PC 67-102RESOLUTION N0. PCo7-1G 4 RESOLUTICN OF T;E CITY PLAN;4ING COMhiISSION OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDIi~G TO 'iHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT'f OF ANAHEIM AN AMENDMENT TO T4E RUAHEIM NUivICIPAL CODr, TITLE i8, ZONING, CHAPTER ~.8~85, SPECIAL ScT9ACK, SECTIO'~ 18.P5.C10, SETBACK DEPTHS -i:~.°.E?0 WHEREAS, the City Counci! ir~ Ordin;:n~e PJo. 2.s64, dated Marr_h 7, '_907, did est2blish s~^~iai setbacks tor orooertie= :ronting a.ong Harbor 8o~levard, Kate~la Hvenue ar,d _ WPSt Street; and r ~~ ~! Yl'HEREP.S; by motion, the City Coun~il on M~arch 21, i9o7, requested tnat the P?anninq .!~ ' Commission consider ar amen~ment to the Seecial Setbacics estzblishE~ alono these streets: , ~ ar.d '~iHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hoid z pubtic hearing at the City Hali ir, *,na: Ci;;y oi Ananeim or. May 8; I9ti?, at 2:U0 G'ciock P.M., noti~e o: said pub!ic !;earin^ havina been du:y yiven as required by iav; ano in accordance ~~ith provisions o! tne Anaheim Muni::ipal Code, to near ar,d consider evidence for and against said prooose~ I amer.dmer.t an:~ te investiaate and mak2 iindinas and xecommendations in connection ther?witn: and PJHEREAS, said Commission, after due in=_pection, investigation, and study made by itse~i an~ in its beha!i, and a:ter due consideration o, ali evidence and reaort=_ o'; ered at sai~ hearino, does find and determine the iollowino, tacts: 1. ?~~at a ore~;ous r?qui:ement o!' develooment in tne Commercial-Rzcreation Ared n~c=ssit~te~l buii:iina setoacKS along !-arbor 3oaievard at 50 feet. 2_ Tnat *_he City Councii aopro~~e~ z?5-foot *uily landscaped setback ior prooerty on if.e east sid~ oi iiarbor Bou!evard southerly o` Kate:la AvFnue. 3, Tnat the City Councii reouested the Planninq Commi=sion to consider an amendment to Section !8.85.0"!0 to add an ootion c:ause aiso oerrr.itting a 35 :oot, ail ian~~scape~ builoing =et.bac:c_ I~lONi, T'r.EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that th2 City Planning Commissior does nereby recommen~ 'u tt~,e Ciiy Councii o: the City of Anaheim the adoption oi an amendment to tr:~~ A;i,n~im Mur.zcipal Cod2, Titi? i8, Zonino, Chaptez 18.85, Speciol Setbacks, Section i8~t~5.01Q, Setbac;;s Deptns, as depicte.i on cxhibit "k" attacned 'nereto ano re: erreo to h~r~_r. as tnouon sot :orth in rui1, on t'r.a basis o'. tne :oreooino 'rinoinas, T:;E FOREGOIidG RESOiuT?ON is =igne~ and aoproved b me this 18th - :~_y, 1~~6~%. ~ef.1J C;iAIRMA?. AivAHtIM CIT PLAidi~lIN COMMISS;O:"! A:"EST: (/L~l-z:-~%`~~t Ll1_ Se:CRETARY P.iJAnc1M"CIrY PLP.NNING COUlA4IS5i0T! STAT~ OF CALIFORPilA ~OU;~iTY OF ORANGF ) ss. C1?Y G!= ANA;iEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary o` the City Planning Commission of tne City of Anaheim, o0 `~ezeby r.erti:y that tne for=going resol~tion was pa=_sed and adopted at a meetino of thF i.ity Planning Commission o~ tne City of Anaheim, neid on May 8, i967, at 2:00 O cioci: F.M. by the iollowinc vote o,• tne members ~hereot: AYES: COMl~S!SSIO~dERS: Aiire:l, Farano, Gauer, Herbsr,, Mu~oall, Rowland, Camo, "10ES: COMiuiISS10:iEH5: Ilone. ABScN?: COMh11SS10NERS: i~one. I~! l;I:~iL'SS WFiEREO"r, I h~ve hereunto set my hand this i~sth oay of May, 190'. ~/" . ~.~/ ~ ~:~-r.~/k~i ~~<v SECRETARY ANAriE?NI CTTY PLANNIPiG COMMIS:I06; r`1 ' ~ ; ~I „s~t a Exhibit "A" ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINAPlCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDMENT TO CHAPTF~t 18,85 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT! OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 That Title 18.85 0: the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 18.85.J10 SETBACK DEPTHS "A. i~arbor Boulevard from four hundred forty (440) feet south of Vermont Street to Orangewood Avenue, a setback of fifty (50) feet with an average of twenty (20) feet, but not less than fifteen l15) feet of said setback landscaped or a setback of thirty-five ~35) feet, all landscaped, at the option of the develoFer, said landscaping area sha11 be parallel with and adjacent to the :ront property line." i! ~ i' ~ ~i ~ . ~ ,~ ..:. .... ... _ _.. ...... __..._ :. , . . i '_""^"~ - 5 r