PC 1965-1966-2041f~~:s~ai.uit~r~ r~u. 1o~i, ~:~k:F~i~::~ t~?~F~-~~,~~ A N'r_'~c~I,U~;'IUN ~I~ IIiE t:C'~Y l~LANNI.NC~ c.;l)Pr1M~.S.,i~~~~ c~r~ i~~E: cl iY ~r nvnfif:tr~1 fI:NI,1IfJA1'I~Jc; CUIJ[~1flONAI, ;1,;E (~[:kMll' NU. ':~17 WFfEf~E:AS, t.he c;ity i'lannlnc~ Comrnission ln Kesoli.it.ion No. 1~':~;?, Serin, 19f~3-t,q, datec~ .Januar/ 2, 19~a~, ~:~rantecJ i;o~~dit.ion~l Use permit iJo. ~l./; and W1IEFt[iA~, three ~xter~,ion~ oi lime v~erc ~~l~anled k~y Lhe Pl,3nning Commission, the last expir.iny January 2~1, l9!;r; ~nd WiIE:REA;;, ~I,~ }'tannin~~ Corrnnission in yr~ntin~~ the t,f~ird ex~ension of ~iine reyuirEd thal, the slrerst, li~hl fees be paid within ~w~ wenk;; afler 1~harch 14, :9C~~; and WH~:k~AS khe ~etit,ioner, ir7 a let,ter ciate~i April 7, 19F~6, reque,Ced terminaLion oi the petition uec~~u:,~ hE, was unable to coinpl.y wilfi tl~e TnC{U1rP_fil~~flL t,n~iL street lig;~t ~, fees be paid, fJOW, "('I~iEREFURL', 13E I1 iiESUL.VEU, that. the City {-~lanniny Cummission oi tlie City of Anaheim ~ioe, herek~v Lerminate ConJilional Use ~ermit. tJo. 517, us req~.~ested by the pe~itioner~ , ~ i '' I ,i .~ 1 ~., _ ~<- I 0. F ' ~ Tfi{~ {~U~f~GUING RE:~uLUfIU;! is :,iyned ancl approvQ~ t~y ~ne this l~?r`, day oi h1ay, 19(,r; ., _ L<~~~ X.~~~~ ~: ~{Aif~lulA~J AiJAfIEIh1 CI f'Y l~LAfJPlI.t~1G CUMh1Io~IUi~! P,1 I ~S~i : ~~~ti~!~~ 1~p'.~ SE:CRF.~I'ARY ANAHEIM ~1'I~Y PLANIdING CUMMI;SION S~I'AI'E Of CALIFURPIIA ) c:i~ur~~rY ~t~ or~E;~a~~: ) 5~. CI'I Y C)F AtJAf iElhq j i, Ar~n Krebs, 5er,retary of Lf,e Ci~y 't'lanning Comrnis..ion of Lhe City ot Anaheini, do hereby cerLify that t,he foregoin~~ rusolution was ~~~sse:J and adopted at a meeting of thF City E-'lanning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on P;.y 9, ly,;~~, ~t ~:00 ~'clock P.h:i., by the folloN~ing vote ~f ihe members tt~ereof: AYES: CUivihlI~SIUNERS: Allre~l, G~uer, lierbsi:, hlungall, : erry, Rowia;~d, Camp. idUES: CU~VL'v1IS5IGNER~: ~Jone. ~ /;i~:;t!d-I~: C(~~~1MI~;SIUNERS: iJc•ne. I Iti NJI"i';J~S`? Wf~{Eki:UF, I have hereurito ,et my hand this 19th c1~jy of h"ay, 1965. ../-- _~G- ~ z. ~2J ~~-~~.~ SECRE'fARY A~JAfiGIM CITY PLANNIiJ~ COMMISSION I ; • I i; ~ ~ ~