PC 1965-1966-2079RESOLUTION N0, ?~~9, Series 19G5-6~ A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY pLANNING COMMISSION QF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITTON FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, ~ HE D~NIED ,.~ .~t~ ~ ,\ + WHEREAS, the City Plenning ~ommleslon oi the City ot Maheim dld recelv a v~erified Petition tor Cnndltlonel Uae Permit from TIC TOC MARKETS, 12311 Chapman. Garden Grove, Cal i.fornia, Ownei•, BETTY OLSEN, 166:' ~h;~t,eau, Anahei~T~, CaliFornia, Agent of certain real property situated in t.he C1ty of Anr~i~eJ . County of Orange, State of California, described as the southei•ly 2A9.75 feet „~~',4~,G~~ frorn the r,ente.r line of Sycamore ~tre~t, lying West.erly oE a line parallel with, ar~. S~utl~, 7~1°31' 1O" UJest. R15.C"~ feet i'rom the Easterly line of Lot 1 of An~~heim Extension as sF,.+,vn on a rnap of survey made ,.y William Ha±nel in 1~6f3, and fiied in Los Anneles Couni:y, a ~'~.'F~y of which is filed in the office of t,he County Recorder oF ~.range Cou~ty, on page 103, e~ se~~~., book 3 entitled Los Angeles County Maps; EXC~pT TFIER:.'FROM the Southerly 5,~5 feet, ~~~?i~therly line oE wF,ich is the ~Jortherly line of said Syc~more street ; end WNEREAS, the City Planning Commieelon did hold a publlc hearing at the City l~ell In the City of Anaheim on June 20, 19ti6, et 2:00 o'clock P,M,, notice of snid publlc headng having k~een duly given aa roqulred by lew end in eccardence with the prc~vielons of the Maheim Munlr_ipsl Code, Chapter 18~64, to hear and coneider evidenee for end againsl• said propoaed conditional uae and to lnvestigate and meke (indings and recommendetions in connectlon th~rewith; and WHERE:AS, sald Commisaion, after due inepection, inveatigation, end atudy med~e by ltaelf end in its bchalf, and after due consideration of all evidence end repott~ offered at aeld hewring, doee find end determin~ the following fa~,ta: 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one for which e Conditionel Use Rermit is eiuthorized by this Coc1n, to wit: ta est.abli~h a hafUrau with on-sale beer and waivers ofs SFCIION 1f3,62.09U(d) - rcir,imum distanr.e between a free-standin_y sign and roof s i gn ( 300 f eet requ i red -:?30 f eet proposed). SEi~ION 1`~.62.090(B-5) - location of roof s;.gn (proposed c::oser to nortf; and east property lines ti~an per-~.',tted by Code). SE:CI'ION 1~.~10.0~0 ~,-a - r nir^~e~, required parking spaces ('~2 spac:es re- quired - 6? proposed). : 2. That the proposed use woulc be deleterious to the small convenier,ce shoppin~ center ber,ause of' the type of patronage the use would encouraae. "?. That the proposed use abutting a res;.dential area would be detrir;ental to the peace, health anci qeneral wplFare of the area due to the noises generated by ju};e box music and traf;'ic le~avin~ the hofbrau after closing hou:s late at night. ~1. That the establishment af a"beer bar" in the center of a small r.envenience shopping facility would not be in harmony with the othpr small shops establ:.shed or proposed, ur tne residenti~l intagrity of the properties to the north, south and ea:,t of subject property. 5. T}~at the proposed use would require more parking than the i•etail use originally p.ropnsed, and that the additional parkina requirec:ent cannot be mei; on the site. 6. That t};e proposed use will adversely affect the adjoining :.and uses and the growth and deveJ.epn;ent of the area in which it is proposed to be located. ~ %. Triat one persen appeared in op~ositior. to subject petition. ~' ~ Cl-D ~ ~~ 1 * , ~~ -1- ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~~, : +~. ~ "r~'"'.__ ~_ , TM-„-r~s.~.r~.....r.. . ~:a:e-"i"n-7'~1'~`M''~0 s~1o~~mi~~~~~.~ '_ ". ~ ~i ~~.r. A~IV.~ ~p».. f l~ NOW, THEREFORE, HE 1T RESALVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commisalon does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit on thc beaie of the aforementioned (inding~. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ia slgned and approved by me thla 30th day of June, 1966. / ' ~ ~.=_~ ~ -1 _ .~;, ~' - ~" ~ C:: •: C ~: ~ i 1" CHAIRMAid ANAHEIIH CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: .~ ' / % ~' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNWG COMMISSI~N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIbi ) I~ Anrt Ifrebs~, .. ,, Secretery of the City Plenning Commiasion o( the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore. going resolution was passed and adopted et a meeting of the Clty Planning Commisaion aE the City oE Aneheim, held on June 20, 1966, At 2:00 a'clock P,M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gatier, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMI~~:^NERS: None. A$SENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 30th day of June, 1966. ;~, ~ ~ f ' ~ ~',~ . ~ ,. FESOLUTION NO ~~ ~y C2-D ..~.-•~" ~l ~ . SECRETARY ANANEIM ~ITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- F ~