PC 1965-1966-1965R~SOLUTI4N N0. 1965, SERIE5 196'~~•hb A RE50LUTION Ofi '~'HE CI'fY PLANNING COMMISSInN OF THE C1TY QF ANAH[:iM THAT PETiTIQN FOk CONDITION ~L iISE PCRMIT N0, .~~,1,~. ~, DENIED ,., :+~~ \ WHEREAS, the Clty Planaing Commiselan o( tha Clty ot Anehoim dld reeolve a veriflecl Petltlon fur Conditlonel Use Pnrmlt trom WTLFREU ATKINSON, 16701 C~r.ange Drive, Yorha I.inda, C-3lifornia, rJwnHrf MkC MAI{~N, NEI.SOId 3 TILSON~ 1695 West Crescent Avenue, 5u! t.e 560, Anahein,, Ca1.iFa:nia, A;~c~nt of certain ~Aal property situated in the City of Anaheim, G~~unty of Or~~ng~~, State of iallforni~~, de;r,ribed us Parcel .l ~ Lot 2, Block B of Trac t No. 238, as shown ~~n a map re~nz•ded i~~ P~7ok ] 3, ~~ac~e 23 of Iv'~,~;cellaneous Maps, in tho offlce of the County ~ecorder of said ~range Co~,~nty~ 1~arcel 2: 'fhe :f~s~erly 8.6 feet of Lot 3, BJoc4 "B" of "I'ract No. 23A, Dol~~n Tract, ~,s ~hawn or~ n map reco:°d~d in Book '13, page 23 of Miscell.aneous Maps, in the of;ice of the County Recorder ~~f said Urange County ; And ., I i f f ~ ~. l i ~- ~ . * ~ ~Y~ WNEREAS, the Clty Plannin~g Commleelon dld hold a publlc henring ~t the Clty Hall fn th- Cfty of Annhvim on February 28, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M„ notice of eeid publlc hearlnq having been duly glven ae roquired by lew and .tn accordence with the provlelont of tho Anahelm Munlcipal Cnde, Chepter 18~64, to hear and coneider evidence for and againot eald propos~d condttlonal use end to investigete end meke flndings nnd recommendetions in connectlon therewith; c+nd 4V1{EREAS, s~uid Commiseiori, efter due inepection, invegtlgetion, end study made b,y ltself and !n ita behalf, end efter c'ue coneideratlon of all evidence ond reports ofEered et aald heating, doee flnd and determine the following facte: 1, Thet the proposed use is properly one for which a Condltlonel Use Permit is authoriaed by thte Code, to wit: establish a t~ome for unwed mothers in an existing R-2, Multipie Family Residential, Zoneci home. 2. Thet the propo3ed use is commerr.ial in character, and wlll be incompatible wiit~ the existing ~ingle Camily residential ~ises established in close proxlmity to subject prope:ty. 3. 7hat the size, shape, and location of st~b,ject property will not provide f~: t}ie privacy necessary for the propusod use, and will be detrimental to the part.icular area and to the peace, t~ealth, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of thN City of Anatieim. 4. That the pr.oposed use will have a deletec•ious effect vn the ad,j~ining land t,ses and t}~a growth and deve].opment of the area in which it is pioposed tc be located. 5. That five ~ersons representing approximately 50 persons presen: in tf~e Col~r~cil ~hamber spoke :.n opFosition to the nrnposed uce and a petition sign+~d by 195 person, in opposition to subject petition ~vas also pres~ntPd. ci-~ --+w~.. "" .i. . _. iMf'rl~ , \ ~ i i ` _ ' I. I i ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the An~helm City Plen~ing Commiseion doea hereby deny sub)ect Petitlon for Conditlonel Uee Permit on the 6esie of the aforementloned findinge. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ie aiqned a;,d epproved by me thls lOth day of March, 1966. .; ; i i ~ I i ,~ ; _i ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ `~ i 1 .~.T.....~ ` ~ C.•' _ r,~,..._:.- l . ~r' ~ - ~-_ __. . ~.l.Lf'~ CHAIF;MAN ANAFIEIM CJTY PLANNING COMMI55ION ~~~ Pro Tem ATTEST; / ,./ / . i / ^1 , / ~'f /~•/. ~ r (/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNINCi COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ea, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs~ Secretery ot the Clty Plenning Commlr~ion of the Clty of Anahelm, do he~oby certify that thc tore- going reeolutlon wae parsed end edopted at a meeting of the City Plann:ng Commisafon oE the City oE qnaheim, held on February 28~ 1966~ et 2;00 a'clock P,M., by the following vote of thn membete thereof: AYES: COhiMISSIONER5; ~gunr, f-iarbst, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~~~~~~ ABSENT: COMMYSSIQNERS: Allred, Camp, Murgall. IN WITNES5 WHEl2EOF, I have hereunto set my hend thiA l0ih day of March, 1966. . ~ '~._ ' .~, ~ . ~ SECf2ETARY ANAN~IM C1TY PLANNING COMMaSS(~JN RESOLUxION N0. 1965 C2-b ~.yi ..1/L; ~. ....~ .2. > ~