PC 1965-1966-2067RESOI.UTION NO 2U6'7, Series 19i~!~ -f,~, A RESOI.UTION OF TFiE CITY PLANNI~G COMMISSION OF 7'll~ CITY OF ANAf~IEIM THAT PE'TITION FOR VARIANCE N0, 1'~U~1 g~ ;~RAi,fl'EiD WNERGAS, the Clty Pl~nning Commieslon of the City of Anaheim did re~.eive n verifled Petition for Vnrience from 1~1Ro AND N1R5„ CASF`~' BURNS~ 4~-0 N~ VinE~, Ari~~l~e9ir, Californi~3, Owners, ~~f ~~eii.~in real F~rc~~erly s`it.uatecl jn the City c~f Anahei~n, C~~unty of Oranne, S!,~+_e ~~f C,~lif~?rni.~. desci•il~~_~~i ~;s I.~t N~~~~ ;'? ~~f Tr~ach. No. , 7,~;3. I ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public heering nt the City Hall in the City oF Anaheim on June 6, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M,, notlce of said public hearing heving been dul,y given es required by law und in eccordence wlth the provislons of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for end against ssid proposed varience and to investigete end meke findings and cecommendations in connection therewith; and W}{ERGAS, seld Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, nnd study mede by itselE and in its belielE, ~nd aEter due consideretion of all evidr.nce and reports otfered at, seid hearing, does find and determine the Eollowing Eects: 1. Thot the petitioner requests ~ verinnce Erom the Aneheim Municipel Code: t v F~et „ t t~,e acidi ; 9~~n ~~;' <i two-stoz•y ~~:~ai•f: er~t unit t.o an exist lilcl c<_tmit. t~r,o sto.•y, „ul' iG?;e t'a ' i}' c1e:~elc,~~.erit t^ri ffi •N.~ivere of s SF,~•TI~~~ IKo~_(.1:~O ~>-~~ - Olll'-Sf:(i2'y 1~P1(1(l~. ~ li' :t21~_1`~!1 lh'll~;?'1 1~.~'v }BP{ ,~ M~ =tfl ~-1 L~~fIE' t0 i.i1P. flOT~i~.. SECTION l%~~~'f~,.0'~0 '~l - ASini.~~u~~~. $uildinc Sit:e - i.'Oi) ;eet :~er••_itt~~ci - 1.13G f eet pro~~oseci. (':~-l~ ) SkCfION 1-s..~'~.C~`>O~:s_cl_~ svhicf, pt~r~~•,it.~ an ~ccessi>i•y uuildino alit~t' ;r,c~ a ~ s;c1e property line :n `he re~;x• ."~ nf „ i~uildinc~ S it:E'~ t.0 E]PI"".l f i'. qcl:~U~~4~ c~,I?Cl St'?Td7E' 7'il'?.. Y~:i e:{~c'n~; i l feet. into ±'tie fron' ~` 9~ ~.`~ t.;:e <:i'. _~. S~~.rIO~f Ifti~~''}ti,~~iJU L~J-3~- ~,vi~ir.,F; reqiii.ri:~S i~ D:?I'}:;Ci(1 ;j)nCP$ .. C; -l~~iC"t'S C)I't?~.?.)Si?Cl• :iECTION_1~~~:>~{ O~~i~ lU-c -,vhicl~ req~.:ires ±hal t~ar.n covere~i ~:~rki~n space st~ali be at least IU ~ eet ~,vide, to per•~ i~ ;~n ~~c~)iti~.~nal °_.i'o.~t wide parr;inn sp~ce (e~rist.inn s«aces are '~ :eet svicie.) ?. Tii.;t there are e;rceptional or e>;traordir,ary circur;slances -.,r con~:it.~~~ns 3U.~licable to tt~e F~ruperty involved ~~r to the inten~eci us~ -~f !!~e property '.~~ai_ cio no'. apply ~~en~rally to t'r~~e propert./ nr class of use ~in t.i~e sa!r,e ~~ici;~I~ty an~~ zon~~. ~~ Tf17~, i.!le TP_C~UPStPC3 `/i~T'lclI1CP ?S f1E'C:E?~S2T'y~ 1~(1T' i}lt~ l..~I'QS@:'v'cf~ipfl ~?!1..j @i','~~~~• c>rif ;+f ri sub,tantial pr~F~ert.y riq}~:t N~ossPSSed by nt.tier pra;~erty in ti~e sar,e vicinity and .:_ne, ~:nu ~i~nieci to the propez•ty ir~ quesf:i~r;~ ~. Ttiat t;~a reques`.ed v~riance V:11~ flOt be r.~at~~rially detri•rr~;it.al ±o the public ~~vel~ are or injurioiis to t.iie propez•ty ~:~r ir.~pro~;e~~:ents in ~-uc'; vicinity anci zorie in ~ti~nich t};e propert}~ is iocatec~. 5. That no one appeaz•ed i.n opposition to sub;iect peti',ion~ V1- -1- ~ ,- `n~w l~ NOW, THCFt~FQRE, BE 1T RLSOLVE[) that the An~heim City Planning CommisRlon cloeq hereby grAnt subJect Petitlon for Verience, upon the fallowlnR conditione whlch dre hereby found to be e necexQery prerequlgite to the pra- poaed uae of the subJect proparty in ordet lo preserve the set'ety And gene~el welfAre of the Citlzena of the Clty of Aneheim, 1. 'Ihat any aix-conditioninq fac9lities proposed shall b~ E,roE~er.l.y shielcled Fron~ view fz•om abutting str•eet. '?. 'Chat suk~ject property shal] be d~~vel~.~ped subst.antially ir~ acc~>rdar~ce ~vit.i, F~];~ns and spee;~ficati.ons on file wii:h lh~ie C~Ity of Anaheirn, marE.ec.1 Exhibil ;Jos. 1, 2, ancf 3. TFIE FOREGOING RESOLU7'ION is signed end approved by me this 16t~~ day ~~f June, 196G. ~ ~.._'~, ~ ~/ , f ~~ .. ,~ _~ _ ~.. .._ . ,, t _ , ~ CHAIR111AN ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING~EOMMISSION -: , ~~ ''1 4ti~ ` I A ,i ! ~~ I; { ?' ,~ ; 1 _i ~"<,'Y~. i:;;r ; 1:y;r~. ~• .:r,~.~~ ATTEST: C c' ' ~ ~~)- 1 ~' - SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO~tMiSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Arin KY~et~s 9. Secretary of the City Pl~nning Commission of the City of Anaheim, da hereby certify th~t the fore- going resolution was passed and odopted at n meeting of thc City Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim, held on .Tune Ei, 19C>6, et 2:00 o'clock P.A1., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: N11red, Carrp, Gauer, Herbst, Munaall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSiONERS: PJone. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: IJone. IN WITNESS WHER~OF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 16th day of Jt,ne, 196E>~ RESOLUTION N0. 2~.h7 V2-G , r ~ ' '- .' '= ~~~ .'~-: SECRETARY ANAHEIM CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~ n ~