PC 66-101 RESOLUTION NO„ PC ob-101 A RESOLi1TI0N OF THE C1TY' PLANMID;G COMtJ,ISSION 0'r THE CITY OF P.P•;AHEIM HECANMElJDIP1G TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMAHL•IM THE APPROVAL OF P~.7ITIOId Fl~k RECLASSIFICAl'IODI IJO„ b.^..-0?-24 ESTAI3LISHIfdG PERMANEP:T ZOlJIf~~G FOR PROFERTIES KNOWN AS THE BLUE GUM-CORON.ADO ANNEiCATICfd WHEREAS~ prope~ty iocated north and east o~ tt~e ir.tQrser,ting pc:int, oi the Riverside Freex3y and the proposed Orange Free~r.~ay, kna,vn as t.t:e Bi.,e G„m-Ccrorzdo Anne~:;tion ~;; annexed intr, the City of Anaheini by Ordinar,ce PJo. ~;G~~y os recorded ~y the Secretaryuef State on August 15~ 1900, acd witf~ the Orang? Cour.ty Reccrder on Auyusi. ?2, ;9(6; and WHEREAS9 the Cit~ Planning Conimissicr, cf tt:e Cit~ ef' knal;eirn riid review corrip;rablezon- i;:, in a study made in its Uehai: as required in Cadec Sect ior, IR.12.G.3C of ;.;,e Anai~eim Municipai Code9 and did reconuner.d to the City Cour.cil o,-' t.i~e Cily of An.i:eirn comparable zoning be estabiished by interim erdinance for tiie 6i,,e Gum-Corr,nado Annexa?~on; ar.d ~ WHEREAS9 the C.ty Courcil cF tt~e City or" Anaheim on A•.igust ;0~ ;~ico~ ;n p,~,.~a~~~e Noa 23'lo did estzbiish interim zoning :or properties encornpasseci ir. ti:e Blue Gun~- Coronado Annet;tion; ar,d WHEREAS, Section c5R06 rf the Governn,e;;t Code p.~cvides rl~at nn inte:ir.i cr:iina.^,cr. may be adcpted frr a period o+ a year for ti~e est~biisnrnent or zoi;i~:q ir, :ny ne~r; territory annexed to a City; and WHERE.ASy studies ha~;e be2n rrane to dete:mine the rr.ost ac~E>rnp:~iate pe.m=nen± zor.ino on the property ar,nexed to *_he City of Anai~ein~ knolvn ri; ;_i~e Bl.~e Gun,-Corona~io Annexation; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did initiate recl~ssific~tion proceedinys ar,d did hold a publ ic hc;aring at tt,e City Ha; l in ti~e City o; Anaheim on Srptem' er ~r;, 1960, at 2:00 0`clock P~M,,, notice o: said public hearing I~aving been duly gi~.~en ;s required by ;aw and in accordance with the provisi.ons of ti,e A~;at:~eim A1unic'pal Cnde~ to hear and consider evidence fer and aqainst said proposed re:lassiiic~tion and ,o investigate and make `indings and ~ec~mmeraations in conr,ection therewiti;; .~nd WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectiony im~estiya?ia~, an;i study r.,ade hy its~if and '.n its behalf, and a:ter due cer:sideiat:on of ail e:~i;~ence .:rn ren,~rts cffere~ at said hearing, does find ano detern~ine the :ollov,ir.~ factsa le Tha~t the Can:mission prnposes tl~e _eclassif'ication oP ti~:e al•.o~:e described property from tt~e R-A, Agricu;tur~l, Zone (inte:iin) to t:he R-A, Ayricu'ltur-;1, Zone f~i:~ Parcei ^loso i,n.i =~; ;nci bi-•i~ Ligt:t Indus't:~ial, Zone ~inte:in~) t~~ tt:e M-~i, Li^i:'_ L~d,;=tii:i. Zone for Pal•cel Nos, 2 ar,d 3,. " 2~ Th3t prior to annexation ;nto ti:e Cit.y in;ust:ial :ievelapn~eni I.:~i ~..arre~.1 on P<;..et >'c:s~ _ ~.~;! ... 3. Tnat alti~ougn per:nanent R-A, Agricu;tur~l, Zone is reconacen,ien for Parcel Nos, 1 and =~, thesE~ parcels are v:it;~,n !i.e :,re<~ known as the Northeasl ?:idustriai Area, and ::re deF;icted on +.i,e General Plai, for i~.dusirial devel~~pr:ent, and si~r~uli t:e recla~s;fie,~ ur.der a separate reclassif~ication pet itiun :vi.i~ _~ Resolution ~~i Intent to the M-•1, Ligt,t Industrial, Zone, 4e That no nne appeared to oppcse or •,o:ce ~~ny opi^iuns rEgarciji;g subject uetition~ ~ ~ a r, NOW9 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV~D that tt~e City P;anning Commission does nereby recommend to the City Council of the ~ity of Anaheim tt~at oermanent zoning be estaolished k~y approving Reclassificatien No. 56-67-24, for those propertizs known as ihe Blue Guir;-Coronado Annexation des~ribed above9 based on the foregoing findingsy and as follows: Pa:cel Nos. 2 and 3- M-19 Light Industs;al, Zone, Parcel Nos. 1 and 4- R-A, A-ricultural, Zone. THE FOREGOING RE50LUTI0'•: is signed and aoproved by ,e this 6th day of Octobar, 1.960. ,~ i _ ~.s~~~ «-~~~ rIAIR1v1AN APJANE:h1 CITY PLAI~NIt`G fS~MMISSION ATTEST: ~.. «2 ~~-` '~`j-2 ~ l.~ SECR~I'ARy ANAHEIM CITY PLAIJNI;dG ~MMISSIOI~ STATE OF CALIFl~RNIA j ~UNTY OF ORANG= j ;5~ CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, Ann Krebs, Sec*etary of the City Planning Commission of tne City o` Anaheim, do hereby certify tha~ the :oregoing :esclutien was ozssed anri adooted at a ree~ino of the City Pianring Comini;sicn of tiie City of Anaheir.., held or. Septemoer 2Gy 1965, at 2:U0 0' clock P.M~9 oy the followin9 vote o.° the roemoers t'r;ereo°: AYeS: COMMISS10IvERS: Allred, Farano, Gaver. Herbst, Mungall, Ruwiand, Campo NOFSs COMMISSIONERSs Plone~ ABSENT: LUMMISSIONERS: None~ IW WITNESS WHER~Fy i have hereunto set ir~y t~and this 6th day of Octoher, l~io6. ~ / ~ Z~ l ~ j, .~<' (~-.~ ~ . SECReTARY A:4AHEIM CITY PLR~Jt~Ii:G ~MAIISSICN Res. No. ]Oi , f.. i F.: - . k, ~ ~' ~ ~ ~