PC 1965-1966-2017R}:;30LU'(' ION fVO.__,201'7,~SCHIFi,"~~L~)(~~-~- ,6 ___._.._..._. A fll.SO1.U'I'1QN Ot~ 'CI1~: C:l°CY PLANNlNC rAMMISSION C~~ 1'FII; CI~ Y QF A~~AIIFiIM 'f'!IA'f PE:1'ITION l~OR VARIANCF NO.._ 17~3`.;__yHli c;RAKft:i) _,. .a-.~ ~~, ~ I ~~ '~ I WII:~Nf.:A:~, tl~e C1i.y Nl~lI1f11I1C~ COlTIIIIlS~.ic~n of Lhe CiLy ~f Anr~h~~im cJi~! lecrivr~ c~ vuri( ied I'elit.l~~n fo~~ V~i~ i~ri~~.i~ from ffARLF.N 0„ P~OLU, Ef ALy 330C) Cer~Lral Avenu~~, ;u i 1 c, ;~;,~, ~ F h~~~n i x. Ar iz.onr~, QWr~~:~r; U(~-AAR CARI~RA'f10N~ ('„ U., I3ox H:i7~', San M~irino~ C,~1 if~~.rnia, Aq~_~ni. ot' Cc~rt;~in i~,~,i EiT'O~~l?7 LY ~~i1.i~.iLc~ci ;n f.ht~ City ul' An,~heiir~, County of Ort~nqEr, 5t;jtc~ oC C;~lif'arni~~, de;,. riL,~,,.J ~i. P,,rcel I: ~~~Iir:' 1:a';l 100„C)l) feet, ol' t.h~: Soulh f,!;4„UU fec~t of tJ~c~ souLliwe~,L qur~rt.e~ uf Ll~~ s~uLhwc,,t q~.i„rler of~ sr>r,t lon Fi, '1'own:;hiE; n:;~~~if.'~, E2,~nqc !0 Wesl, ln Lhe Ranc;l~o S,an ,ha,~n Cr.iJoti cle ~r~ntt~ Anti„ c~s sr~i~l ~, uthwesl c~unrt~i is inefi~;,~t~~•i on r.i m,~f, !'tleci in t,ook 10 p,:~yc~ 1~~! R~~~:ord of ;tarvey~, in tl~c~ ~~f~ ic~:, ol' thr~ cc~unly r~~r.r~r~1~ r ot~ saicJ cr,ur~ty, EiXCL'P"C Lhe Soulh ~t0..0U f~eat l.h~:~re~f; P~ilcel :- fl~e Wr~,L ',>'7,0O I'er~t of lh,:i~ pc~rl:on oi' t.he soul.hc~asL quar!er of (.he sout:hwest ~ '~ yuarl.tt of' sect, iott f~, "Ic~~vn~;hiE, A~~oiith, R~inge LU We;l, in l.he Rancho San J,~an Cajon cir:~ S,~nt.:~ Ana, sl~own as "NoL ~~ I~,~rL of t.hi~; Slit,c)ivlsic~n" on Ih~ m;~p ol' 'I'r~tr.t No~ 164; rccc~c<~r.~c~ in l,ook ~1~) ~,;~~~c ~ ut Miscel.. laneou~~ M~:~qs. iit t.ht~ c~ff'ir.r~ of~ I.I~i~ r..ounlv r~~corder ~(' ,~ild cciunl.y, !'XCNP7 t,hE~ ~;o~_il.herly ]3fi.0U fen~ thr~teul ~ AI,SO EXI,'1?PT t.l~i~ e:~sLec~ly NO~J fec~l. of ~Iic nc;rtf~eriy l~?.~JJ 1c~r~f t!ierr•r~;', AI.:iC~ 1~Y,i;l f~l' +.h~ r.,,i,;' ~~~ ly 1'% UO f E~c~L ot t.hr~ su~.~t l~crly nI.OQ 1 cc~l. oF ! hr~ no~ thc~rly f.~0~t~7 IeeL 1h~~1 eot ; an~~ Wf{ER!'AS, thi ~i~y Pianniny Coinmis~~ion c~id hold a public, fie~~~rinc.~ ;~t t.he C,IIy H~?1 in th~~ Git.y u(' Anaheim r~n April 2~. 19f>6, _~t 2.UU ~'clock P.ti1., notice of s~id E~ublic hearinq Iiavin~3 beer~ duly qiven ~s reqt.iired by law ~nd in ~ccord~~nr,e vyiLf; the Nrovisians of_ the Anahei~n MuniciE~~~] Cocle, Ch,~p~,er~ 1R.,~fiy to he~r ~~nd !~onsider eV1C~C~f1rC+ far and ayairisl said proE~ose~j variance r~nd Lo invest~g~~t.