PC 1965-1966-2016RF.,SOI.UTIUN NO. 1~161 SEftlfiS 19(,'.~~-r,(, A R~SOLUTION OF T1IE CITY F'LANNING CQMMISSION OF TfiF; CITY Q!~ ANA RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL. OF 'I'}IE C1'CY 4F ANAIlF:1M THA' I~ETIT(ON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0, ..~_(~ ,_ l~~ ~~ qppROV1:U r ~~. s~P!~ .~.)~ l ~ WHER~AS, the Clty Plnnning Commission of the Clty o! An~helm did recrlve a veri4ed patition for Reclassitice- tion trom flAf2f.EN O. WOLI), ET AL, 3300 Centr~.~l Avenue, Sui te ~ l2, f?I~or.nix. Arizons+~ Uwnr,r; Ci~-f'AF2 CuftPORATIC~N, P. G, Rox 83/Z, ;;an M~arino, Cri~iforni~i, Agent of certain re;~1 f~ropert.y ~~iiu:ited in t1~~ C'ity of An,il~eirn~ County of Uranye, SLat:e of C~~l.iforni~~, descrlbed us {',-_~rcel. l: 'I'h~~ Ci.~st 100,U0 feeC of t.he i~uth 654~00 f~et. of the souChw~sl ~:{ur~iter of tt~e southwuyt qu~~rt.er ~:~t ~;ection 8, 1'ownship ~1 South, It~an a 1U We~ ~~ s~td sout.llwest yuarter i, indic~~led9on ~i m;~pt fi ledtin bookfll0~paqel~lrla'fr3l~eco~e{ ~{r~Sur~evs,~7in r,t;e ,~fFice of t-~e coi~nty recoi~der of s~aid count.y, ~xc~.E>~r I,he So~itY~ ~lU~00 feel. Ihc~reofl ~'arcel ?.: Th~~ West ?'I.OG feet of t.fi:+t: porLlon of tl~e southe-~st yu,~rt~r af tF~~ s~,~uLhwc~st c~u;~r1.~r of sec:tiori 8, Township ~t Sout;,, kt,inq~ ~p West, in the Rancho S~n J~aar~ C~+,~ori dt~ Sc~nta An~~, shown .3s "NoC a ('art c~f thi:~ ~uhciivision~' on t:he m~~p of '1'r.act No, 1642 reco.rded Iri book 49 ige ~ ou. Ma;,~s, in the o(I+.ce r.~f the r.ounty recorder of said r•ounty, FXCE{>'t' the ,out h e r l yf 1 3 85 0 0~ f e e ~~ tt,~reof, n l.,, U Ci X C E E I' t h~.~ e a s t P r l y ~~, 0 0 fee l o f` tt~e northerly I~) 00 feet. Lhereof, ALSU L'XCE{~1' the ~~>;terly 17.(i0 feet of tl;r: sou~hez•1y nl„00 feel of the north~r~ly GU,00 [eet i,h~c~eof ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Comtr~ission did hold a public henring et the City Hall in the City of An~hcim on Apti i 25~ 19G6, at 2:00 o'clock P.M11. notice of said public hearir.g having been duly given as requireu hy law end in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim hfunir,ipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence for and against seid proposed r~classification and to investigate and meke (indings end recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigHtion, c~nd study mr~de by itself and in its behalf, and etter due consideration of all evidence and reports o[fered a; snid hearing, does find and determine the following fact^: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclessification of the above described property from the R A„ AGRICUL'IURAL ZONt t.o , he C. t, GF~N~RAL c70N.MERC(AL, ZOrJC •._ ~.:s~:..3t:i~~ :; s~,~c, :.~rd tl~,•,~„_,, ~o:.y ,:ammerc:,~i stru~.lurt on sut~jc~ct. p.rop~rly., ?. Il,a! Lhc~ ~~ro~r;,;f~d Yeriasr,it'icat.ion ;s in r.,onto ~r.;nre ~vifii t}~c~~ Ganeral P,:in,. •,~. ;:', . . : ,~.~~ , , ~ - ~,s i - ; ~ i ..x , -.~r y .~~r~~ . !''~ ~~~. 