PC 66-98PCbi~ ~ 'iP RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. °='~~' ~'-3 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did rece3ve a ve ified Petitio; fQr Reclassjj tion from HENRY WAGNER, 9?5 South State Coiieye Bouiei~rd, Anat~eim, G~aiifernia uwner~ Wt~~t CAMPAPdY, INCORPORAT~'D, 8879 WesC F'.co Bculevard5 Los Angeles, California9 Ayent of certain rea] oroperty sit~ated in the C_ty of Anaheim, County of Qrange, State of Caiifornia, descriued as The North 173 feet of lhe South ~J3 £eet of the We;i 398 feet ef' tf~~e East ~2R feet of Lot 20 of Anaheim EKtension, as shown un a m~p ±he'eof recorded in b~ok 3S pages ln2 t.o :6a inclusive of Miscellaneous RN~.'r,;ds in tf;e cf~ficc; of the County Recorder of Los Ar,geies County9 Cali'rornia said distanr.e being measu:ed ?'rom ti~e cente~ lines of' Baii Road and State Coilege Boulevard, as shown on the map ef Tract Noe 473'' reccrded in book i~49 pages 4'~ and ~~s cf said M:scellaneuus Map=9 the uitimate h~:dth o: both B;1? Road ar,d State Coiiege Bou:e:~ard to be 53 feet i'rem center lines a:cord:ng to ~nfo:mat:on ~'rom the City ci' Anaheim as oi this date thus rnakir.g the net par~el 150 ie~t on 5tate Cui?eye Boulevard by 3?5 feet o~ Bal; Road~ .> ~:;.; i ~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrt~ission did hold a public hearing at the City Ha11 iv the City of Anaheim on ~eptembe* 20, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing having been d~, given es required by lew and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for end egeinst seid proposed reclassification end to invesfigate and make findings end recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behaff, ond after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at seid hearing, does find and determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner proposes e reclassification of the above described property from the R- A, Ag: ; c,, :~,,r ;, ;, Zone to t'r.e M-19 Light Ir,dust: id:~ Zone '.c establ:st: a ser~ ice st~t ~o;; anr, rest aui.~nt ~ on subject property~ 2o That the propcsea rec'ass~fi,:atioc :s ir, ronl'ormance witt~ ti:e Gereral Pier.. 3. That the proposed reclessification o( subject property is necessary end/or desirable tor the orderly end pro- per developnrent of the community. 4. That the proposed reclessificetion of subject property does properly relete to the zones and their permitted uaes locelly established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones end their permitted uses generally estab- lished throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassifica±ien of s~.;bJert p.cperty :eq,~i:es ti~e dedicst;on and impi•ovement of abutting streets in accorpan~e with tne Circulation EieiT,ent of the GPriera] Plar., due te the anticipated increase in t.raFfic ~nhich Nii: be generated by the intensif:c~tion of land use. 6a Tnat no one appearod in opposit:on to sub~ect peti±:on., ~ R-A ~.._; ~ -1- ~ - NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T n~,SOLVED thet the Aneheim City Plenninb ~ommission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim thet subject Petition for Recleasificetion be approved and, by so doing, thet Title 18-Zoning of the Anaham Municipal Code be emended to exclude the above described property from the R-A, Agiicultural, Zone an.: in incc~pc:aie said ;ie;cribed ~:ruperty intc t!,e N--i, Li.ji,t, , Industrial, Zone, upon t~.e fe':ie::ir.g .cr.,ji:.ions ~n~hici: are i;ereby four.a tc be ,; ne~ess,~:y rre- TE~U1Slte ±O ~h@ F)I0~05@Cl USE C: S~itiJj2i:i. C~COC"r1LV lil OTdE2' t.0 ~_E3BIV2 if1E S;~~at~ :t1~i (~ef~@:dl welPare of t"e citizer.s of the C;ty e, Anai~eim. lo That the cwne* ci sub;ect pccaerty sha: ~ Ueei to the City of P.n~i~ei~~~ ,, stz•ir, c; 1~;~n ;;; feet in width, irom the cente~ 1?ne nf the streei, aleng Ba.i Ro3a ;nd St~~_e C~llene Bc.,le~.