~> c~nd •n~ke f'inding, ~nd re~omrnen~jations in connect,ion thezewith; and WHERtiA:~Y ~,~id Commission, at'Ler ~iue insE~ect ion, invesLicaar ion, ~~n~; slu~iy made ~y i tself ~3nr1 in its be1~~~1t, :and ~~Ct.er ~iue i~onsicler:ation of a:1 evid~~nce and reF~orts ortered at. sr3id h~arinq, ~Jc~ES t`irid and d;:~ieirnine the followir~c~ fr~cts: 1,. 'Cti~t Lhe ~etit.ionei rc~quest~ a variance from lhe An~,heirn h?unicipal Cr~~~~ ~~ E~ermit t~rt~ct ion of :~ t~.vo and three story cornmercial st.rticLure on subject pi•operty u~~ith ~N~iivers of'; ~~~T.141Y_1.~1~...(ZZL~.L3::~1.~, ~r~hicl, requires t.hat a buildinq w1Ll~;n 15U f~et of ~: singe Ca•nily resi~ient.~~,l •zone be set ~dCK ~_3 ~iic;f~ance eyual Lo tw•ic.'e tl~t~ heia}' of t.hc~ t.~uildinq - no setLack is proE,r,sed, SECI'lON_iF~~4U.0;p(~~~)5•.a) ~,•~f;icl~ reyuires the plantin~7 of trr.t~s ,~lonq t.hc zon~~ boundary of ;3 sincale family resident:lai zor.e wnerr. com~r,t~rci~31 parkiny areas ~~1;ut ;aid zone so as to provide an eff er,l ive screen ; ive yc ars after plant.inq; •- no lanclsc~riF~:n<~ proposeci fnr the pa_rkiny ,,.r. e,3s a 1 or,;~ Li~e nort.h and wes t. proper ty 1 i;ie ad j a;.ent t;~ R• A zoneci pr•o~~et~ty~ ~. 'Ihat tt~er~~ ~re exc=~pf:ic~nal or exi,r,~ordLnary circl.~mst~nrP; ol ;:ondil.ions applicak~le to ,Iie pz•oE;er•t;y invulv~d or lo i.h~t int.ende~i use of thc~ propert.y ih,+t do riot ,~c F~ly general~y Lo t},e ~,ropert.y Ot r~3S; of u^r~ in ±.he same vic~nity and zone., 3, 1r~ul t.;~E~ i~:.~qu~~st.eci v.~i ~an~:t~ is necessary for l'r~e E,reservat,ion ~nd enjoyment of a suk:sLan- t~ial ~~ropel~ty riyhf. possessed by ~Lht~r pioF~e.rty in t.h~~ srjme vicinity and zone, and denied io ttie ~~roperLy in qucr:sl. ion. 4. 'Ihat the requested variance wiil not be materially net:r~•nental to tt~e public welfare cr injurious Lo-,,t~ ,. p~_:;y c~ i;~,;~::ove~nent.:, ~;;i :..:~t~ vi:init?y and zon~ in •:•ahich t,~~e ;.~ropezt.y is locatecl 5~ T'hat tl~e single f'a;nily prope:rty requiriny the ~,vai.vers in question is ~zoned R-q, Ayricultural Zone for which R~1 r~iEVelopment is unlikely, 6. Th•3t. one F~erson appearF~d in opposition t.o suk~lect petition. .; ; i ~ ~ i . V1-G : ; ~ j ` ~~ . ~ , ' k ; ' „+!