3. Tbet the proposed reclassification oE subject property is necessary and; or desirabie tor the orderly and pro- per developrr,ent of the community. a. Thet the proposed reclassiEication of subject property does proper:y relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close prnximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estab- lished throughout the community. 5„ That one peraon appeared in opposition t.o suE,~ect. petit.ion, I R-A i ~~ ., .r-•~:+~_ ~ -1- ~ L h ~ NOIV', TH~,R~:FORE, E3 T RESOI,VGb thet the Anehnim Clty P, :~ing Commlaslon doas hareby recommend to the Clty Councll of t}ie ~ity ot Anahelm that aubject Petitlon for Recleseiflcntlon be t pprnved nnd, by so doing, thet Title 19•Zoning of the Anehelm A1un~cipel Code be amended to exclude the nbuve ~~ucrlbed proporty i n!n~ the E~-H, Ng.ricultuc~+l, Lone, ~nd t,a IricorpataCe ~aid desc.ib~~cl f'r'~F '~ ~.Y ir cc, t.lie C~1, G~~ner,il C~rmnez~c;i~~l, Zone, ~ipon the folluwing condit.i ons whlch aic hr.~~ak~y ~oiu~rl to I,c ~~ nF~c;t~„~~ry r,rereyuisil~ t,o t.Illa propo~sed use of sut>)ect pr~E~erty tn oiri~r rn E:;t~~s~~rve t.he s;.~I~~ty ,~nd gerier~rl welfare of f:he citizens of the Cily ~f An,~heim: t 'fh;it. I.lic~ r~wncar( ;) oC c;ut,jecl. prnp~~r~y sh:~ll p~:iy to rha i;i!y vl' Ar~~~ht~ini Ihe sum of $'„00 per i'ror~t. foni ,.ilony Lint:oln Avenue, I c~r ~;t,rec~f, 1 iyt~1 inc.~ ~~~u ~~o~;e ;~ <, 'f hnl thc~ pwnc~r( a) c,P i;~ib je~; l.. pr~Net t y shu 1 1 p;.iy I o l.h~~ Ci t y ~~l .A~;,~h~:~ ;;~~ Lt~c~ sum oI' I!~Q G,cr frnnf. fuc~(. ,~lony i.ir~coln Aven~,u, f or I,recr p1r~nLinq ~~ur~>o~;i~r,., .+„ 'rhot. C~n~i~iLlon Nc;, t~ind ;?, „~f~civ~ mE~ritinned, sh,.ill I,e cc~~~~~1 ied with wilF~in ;~ E~r~r~io;f af 1~U ~l;iy~ f'r~~m t.hr> ri:it ~~ t~t~r~:~nt'Y ~r ~,~.ic;fi f'ur thc~r (. inic~ ;i~ t i~c~ Ci ly [;ounc i.l rn,.~y ~~r<;nt.~ ..~;iSKR+~ ; ~~ ;,~ i 1 i l ) ~ I. ~ ;;r~,i ~ THt FORGGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me this 5th ~ay of May, 1966~ ~ ~ / CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PL NINr, COMMISSION ATTEST: - J= "C~2~?~1~~~~2G~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIht ) 1 ,. •i .~ ~,;, •. ; ' 3- ~,r ; . ~'ti - ! _: ~ , ;`~' j ; ~~ r ~ .:~,.,. ~;~`4; j ;;•::'~ ; .~ 1, Ann Krebs, Secretary oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the fore- going resolution was passed end adopted et e mceting of the City P1enning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, held on April 25, 1956, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the Eo1lowing vote o: tt~e members theraof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A~,LREA, GAUFR, HERBST, MUNGALL, PERRY9 CAMp~ NbE5: COMMISSIONERS: hONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ROWLANGo IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 5th day of May, 1966. w RESOLUTION N0. 2016 i ~ R2-A ~ i ~ •~-..~.«. . '~'-^'-'--' ~%t?-2-yc/ ~'~ ~-- SE~RETARY ANAHEIM ~1TY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~ ~