~ard, including a 35-foot radi~s corne: ~etur~, ~c:• st:eut v;ider:ing purposes., 2~ That street :mprovement piars :t:al: b? crepare~i ::r.d a:? er.gi~;eeri~:y ru.~~,ir:=ir~er,ts of the City oi Anaheim, alor.g Bali R;;a:i ~n•i S?ate ~ci?eye I~o,,?evar,:, such ys curbs ~r,d nutters~ side_. •rraiks, street grading yr.d pa!'ing~ ~i:ain~ye iac;iities, or otner appurtenant a~ork 5i~~1: be cen,- pleted as :equireci by :F:e City ~nginee: <;r„i ;r; a~cordance •,vit'i star:dard p:ans ar.d spec;fi~a`ions cn riie in t.he office cf' the City Er,gineer; ar,~~ t!~at ; bonl in =:r. a~r~ou;~t and .°orrn ;a!i;;';,r~ory to the City of Anaheim sh~l? be pcsted ~:airh tt~e City to gua~an!ee t:,e installat.ion cf sai~ engineerir:g requirements~ .~ That the enmer cf sub7ect r~ope:*_y s!~,;'. pa, ~o tna Ci~y o.° p„ri~e~n: ti.e suru or ~:~.~G ~er .:ont f~oct slong Ball Roai ar.:; Sta?e Co:lege B,-;uie•rard. tor st~ae?. lint~tin~3 p!unose=~ =1~ Thac the o~.vne. ~i subjec- ;~rope: ty si:ai i~.a, :~ f i.., `.iie Ci'-Y ef P•r:=f~ain, t~,e str,n of ]5~ rE.- f'rort foot a;onq Ball Road ~nd State Co:;e7e Bou:evardy For trE~ pidntir,g pur~~ose;~ 5. ~:hat ~ P~r_ei A4~p tc rec~ra ~he approveti tiivision of subject properiy Le subrn;t~eti ;o t.i:e City of An~neirn icr approvy'. and then ~e recorded in t.'~A •.~;: ice o: ti;e Ur;:~~ae Ceunt~ Reco:de:. 6~ That Con.iit.ion f;oso :, ~ 3q ~, ac~ 5, abeve n~e~~ioned, si~all be comp;iEd ~,~iti; ~r:it:~in a pericd of iFiG days from tha date~hereor', or suci~ fu: tt:er t.ime as Lhe C;ty Coun; i] ~e:~y y: ant. 7, Tnat any air-ccr.ditionir.g ia~ilities proposed shali be properiy si,ie'.ded rrs;:. vie~;: fror., abuttir.g stree:sy and sour.d buife:e~ f•rom adjoining residen~ial property, ~ricr '.c :ir,;; bui:d- ing ir.spection~ ~+~ Tns' the eorti:;; uf s~.,oject p:opP,ty ir,dica'.eo en c•<ni'r~;t ^Jo. ':'~r ~ ser:i::e ;t=~ion si'te, sha:i be deve':ped suos~ a^?i::?ly in .:c:or~ance ~riti~ .~dopte~ Se:v;ce Staticr hlir,i~r.,~r.~ Site De~:eloamert Standaris~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me this bt~, da~ of Octobe: , i)cc , ~ Q '-Lst~ ~/ %~' , HAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: G~~I~Iir2 ~ i~'J~ ~, l ~-2, / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Seccetary oi tfie City Plenninq Commisslon of the City of Anaheim, do hereby eenify thet the fore- going resolution wes pessed and edopted et e meeting of the City Plenning ~ommission ofthe City of Aneheim, held on September 26, ] 966, et 2:Ga o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A; lred, Far ,nu, Gaue; , Herb;± , Mo.mga' 1, Ro~n~i an~i~ ~au,p., NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t~lone. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this 6?'r; ;Jay oP Oc•~o~E: ~ i~;::%~, R ' ~ ~,x RESOLUTION N0. 9R I ,. R2-A 1 'L ~ - . _;.,~ -.~-{ ;,-~-------- ; ..~. ~~~~ ~ : ~-~ SE~RETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION -2- ~