~ I ` ±f~ ~ • :i .:.:.n... ~ -1- ~ NnW, TF{FRE~ORE, DE 1T RESOI.VED thet the Anehelm Clty Plenning Commission does hereby Rrant ssubject Aetition for Veri~~nce, upon the following ~ondltlona whlch ere hr.reby found tu be e neccaanry ptereyulslte to tho pro- poapd use of thr, flubJect property in order to preserve the snfety dnd genort~l wclfarc of the Citixens of thc City o[ Anehelnt, , ..._-r+lk~6, : i ~[ ', ~ b '! i ( , l ~;, .., ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ l., 7'haC the ~lcJr.walks rhal.l be tnstalled alar ~ Lincoln Avenu~y a, requirr~d by Lho C~ty F.r~q9neer ar~d in r:ir.co:rd~~nce with staridard plans ~nd ~cF~e-iCir,at,inns on file in thic of~f f ce ot' Lhe City lir~c7 LriE~er ~ 2, Thr+l; t.r~~ch ~;t,or~iqe areas ,hall be pi•ovlded in ac.c:nr.d~nce wtt.h approvod plans on l~ile wtth lhe of'fic~ of Lhe Director of Public Works 3 Th~~L fir~;~ hydrant.s ,h~~lt be tnctalled as rey~iired and c~et.c~rrninE_~d L~ ~~~ necessary k~y l.he Cl~;e}' ~l' ~-i~ Fir~ D~p,3t•tment. 'I•, Tt~al. th~i;; V~r~ancc~ i~ yr<anted si~bject Co the completlon of Recla:~sification No, (~5 ••f~6_, l02„ °~~ 'Ch~~L Condition Nns„ 1,, 2 an~l 3y above menLlonc~d, shall be cornplied wit,h priar to final L~uil,~iny inspectlon,. (>~ ~'E~a~ ~~ny ~.~ir-con~iittoning f~3cllities p.roposed ~h~~ll be ~rnperly shie~ded from view from :~b~rtlin~~ stz•ee~(s)~ '1. 'Ct~:.,~ ;ub,Jecl propecl.y ;;hal.l be developed ;ubstanCial]y in ~ccardanr..e with plans ;:~nri ;~,eclfir,~lic~ns ori f'ile with the City of Anaheim, markecl Gxhil.~it No„ 2. THE FOREGOING RE50LUTION is signed end epproved by me this 5th day of May, 19660 CHAIRMAN ANA~iEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~1~~c. /! /z-~.~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITl' PLANNING COMMISSIQN STATE Or CAL[FORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANC,E ) ss. CIT1' OF ANAl3EI~1 ) I, tAnn-.;lCt~bs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City oC AneliPim, do hereby certiEy that the fore- going resolution was pessed and adopted at a meeting af the City Plenning Commission of the ~ity of Anaheim, held on Apri 1 25~ i956, et 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote o° the members thereof: ~ (. AYESc COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, C~A~JER, NERBST, MUNGALL9 PERRY, CAMPo ~ NOES: COM1IMISSIONERS: ~NE.. , 4~ ABSF.NT: COMMISSIONERS: ROWLANDo IN WITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set my hand this 5th d.~y of May, 1966~ .; ' ~ ~ /~ _ ~ i , t~~t~ ~ ' SECRETARI' ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - RESOLUTION N^. ?017 r,~', ';,•;, , V2- G -2- 1; I - ~; ~ . * ~~ ~ , ~ .~ " •~..:.+'t, .. _. ~ `~--------•.--,--- . . _ _ r;; ~j . ~ • ~~~'~:'.. :X'^`tt.f.r; t,~a:;;~ '"'t ` ~ .~~ ti