PC 66-138PCbo-13R RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT k94 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City oE Aneheim did recoive a verified Petitlon fo: Conditionol UsePermitfrom ALWYN S. AND LUCILiE G. JEVJEr.L, ;K HFAITAGE COIJSTRUCTION CORPORATION, 4100 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, California, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Couniy of Orange, Sia+.e of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though sat forth :n full .,'.IR'a~ -. ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on IJovember 7, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., natice of seid public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel code, Chepter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and egeinst setd propoaed conditional uae end to investigete end moke findings and recommendatione in connectton therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, eEter due Innpection, investl~etion, end etudy mede by itself end in ite behalf, and efter due consideration ot ell evidence end reporte oEfered at seid heering, does find and determine the following facts: 1~ That the propos-rd use is properly one for •.vhich a Conditional Use Fermit is authcrize~ by Ccde: S~~tion i~.o4.020(~) -establisl: an office u~.iil~ing in tf;e corr,meicial ie:rea?ion ,:r~_,:. with .tiaive: ci: SECTIOPJ 1~.40.070(4~-la) required parking; (413 par}:ina spar_es required-33U spaces pI'O~OSP. 2. That the propoaed uee wil! not adver~ely affect the odjoining Iend ueea ond the erowth aad development of I the area in whir.h it is proposed to be located. ; 3. Thet the size and ahepe of the eite proposed for the ase is adequate to allow the full development of the ; proposed use in e menner not detrimentel to the particuler area nor to the peace, health, safety, end general welfere _ of the Citizans of the City of Meheim. 4. ?'hat the grenting ot the Conditional Usr. Yetmit under the conditions impoaed, it eny, will not be detrimentel to the peace, health, sefety, end generel welfere ot the C3tizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. That under the authori:y or' Sec;.ion 1~.64.070, •,vaiver cf tt:e requirad ~s13 parF;ir, spa~~.es to permit_ 330 par}:iny spa..es is he:eoy granted, on tt,e basis t.hat t.he inter.sity o; ~ office uses of this nalure ir, iiiqh rise structures wouiy appear tu ~r~arrant a reduction ir, the I City's parking standarcis ba;ed on general ofiice use. ~ 6. Tt~at. nc one appeare~J ;r, upposition to sub;ect petitior;. Cl-G .1_ .!x ' , _ •, i ~ ~ ~~., ~~ ~ ~~~ s ~ ~;t~ '1='; . ~ lx :I .1 T V r, ~ ~ i -^ -i V eslee; ALI~IYN S. JEWELL and LuCII.LE G. JEWII,,L, husband and wife, as ~oinb tenants. Thc land referred to S~this report is in thc ::ICtc of Cal~'omia, counry o( Ornr,~u• That portion of the Southeast qunrter of Soction 22, Townahip 4;;outh, Itange 10 j9oat, ir~ the Runcho Juan Cu3on do Santa Ann, in tha City of Anaheim, as ~hoi~n on a map racorded in book 51, puQQ 10, Miaaollanc~ous Dsaps, reaords oi' said Orange County, desaribed A8 Tollowas ~otmneno~nE at the Southtivo~t corner oP said Sout;heaat quartor; thonco ~torth Ei'(~ Paet along the tiJest line of said Southeuat quurter; thenco r.~st 57°a.51 Peet parallel with L•he South line oP 3aid ;;outhcast quarter; thenae South 0° 16' 30" Fsst 675.11 f4et L•o the South linQ oS :,aid 5outh- eaat quarter and the true point of beginning; thonce Eaat 260 fcet along eaJ.r] South lino; thence North 0° 16 ~ 30" t•lest 6?5.11 feQt; thance 41est 260 feet purallel with said South line; thenoo South 675.11 Peot to tho trucs . point . of be&innin . ', ; , . ~~ ~'` `~' ~ :• ' ( Continued ) ~ E ~ Ai4G fs ~-- ~ c, .c `~~v ~, .. . CG' ~ ~ ~L~' . ~1 `~3L5y'~ ~~,,`~ -. _ V~ 7- ~~ _ _......,: ~ ~9j2y2'+`~ Page 2 ' ~ , ~XCi:PTING TF~ft~1~OWi Lhe follov+in~ descrlUed land: ~~ 1 ;i; Co~runencin~ ab the Sout-hv~e3t corner of snid .