PC 67-105~. .. . . . r RESOLUT'ION NO. p~67-105 _ A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C1TX OF ANAFif.':M THA'f PETITION FOR COLiDITIONAL USE P'dRMIT 939 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission ~f the City of Maheim did ret•eive e verif_i2d Petitios for Conditional UsePermit[rom ANP. PFRK, ?NCOR~RATED, 1537 Wes~ 1Gat,le ~treet, Anai~eim, Califorr.ia, Owner; KE\NETN W. HOL?, .55~ West Nable Street, 4r;aheim, Caiiforni3, agent of CBIt3in rejl orooerty - situated in the City of Anaheim, County oi Orange, State c: ~a!.iforr!ia, as described in ,•-~ Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referied to he*ein as ti~ouuh se~ `ort~ in fuli ; end WHtiREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Ha:l in the Cit~~ of Anaheim on May 22, 196~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said publi~ f.eari~:~ having been duly giver as required by law and in accordance with the provisicns of the Aneheim Municipal co~z. ':u;~ier 18.64, tc hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, nfter due i~speccion, investigatian, and study made by itself end i:'r2s behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence end :eports offered at said hearing, does find end determir.e'tne following facts: 1. That the pnoosed use :~ properly ar~e for wh:ch a Conditionel .Use Permit ts euthorized by this Code, to Wlt: ~F'~~7.011 _~.b4..~l~~ _' . C?_Tfillt :i2 EXrd~S:Gi. G1 d, .`:dLB fi-_.'1^Ji 1V:i:: ..,_~??:1 :~C_"~+°S J'1 prcperLy :n t:~,? "~~~-~, Lig~.t i::dus'tr~ai, ~=cr.e• , 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses nnd the growth and developnent o: the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. 1'hat the size end shepe of the site proposed for t.ne use i~ ade~::ate fo a11ow tne full development of t.he proposed use in a menner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, s~fety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the grentiny, ;,: cne Coniitionel L~se Permit under the conditions imposed, if ar.y, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, end gertarn' ~rel~dre cf ~'•:e t.`,itizer.s of the City ot Aneheim. ~. i~~at c:e ,.~aiii;; yenarated b; ne c:c~csed :se ~~vii_ :n: i^~pose a:. ~:n:.~ .,..,:er: uror. t:_ s*_raets ar:ti t.! gnwa;%s ~?s:g^ed and imp. ~ved to ;,arr~,' t;:e tra: f iv ir tne .. , 6, That the petiiicnez indicat^o t`:a~ tne ~~ojec_ wo~'_d Ue .^m;~e+_ed _. ~~tivo p:^.ases. ?„ Tna? .~r.e person aF,:=areo in o~positior:. :eFreser.t'_.^.g _r.dusriies i: t:e area, ar.d oreser.ted t~.vo _et.te:s c; oor,osition. Cl-G -1- ~ ~~' X,` ~. ,.> . I ~ `, ,, ' ~.~ ~ i ~ " C:J; ~;~ ,:~~- - . `f, 1I •~ ~..~ , ~ .,. , ,.~. ~/ r - ~.~ ~-.:-- ~~`' ,~ ; ~, ~ , „'/ _,,,`~~ :,'~ '\,, z;.:., ,. ~ r ~,/, i\'' ~ .-~'/ ~=; ~.~., ~~ "%~ ~~ , •% ~_.~ ~ ~..~.~.. _~,.~~,.~.:~ rYpi. ~ IrpW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED thet the Anaheim Cily Planning Commission does hereby grant aubject Petition for Conditlonel Use Pecmit, upon the follaaing conditlons which are hereby found to be a necessary pcarequisite to the proposed use of the subject pcoperty in order to presecve the sefety and general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: j,, ThaT_ ~~lE OWf~2"~ Ci Sl]DjBCt ~IOGeSLY SI1311 ~E!~1Cdi.~ d CGS~I°T t2ti:?~.'': Vllifl d 1.~+-f~Gt radius ?02 ~=7'E~=* W1uEil1~?