PC 1965-1966-2030I~I:iSULU 1 IC1N NU . 2030, ~~k 1~5 1~)~»-6G A RI:;;uI.UI'lUN ~F 'fHk: C1I'Y !~[.AfJPJIfJ~~ C(~MMT~SI.UN U! l'fif: t;[TY U}~ A~JAIIEIM f~ki~;UMhq-:Nf~INc; IU I'liEi CLI'Y C~;UfJi",Il. U-~ 1'lIC~ CI1'Y U1~ ANAIIF:IM f11A1 ~;I:PJf~HAL i'I.AiJ AMI~~JI~MLPJ'i fJU. i! tili I)(~;AI~I~It~,,V~:~, . .~fRx ~~ ; ~ ~ , ~ - i `i ,~ ~'JIIE'tf:A~;, Lhe, Ci ty ~.;ouncil ~~f LhF~ Ci ~y ot i1naF~eim ~Ji,~i aclop~ a ~enerc~l }'!~~n by Rc~sol~~~ ion No. ~i31t-B~",~?, showing tfie qenrara] c~esci•Ipt.ion and exCent of l;~nJ u~es wit;hin t.l,r Cil ~' iny t.hn prE~senl uel ief of Lfie Co~ir~cil ~~;; l.o ossible fut,tir~~ clF~ ~. Y<~nd in~,lcaL- N ~eluprnr~nt ar~~. r~~nveloprner~l 01 l,~n~j witliin t,he City; ~~r~d VJ'IE:ftEA.`~, ;.he ~ity i~lanniny Cornmission cf Lhe City of An~~heim diJ rec~ive a verifir~~1 E'et ition for k~~cLassi.f ic~~tion Plo. c>~~-r;r,-l 1~~, whic;h p~~Li t.ion has i~npl ic~~t,i~ns on palic:tes as express~d on s,,id t;eneral 1'l~ri; ancl WIIr:RE~~, in conji.inc~ion wil,h ~he notice o! the heariny on s~~id recl~~ssification, notice w~a s a l s~ ~~ iven rE~ya r~J inc! t.he cons i;~erc~ l i o~i o( an ~~mr~ndmen t la l,he C~~rner~, l Plan in t.l~ie ge~ne ~ a l ~; location and vicini.ty o! suF~ject E~rop<-,rty ut s~~id reclassilicaLion; and ~~;,:;: ;~`. VdFIi:Rf:AS, t,t~e City E'lanninc~ Cornmission dica hold a puF,lic heariry at lhe c~it flatl in Lhe `~::~ty ui Anafleim u~i May ~), 1gf~(~, at 2.:00 o'clock f-'.M., notice of said public hearing having been ~~' c1u1 j yiven as rF~y~_iirrad l,y 1~w ancJ in dccordanc~ wilh lh~~ provi.sions ~f the Anaheim titunicipal " Co~ie, lo hear and consider evidencr for and ~yainst sai~l Amendmr.~nl. t.o L;~~ c;eneral ~'lan and said prupose~l F~~~tition foi• keclassificaLion to inv~stiyate and make fir~~Jin~~s anc.l recommendationc in connec~ion therewiLh; and WHFikEAS, sai~ Commis:~ion ai ter duF, inspection, invest i:~atiun, and ,lu~iy made by it,sel.f and in its behalf ancl after due consideration oi all evidence ~ns report.s offercJ at said hear- ~ i':~a, LUFS }If~REI3Y f=INU 1,. ff~aL the present yener~l description ~ind ext,ent of land uses in the ~~forPmentione~J area aciequaC~ly represent,s past and current City policies regardiny possible future development oi said ~~eneral a: a, :~scribeu as: lhe sout.h~ast corner o{ I.emon Street anu Uranyethorpt~ Aver:ue with apprc~,~imat,Ply 500 feet on Urangel,horpe Avenue ~nd ~?00 i ee L or~ Lemon ;; tree L. 2. I~hat no evidenc:P was presenteu at. said ha~riny wh~.icn woulci justify the City f'1unn.iriy Gommi.s;ion recornrrendin_y a chanye in the above-menlione~J {~olicies ;o the City Council. 3• fhat i.:xr~il,it "A" of Ger,er~1 E~lan Amendment !Ji~, ll does not. ~nsLit.ute ~n ucceptabl.e alterna~t.ive lo current poli~ins as illustrateci on the ~;~eneral i~1;~n. PJO'TJ, ~CHc~liF~OFtE, Bl: IC ~tc~Oi.VL:u thal tne ~ity E'lanning Commis5ion of t.he :;it.y vf Anaheim does herek~y recommend to ttie Ciry ~~ouncil ,~f the c.;ity of Anal~eim thaL sut~j?cl General Plan ' Amendment he <lisapprovecl on the basis of tl:e afo.remecit,ioneu {incJincas and referred ~o annual '~ review of th~ ~~eneral E~],an. ' ~ f{E ~~~`~~«~I~~~ RESULf~~ IUN is siyne~~ and apE~roveci by r o t,}~is l~th da ai M~ lU" ~,,iF~;f; '~~?i7~G ~ ~'`~C ~C ~v/~ SE.~r~EIARY A~AHEItit C;II'f PLANIJItJG CUMMIS~IU1i S~fA"i'E OF CALIFORNIA ) CUUiJ'I'Y OF ORAN~~G ) 5j C1I'Y Uf~ ANAEiEIM ) y a/, bb. ti / ~ • ~ .~ .1AIRMAN AiJAHEIh1 CI I~Y PLA~JNIIJG COMh1T._, 'IUIJ I, Ann Krebs~ 5ecretary of the City r'lanning Commission of the City o} Anaf~Pim, do hereby certify that tt~e forec~ciny resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiny ot the City E'lanning CommiSsion of the City of AnaF,eirn, held on May 9, 196F,, at 2:~0 o'clock i'.M., by the followina vo~e of the members thereof: ~ ; i AYES: CONV~1iSSI0NER5: Allred, Camp, ~a~ier, fierbst, Mungall, {'erry, f~owland. .',~ ~JUES: i;CiM~b1IJJIO(JE!~;;: Nor~e. ~ .j At3SEN"I : COMMI;;:;iUNENS: None. _.; _ I~J NJ1 fNESS Wf-{ERGOF, I have hereunto set my harid this 19th day oi ~41ay, 19G6. ~ .• I .~x: + : ~7--2--j~~.!"- ~~%,~ i , SECRcI'F,RY AUNi-[ ~ ~ , ~ . _.e~. ~ ~ T`" ''-------------- - - - 'zM~,~ . ..:,: , - ~ir;,, ;,~: '+' ~ , ~ r M CI f'Y f'I.AiJiJI~I~ CUP+uvii;;5I0i~