PC 66-177',?~rn;;. RESOLUTION NO. PC66-177 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIvG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TU THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECI.ASSIFICATION N0.66-67-43 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Reclassifica- tion from WILLIAM H. GREBEI, AIQD VOGE IN~RPORATED, 7601 Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, Owners; STANDARD OIL ~MPANY, ATTtJ: 0. W. LO(IDERBACK, 605 West Olympic Bo~levard, Los Angeles, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Aaheim, County of U~ange, State o.` California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as tho~igh set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heering at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on DeCember 19, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,72,to hear and consider evi- dence for and against said proposed reclassificetion and to investigete and make findings und recommendations in cennection therewith: and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalE, and efter due consideration of all evidence and reports of(ered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Thei the petit;oner proposes the deletion of deed restrictions whic}i lirnited the useof subject property to business and professional uses, to permit the full ranye of C-1, General Commercial Zone, uses. 2. That the scope of the proposed reclassification, if approved, does not x~~rrant ~n amendment to the General Plan at the present time, ho~aever, its relatiorship *o the General Pian symbol will be considered at the next annual review. 3. That no economic or land use change has taken place in the area to warrant c~nsideration or deletion of the deed restrictions which vaere considered more amenable to the residential development already established, and which would be affected by the development of subject property. 4. That the establishment of a service station would increase the traffic on a residential street, as well as create dust, noise, lights, hours of operation, ociors and furr.es, inherent to the use proposed which would be detrimental to the peace, health, and general welfare of the residents of the area. 5. That the petitioners have not presented evidence that the residential integrity of the ai•ea in whicl~ the service station is proposed would not be destroyed since the C-1 deed restrictions were placed on subject property for the protection of the single family homeoNners in order that the perrnitted uses would be more compatible witfi the residential inteqrity of the area. 6. That representatives of the church established to the west expressed concern that the proposed service station would have a detrii~ental eFfect on any future church construction or expansion. 7. Ttiat three persons appeared representing eight persons present in the Council Chamber, and two lett.ers were received, all in opposition to subject petition. Rl-D _1_ ~ C' ~U C~ . . Title Insurance and Tarust Company ••~ ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE ~ 800 NORTH MAIN STREET SANTq qP~q ~ PHONE 547.3333 June 27, 19G6 ' , Standard Oil Conpany of Calif. , 1:'esiern Operations. Inc. , 605 IYcst Olympic Blvd, Room G10 Los Angcles, California 90015 ! I_-:~ G t 1" - I ' ~' _ I. - ~. _ ~ IlIPOItTANT ~~hen replying refcr to Ou~No. 436937-,1L,Jr Your No. ,~ ~f; ~ I: ~` • ~, i ~ c ~• }'~. Loudcrhack ' I The followin i g is a report of thc title to the land described in your application (or n Policy of Title Insurance, und is madc without liubi-ity and without obligation to issuc such policy. In addilion to nny cxceptions shoN~n hcrcin, and I~ i not clenred, the policy, if issued, will contnin conditions nnd stipulations and ulso exccfttions from its coveragc as may +f be rcquired by thc particular form of policy issucd. ~ ~ ~ Duted as of June 20 146G C 1'~ -~ i at ~:30 a.m. _ ~."7'~,~• .; t ~ .~,. ~./ ~ A , assiter, r,.~- ~ Vestee: ~ . Tide O(ficer ; VOGE INC., u corporaiion~ as to Parcel 1 and iYILLIA~i H. ~ GREIsGL, a widoti,rer~• as to Parcel 2, , Parcel~l. That portion of lot lE P Anaheir.i Extension, in t city of Anaheim, , county of Oran~e, state of California, as ~hown on a map oP survey made by William Hamel and filed in the office of the county recorder of Los An~eles County, California, a copy oP which is sho~•,n in book 3 pa6e 163, et seq, entitled "Loa An~eles County 2daps", recorda of sAid Orange Counby, described as follosvs: Be~innin~ at a point on the center line of South Street, I~(orth 74°36' 05 East 111.50 feet rrom the northti•~est corner or the la,nd conveyed by deed recorded October 2f3, 1947 in boo3c 1590 pa~e 1Q7 of Offid al Records, said corner being South 74° 36' 05" West 373.10 feet i'rom the intersection of eaid center line with the center 11ne of Placentia Avenue; thence South 15° 45' 25~~ East 18a.75 feet, parallel r~ith the West line of said land L•o the north~~~esterly line of the land described in the deed to William H. Grebel, et ux, recorded July 3, 1948 in book 1663 pa~es 397 and 398 0~' OSficial Racorda• thence North 74°36' 05" East to the northeaet corner of said land; thence North 0°05~15" ~.~ ~as~ 195•$~ feet alon~ said center line of Placentia Avenue to oaid center line of South Street; thence South 74° 36' 05" West 261.60 ~eet to the point of be~ihning. EXCEPT thab portion of said land included w~.thin Seuth Street, as shown on said map. Parcel 2. That portion oS lot 16 of Anaheim Ey;tension, in the city of Anaheim, eount;/ oi' Oran~e, state of California, as shotian on a map oP 3urvey made by Ylilliam Hamel and *.led in th~ office oi' the eounty recorder oS Lo~ Anbeles County, Cali..ornia, a copy oF which is nhown in book 3 pa~e 163, et seq, entitled "Los An~elea County blaps, records of said Orange County, described as follo~as: Beginnin~r at a point in the center line of Placentla Avenue said point being located 195•8~ teet South 0° 05' 15" 1~lest from the Snter- section of said center line by the center line of South Street•runnin from said point of be~inn~n~ South 0° 05~ 15" ~aest 73.00 feet to the ~ southeast corner of that certain parcel o£ land conveyed by deed, recorded October 28, 1947 in boolt 1590 page 187 of O:ficial Records 01' Oraiige County, California; thence South 74° 36' 05" 4Jeat 299.70 Peet to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence North 15° 45~ 2~" Flest 70.34 £eet along the West line of said parcel; thence North 74 36' 05 Eant 3p~3.76 feet ~o the point of be~{inning. Said land is ehown on a map filed in book 20 page 28 of Record ,£~~ Surveys, in the office of the county recorder of said Orange iinty.~ ' r, ~ /~I "/.~ i~~ ;~~ , • 'r`•Cl~l ~U J RECLASS. N0. lolo ~O~ ~/3 := `";:, ~`o ~ ~~, G/V~~~U~ ~ . . . \c/'~'~a~`~7~~ti .3 J ¢ _~ ~ :j ~ ~ - ~ 0.~ 1 • 6~ ` i~ - ~?I ~ ; - ~I .~x I '.~ ':" NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby recommend .^; to the City Council of the Ciry of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassificetlon be denied on the basis of the eforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved hy me this 29th day of December, 1966~ ' . HAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PGANNING OMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~L Z L G.L'~ / ~/ C.C.O~.Y SECRETARY ANAHEIM C[TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann lG~ebs~ ' Secretery of the City Plenning Commission of the City o( Aneheim, do hereby certify that the (ore- fSoing resolution was pessed end edopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission ofthe City of Aneheim, held on December 19~ 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the Eollowing vote ot the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Carnp. NOES: COAfMISSlONERS: None. ASSENT: COMMISSiONERS: None. iN WfTNESS WFIEREOF, i heve hereunto set my hand this 29th day of December, 1966. ~n x-~.~~ 7 SECRETARY ANAHEIhI CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION RF.SOLUTION N0. 177 R2-D -2- ~ ~