~.'out-hea:,t quarLer; thence ' ~ Norbh G75.00 feet along Lhe l~leUt; llne of :~aid 5outheasl; quarLer; thence '>'; , ~ i;ast 573.51 feeb parallel ti•+1Lh the South llnc of said Southeast; quarL-er; L1lence Soutih 0° 16' 30" ~ast 675.11 Teet t:o Lhe South line oi' ~aid Soubh- ~ ~ eaUL quarter and the L-rue point of beginning; tlience ~a3L- 150.00 feet .'i ~ along suid South llne; tl~ence North 0° 16' 30" YJest 310.00 fe~t parallel with sald lino liaving a boaring oi' SouLh 0° 16~ 30" Eaet; thenao 19oot ~ 150.00 i'eet• parallel w1L'h ~aid Soutll llne; thenae South 0° 16' 30" Easti 310.00 feeb bo the true point.of be~innin~. ~ ~ NOT~: Said land i~ descriUed on L•ne CvuuLy lax A3sessment Roil for the , - ~• ~ ,.~„ :,a ~_,h~ Aa a. p. rro. 82-270-31; cA ~-o3i. • /---' _'r' . "'"'~!'~',~ • .. -- ; i . 7fi! :'_lr d ~ -.~`? "1(hNy "iP,cN.kFORE, 3~ lT RC•SUi.VID t:~at the Anaheim City Pldnn;ng Commission does 'r,ereby g:ar.t s~,bje-:.i ~:_t:tier, t,,: ;,c-,;:! io• a~ Use Permit, upon the io;;or~ir.g conditions wnich are hereby feund to Ue ;~ nec~_„-.~ry ~,~.:~quisite to the proposed use of the ~ubject property in c:,ier to pr._sarve t:~~ sarety and o~neral .velfare or che Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That ;he ^v~ner; o,• s,;},;c~t property shall deed te ti;e City oi Ana~,eim a st:ip of land bU ieet ir. •,v:dtn, fr~m ttie c~nte: iir,e of the s~reet, along Katella Avenue, ior street widen- ing purposes. 2. 'Ihat stree~ imp:c~-ement plans shall be prepared ~nd all enaineering reou;rements of li~e C;ty cf ~r:rt~,eim J~1Jf:y Kate.:~ A:~er,uv, s~ch as curbs and gutters, sidc~valks, str~et grading, and peving, d~^a~r:~ge f~,,:ilities, cr other appurtenant v~orl: shall be completed as required by the City Engin<<.; •,ti in a~ ~rdance witn standard plans ard specifications on file in the offir.e of the City F.r~y+,ne~:; an~ t~ ~~: ; bor,~ in an amount and form satistactory to the City of Anah-~im shall be posr.P,~ v,ith :he ::iry to guarantee the installation of said engineer;ng requirerner.ts. 3. That the uwr.ers .,f subject property shall ~:av to the Ci,.y oi Anaheim tne sum oE $2,00 per front foot along Kate;,a Avenue, ;or street liyhting purposes. 4. That the owners o1' subject propert}~ st:all poy to tiie City of Anaheic: the sum of 15Q per f'ront foot along Katell~ Avenue, f'or tree planting purposes. 5. That trasfi sloiagH are:~s sf~all be pi-ovided in accordance v:it'i approved plans on fi:e with the oifice oi the Director ot Public WorE:s. 6. That fire hydrants shail be irst,alled as required and determined to be necessary b~- the Chief' ci the Fire Department. 7. That dny air-r,ondlt.ioni~g facilities proposeci shall be properly shielded from view. f~. Tr,at those po~i:ons o.' the proposed structure ir~dicated for metal construction, shall ~:onform *.o the City Council's poiicy for metal buildinos. 9. That Condition Nos. 1, :, 3, and 4, above mentior.ed, shall be complied r~itn pr;or to the tirne that tt,e Buildir;p P.=rmit is issue~ or wit.hin a oeriod of 1~0 davs from date hereof, v~hichev2r c~_:~rs fi~s!, or s~.i;t, f~.~rtt~ei ti~°e as the Co^;~~issicn o; City Counci: may qrant.. 1G. That Condition hos. 5, 6, ', and ~+, ;c,ove mentioned, st~all be complied with prior to rinal build',ng and zoninq inspections. li. That, subje~t property si~all be developed substantially in acccrdanca with plans and specif'icatiors ^n ii:e wit;: !he City of Ananeim, mar};ed Exhibit Nos. 1 thru 14. THE FOREGOI;dG RESOLUTION is signed ar~d approved by n~~ this 17th dav j" c~ . ~ mber, li~F i~ kTT~ST: RIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA.~~ING CO ,",ISSIO;J ~ ~? 2~ /---I/ `-'-~S=_~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~MMISSIOP; STATE OF CALIFOR;~Iq ) ODUNTY OF ORA;JGE j sti, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ar,n Krebs, Secretary of the City Planniny Coremissior, of the Ci;~~~ o! q~~~!iri~,~~ ~o hereby cert,ify that tti? ror?yoing resolution v;as pass~~d and adopted at a mee u ng cf ;i~e Cit, Plar,ning Con;mission o: t.h~~ City of Anat;ei~n, !~.elti cn ;iove;nber 7, i9b6. a, ;:C;~~~ „' by thc- 'rcllo~„i~9 ~~ote of t.ne !nernbers ttiereuf: ~0 ~' p'~~•• A'.lES: COMh1ISSI0IJHRS: fi„rar,o, Ga~.ier, Herbst, Mungalt, Ro~J~land, Car,~o. NOESt GOMMISSI0f4ERS: v~n~, AE6iE?7: qh4dIS5I0?lERS: Allre,i, I!. WiitJt~S WHEREOF, I!,d•~e hereur,;.o set n;y i;and this 17;.;, ~i,,y o~ ;~;o.~~~~~Fr. 1966. C~~YL ~ Ci ~2 ~ G~~ SECRETRRY ANAHEI~S CITY PLANiJIh;G COM- ~A1~Sgip; Ras. tdu. i~%+ J ~