~ f:UIDCSC'S~~ ,"C!,:a: sireeT '-ciP-*'o~~emer,t p'_ans sna!i b? prepared and al. enoineesir.g reyuiremen*_s of the Citv er Ane!i~im a:eng L~•a:a ar.d Manle Streeis, sucn as cu7hs and 9utcers, sidewaiks, st.:eet grad- irg ar~d oa:ing, dzainage iaci?it:es, or otner ao ur~er~ant aruzR shali ue ccrt~pl~:ted as zequ~red by the C~t- Ena:^ees and in accordarce wi:h standara plar,s and specificaiior.s on ;ile ir *nn of`ice of t~~e Ciiy Enyine2:; or tnat a bono ir an amount ard forrr satisfactory to tne Cit}~ of Anaheirr F ~_~re~ snal; be posted w`_*r. tne City to gua:antee the installaiion oi said engineeri.^.g requirementso i~ 3.~ T~at ine cwr.er oi sub~eci p:ope:*.y shail pay to the City o* Anaheim tne sum o: b2,OC per v({ ~ fror: ~ooL a':ong Lcara ar.d Mabie Streecs, `or stzeet iigniir~g pu=poseso ;~ ~.. That the cwner o; subject property snail pay to the City oi Ananeim T.he sum cf i54 c°r `y'` f:ont .oot along Loara and ~~able Streers, f'Gr t*ee p:aniing purFoses~ ~ I 5, -t;at ; ra.:ei 1d~ap to r~ccrd tne approved div:sion of SL'bjE::t proper~y be submitted io ; cite ~ity e: Anareim f~* apora~ai and then Ue :ecorded in tce offi;,e ei the Orange County Racoroe~~ 6, Tha! t.asn stoiage areas sha~'_~be pro:rideci in a:;cozdance witn app_oved olans on ;iie wit;, i' tne o:iice of the Directo: o* Pubiic Wozks~ ~! ~, Tnat ai: OUS ~i07!t1R~ *8Gi:1±?c~ snz;.: be adequately screened *rom Mao!? 5t~Pet~ ' 8o Tnai arry air-condiiior.ing faciiities pzoposed shal-i be nroper~y siiielded irom ~-iew•• ~ I 9~ Thai Cur.dition hos.. 1~ 2, ~, 4, and 59 ac;ove mer.ticned, shaii be comoiied w~ti~ e: io= ~~ 0 ~'~ ±* ' rerir.it is issued o- wi~hin a p riod of i8U days zrorn date ne*_ee', ': I ine time na, ti~e Fst:,.~=•^•g ~ Wh1CR?'%2^ OCCliIS T1.LSt3 0= SUCi IUT~fIQT' t1TlE d5 ?tl@ COtIIIi115510~ OT C1LV '~~Uf1Cli 1112Y yranL•~ I.'I '_Oo Tnat ~onditic^ t~+os> b, ~, and fi, above mentiored, shai: c? con~piied witi~ prio: to ~-na1 ~,i building and zoning irspecti^ns. '' i„ T!:at subject prooert~~ .,na:< ne develeoed suus±antial~y i^ accordar.ce with p'_ans and i, ~" Plos,. 1 2 3 4 and _., Re~::sion ' j sre_i:icaticns ~r. :ile witn tne ::ity oi Ar.aneim, marhed cx,~i~it ~ a + ~ ~; Pdo~ "_, prorided, :10W@V°_e ihat a 6-fcct masonr; wai~ snai~ be ~~nstzucted aicna tne so~.~r: oroperty : ~ lir.e, and a.:nai~-'_ir.k 'renca sur*our.di~ g ir.e o.aY9*ound area, as part o` tr,e rsc p.`•as~ ~= ~°" , strw.tion. THE FOREGOING RESOL'UTIOti is sip+ed end ~ppeoved by me this 1 st day of June, i96'' •. ATT~ST: i-. . ( ~~. C .' L ~ t. ,r ~, G- ~ SECltETARY ANAHE:;A Ci?Y PLANNIIIG COIOi1SS70N a'TATE OF C'ALIffiRNIA } i;OUNTY OF ORAA`GE ) cs. CITY OF ANr~HEIhI ) ,t.~i~; ',,I.Er,~, q~QN~~v ~x[ t1+e GitY~Pl~naiaf Commission ot the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify thet the forc~aing resd'?tie.~ °+ca ~~atsed tmd adoy!~d at a maeti::~ of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on ~' ~'; --~ ,'%5 '' at 2:00 o'clodc P..M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ~%~ -~ ,c .v_~ '~ % ~'~-,.>~s/ ,_. CHAIRYAN AIdAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSLON AY£S: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Mongal:, ~owland, ComP~ ~ ~ NOES: ~OMMISSiONERS: Farano, Gaue= 9 Herbst, i: I ` ABSEI7T: C~JMMISSIONERS: ~nne ~ IN WITNESS w'jiEREOF, I have heceunto set my hand this 1 st oay oi June, 190? o RESiILU:ION HO. 105 '~ ~ 1 c . ~ ~17 < C ~~ SECRETARY rANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C'OMMISSION - 2- C2•G -_-;.._....,, .-,~: ..~~ _. ., . -_~ . ~..T ._ , „F""'^-s~-^- .~i ' ~~~ . rS'.. ` ~^: 7~.