PC 66-160RESOLIITIOM N0. PCbo- 1cU A RE50LUT10N OF THE CITY PLANNIt~~G ODAIMISSION REG1phiMENpING TO THE C1TY ~UNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM A STREET tJAM~ FOR THE FRONTAGE ROP.D SOUTHERL'f OF THE RIVER5IDE rR~FNAY F,CTEND7NG FROM CHAfJTILLY SI'REET OIJ THE WEST TO NEWKIRK ROAD ON THE EAST, SAiD iJANE TO BE FRONTERA SIREET, THERETO WHEREAS, tt;e irontage road ~xi?t~iu the City of Anaheirn's jurisdictior~ rxt.endii~y rrom Chantilly Street to the Osange County Flood Controi Channel v,~sterly o; Do•~rling Street tias been referred t.o by aeveral narnes; ard WHEREAS, ir; order to eliminate ,:oniusion r.~hen directior,s are given to em~•rye^cy vehiclas, a street name designation should be assiqned; ard WHEREAS, the City Plar~ning Catunission did hold a~.~•_,hlic f;eari:ig at tt.e City Hall in tna Cit.y of Anai~eim on Nov~ober 21, ]966, at 2:00 C'clock P.N., r.otice of said pulbic heariny i~aving beer, duly given as requirad ty law, t.o t:ear ac~i considet evidence foi ai;d against said street r.ame designation, and to in:~est.iyate and make firdinqs and rec:ornmandations in connection tt!ere~aith; ard WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, in:~estiyatioi:, and st.udy rna~~e by itself and in its pe't;alf, and af'ter due con~idaratia~ o? a? 1 eviden~ e.~r,d t epoi ts oft e: a.i at said hearing does finci ar.d drt2riuine tne followir:q fac~ts: 1. Tnat a portion of the frontage road located so,,t.herly of the Ricerside FreeNay ext.er.ding easterly from the Orange County Flood Cor.trol Ct~a~~~;el to Nevrkirk Road is ~,n~itnin the jurisdiition of tt~e County of Orar,ge, and this proposed street name ror the road should be recomi,~endai to t,he Oz•ange County Plan~~iny Commission. 2. That. the fconLage road ~vitnin the jurisdic:tion of t.he City of' Anaiiein, ~~:~s beer, referred to by the f ire, police, and ::ov•,rr;r;,;,t;i .yrpartment.s 'ty a variety o` names, thus creating confusior. in the direr±~or~ of' enie:qe~;ry ~: ef~icles. 3. Tt,at no one appearad in opposition to subject petition. NOW, TNEREFOkE, BE IT RHSOLVID t.:~at tt~e City Pianr.ir,y Cominission does her;,i,; recon;m~a::d t:o ti.e City Counci] or the City of' Ananeirr: that tF:e frontaqe ro„i betv;ee;. .;; ~„~tg~;~ Street on t.he r.est. and IJev~kirk Road on t!ie c:ast witt~in ti~e bo~,r,daries of tt.r City o! Ni,~~f~eim bi~ i:a~r~eti Fior.tera ~traet„ BE IT FURI'HER RESOL'dEE~ that the County o; Oranqe Plarn;ng Con;rn:ssior, he u:.3«i eo assign tFe ~~ame of Frontera Strre? to t.t:at portior, of' t.h;e frontage road ~,vithir ti.rir jurisdiction oet.vee~~ t,he Oranye Co~.mty Flood Contro] Ct;anne] am.i ;ve~+~kirk Road. THE FOkh~C1I:~G RE50LI_ITIUN is siyr.eJ and approved by ir:~ th~s ls' .iay ol .; _, ;~;6F,. ~ -Gu ~ ~~, , ~. ~/~. C AIRMAN ANAHHIA4 CITI' PLANt~1~jG~~N~MISS;ON A~..rES,T: G,'L /J'z-:~2 / ~~:.~.2/ 5[CRETARY Ai~ANEIht CITY PLAI~~WIi~iG OOhWi1S5I0iJ STA'1'E OF CALIFORtJIq ) COUNT'r OF ORAPIGE i ss. CITY OF A~vAHEIM ) I, Ar;r, Kreb;, SNcretary of tt~e City Planniny Conur,issior. of tt~e City of Ar.at~eim, do t~e.*?by rert ir y i t~at. r.h~ "roregoiny re>olut ior ~Jl,~s passed ar;d adopted aY, a n;ee~ iny of tr~:- City Plarniny Comrnission of' the City p} Ananeini, held on November 21, 196G, a~ 2:OC' C;'clocF: P.tJ~., ny {he followiny vote oi' the meir~bEr, thezeof: . AYES: CON~MISS101JF~?S: Allrei, Gauer, Hec•bst, Mungall, Ro•n~lan,i, CdfliD. PJOES: COMM I SS I OtdER5: iJon ~:. ~ ABSENT: COMMlSSIOPIERS: Farano. j IDl P~I'I'NFSS WH~REOF, I have her~unt.o set my hand chis lst day ot D«emuer, i~16o. Y 2 1tI 7~ ~' ~. '' _~~..1-t., r /~ I~ i.s~. , ,I SC-CRETARY ANA:i~ITY PLAIJ~J]P~ CrJMMISSION ~ ~ i~ d ~