by ~ne this l4t'r. aay of February, 1966. ~ ' CHAIRMAN ANAti~IM C1TY PI.A NING C0111AtISSION ATTEST; p~ TE~`~ ~~: :'- !.~ ~ ~,.~,. / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON STATE OF C.ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Comrnission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wes passed a~d adopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on February 16, 196b, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote o[ the members thereof: AYE~: COMMiSSIONERS: Camp, Gauer, Herbst M~ur,q~i ,, Pexr~~, R~~,riand. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hend this 24th aay of February~ 1966. , '~ i ~ i -a , . * ~ ~~. ~ ,~ ~ ~~_~ .;., :~ ~~- RESOLUTION N0. 1938 C2-G ~j : ~, /v ~i ~ . _ SECRETAR'I ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COM11h11SSI0N -2- ~ R