PC 1965-1966-1943RESALUTIqN N0, 19n3, 5EF~'L.S .lUr,S-6ti A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY PGANNING CAMM[SSION OF THL CITY Or ANANF.IM RECOMMENDING TO TNE CIT1' COUNCIL 0~ THF. CITY OF ANAHCIM TfiAT PETITION FOR 12~:CLASSIFICATION N0, ~'~~'-~'~ "~6 pE APPROVCD ~ . ~ ~h ':~. ~ i , ~ i~ I ~ rI .I ~,I I I WE~IEREAS, the Clty Planning Comrnlsalon of the City of Anc~helm dici recelve ~ verlfiod Petitlon foc Reclassifica- tion from WALTER HEMFHILL, 951 North G~:bert ~treet, Ari~~heimy Cal.forni~~~~ qwner of certain rPal property situated in the City of Anaheim; County of Orange, State•of Californi.a, dQSCribc~d as FARCEL lo The South 178 feet of the East 220 feet of the~Northeast quarter of ttie Northeast quaxter of the Nortliwest c!uarter of Section %, Township 4 Sauthy Range 10 Wt~st~ San ~ernardino Base and Meridian; EXCEPT the Ea,t 130 feet of the~South 63 feet thereof~ p~RCEL 2i ThP East 130 feet of the Sout.h G3 Feet af tt~e Northeast quart~ of Lhe Northeast c~u~~ter of the Northwest quar.ter of Section 7, 'Pownship q Southy Hange 10 West, San Bernardino a:~se and Meridian ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission dld hold a public hearing at the Lity Hall in the City of Anaheim on February 163 i966, at 2;00 o'clock P.M, noti~e of said public hearing hevin~ beeit duly given es required by lew and ln eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence for and agelnst caid propoaed reclegsification end to investlgete and make f3ndings end recommendstions in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, aEter due fnspeckion, Investigation, and study mede by itself end in its behalf, and after due consideration of ell evldence end reports offered at said hepring, does find and determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner proposes e reclessiflcetion of the above described property from the R••A., Ag~:;;t;lt~~ a;; Zone.to tne R-i,; One Fami'~y Residentia:, Zone to est..3biish ~~;o R••A par~e':s of 'ies~, *_han an acre tn the pro~e: zone., 2~~ That the proposed reciassific;~tion is in ;onfo:•man;:e ,~ith ±he Gene:a; P!;~n.. ,. I. .,._ , ,. ..~ i ~i ~ _ i>.I ~ :_ ; .,Ax~ ~;::, '~~ r , ,.:,.;;; ~~~1 :.::., : ~~:~- 3. That the proposed reclassificatio~ of aubfect property is necesadry and/or desireble Eor the orderly end pro- per developrrcent of ihe community, 4. That the propoaed recleseiflcation of subject property does propetly relate to the zones end their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject praperty end to the zones And their permitted uses generally esteb- liahed throu~ghout the community. 5, Th;~t no one appeared 1n opposition to sub;jec! petition~ R-A -1- ~ - ~ NOW, THEREFORE DE TT ~ , .~~SOLV~;D thnt the Anaheim Clty Plennin~ Commleslun does hereby recnmmend to tttc City Councll of the City of Anahelm that aubJect P~tition fo~ 12ecla3nlfication be epproved and, by ~so doing, that Tltlo 18•7.oning ef the Anehelm Municipal Code be amended to exclude the ebove descrlbed property trorn tho ~~ •~, Agricultural, 2ane, and to incorporate said cl~scribed propec~ty inL•o the R-1, C.'i„~- f~'~jmily Residential. "Lone. 1JN(~NDi''?ONAL(.Y„ Tli.~ FOREGOINC RE50LUTI~N Is signed end approved by m~ this 24tt~ day of F~ebruary, 1966~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ PRO "IF:M ATTES'f: . '~~ _~ %.~~~ > ~ ~ ~ ,,_~ l/ ~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE qfi CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF pRANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) :~ Ann Kr~ebs, Secretery of the City Plsnning Commiseion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi£y thet the fore- going resolution wes passed and edopted at e meeting of the City ~lenning Commi~sion of the City of Anaheim, held on Februar y 16, 1966, at 2:OQ o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof; AY£S: COMMISSIONERS: Camp., Gauer, Herbstv MU~~~~ll''. i Perry, Roav':and._ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None„ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: A11red ~ IN WITIVESS WHEREOF, I heve hcreunto set my hand this 24th day of ~ebruary, 1966~ RESOLUTION N0. 1943 R2-A !:= ' ~! ~1/ '~ .. .'-. _ ~i! ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~'