PC 67-183RESOLUTION NO. PC67 ic3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1 ~~6 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissior. of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from JAhiFS EfciP,;i, 18C8 Eas;. Commorr,vealth, Fuller~on, Cali;'ornia 9?631. Owner; DR. WILLIFJ~S BARKIP;, ~lQ~ Coi~~eny: Roulevard, Nol!ywood, Califoi~nia 900:r, Agent of certain rea! prop~rtq situate~ in tne City o: Anah=.im, County of Oranye, State of ~:.a': ornia, d?scribed as the Southe*!y 12;'.25 `eet of ,h~ ea;t,erly 259.00 ;~F~ of tnat cortion o: tn~ southea=_* quart~r of section 3=, T~wn=h~p 3 Soutn, Ranyr. I0 West, in Lhe Rancno San~Juan Cajor, de Santa Ana, partly in the City oi Anah~-~ri and oartly in ±he C2ty of Ful;~,rton, as s~id section is shown on a map recorded in boox 5l paaF ~ of ~+iisceilar.cous Ni~ps, in ThF o`i'ice of' the coun~y recorie-r of soi~ county. Beair.r.iny at a po_nt `'!~:+.h i001.5? !eet from !ne sou!heast ;;orner o` sai~ southeast quar±er~, ~her.ce fdo:th 3:B.5Q feet; t`.=~<~ ,;-s,o7o,50 r-et; thr:r~e 5o.,!r 3i9..5C i ee'.; t.hence Eas± c7o 50 i eet to the po:nt or o~ginr.;ry. 5a~d 1an~i is tn_lu.i~~ ,,:ti,i~ i:~,.= 3r~~,~ sno,^.r. on y mao :~iled ir. uook 5? oa.:~u lfs of Re:o: i o;° Sur~-eys, in th~ o" . e or saz: ro~nty re:ordar - ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hoSd a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on A~:~3u<t i, i~o ', at 2:00 o'clock P.N., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68,to hear and consider evidence for and egainst said proposed veriance end to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissinn, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repoRs offered :t seid hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a variance from the Aneheim Municipal Code: ~e_? ioc :~.52.0?0 F-~~m~ ;; ~~ Lis~~ .. ±o p<~rmit ., r~or...:or.!~o:m:n~ op'i.:,, ~e::ic~~ as ., or.ro:m:r:~. ,se . ~he hb..l. Liar: Inoue'ria.. Zor~~. - - 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstences or conditions app;icable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generelly to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the seme vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 4. That the requested variance will not be meterially detrimental to the public welfate or injurious to the pmp- erty or improvements ~n such vicinity and zone in which the propertv is located. .,. ~~f7dt th- ..!tlOf'... i10' -:~ tt.d d.-....dlrl dmOUh' 0.` tfi~ ~:7t'.~ ~- ~ ' ;ina o' . e-- an~ o'~ ope: =' ior.s ~. ~~rr., t t _ .,. _n ,, _ Zon=. -ro ~ r ipul.,te: t r,~t ~ ~it .~:. o~ ~~' ~~~ ~-_ .o~-.1~~~ k~. a s~r:i~~ on:y to i,~~on mam~~;rs :~;no c~r:~; ~n identiii~a~io~ :_~:i. - T-:ai, no or.~- ar:p~~re_; •:n o~:,o=.'ion to =ub;e . .cior~. Vl-G _1_ ~ NOW, TKEREFORE, HE IT RESC)LVED th~t the Maheim City Planning ComAlsaion docs hereby erent aubject PeUtlon for Varience, upon the follovie~ co~ditians wMcs ~re Dereby 6w~ed to be o neceseory prercquielte to ~he pro- posed uae of the subject property in ordet to Qnoene tbe ufety and ~soer~l we1(~re oi the Citisene of the City oE Anaheim: • 1. That the owner o~ subject property shall nay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per f~cont f'oot alono P,aymond Avenue and Kimberly Avenue, for street lighting purposes. 2. That the owner of suL;e~t p.:operty =nr.1~ ::r~e.r' ~o the Cicy o? P.naneim a 15~foot radius :.o:ner recu:°n for s!ree: .,zdening purposes. 3. Ihat t.:ash storayP areas sral.l oe provi~ed in aecor~ance with approved plans on !ile v;ith 'the offlce o: the Dicec~or of Public Works prior to final buildiny inspection. 4. Tha± Condition IJos_ i and 2, above ment~oned, shall be complieo with prior to the tim~ *_hat ihe Bui!ding Pe:mit is issue~ or ~t~ithin a pe:iod o.` 1h0 days from date hereof, ,tih~chever _~' o~.curs r'i:ct, or such iurther time as the Corr!mission oi City Coun,il may qrant. 5. Tha± subiec* p*operty snall oe develop~d substantially in accoroance a;ith o;ans an~ Gpecifirations on fii? :~ith the City of' Ar;aheim, mar~ed Exhibit i~lo. 1, S o. That onLy union mFmbers shal! ue serviced with alasses by the gran:ing o,` tl;i= petitior,. ; I THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is ~I~ed ~nd appeoved by me thi~ ~=th d~y of' Aucus t, 1;~o'. ~ , ~'~; ,~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ i , ,/ ,,'c" ~~ ~- ~ _ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAAiNII4G COMMISS ON ,~j ATTEST: 'j ~"'Z L t-'~ :''12,. f<.~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEA! CITY PLANNING COM6[ISSION ~ f STATE OF CALIFOEtNIA ) ! COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. ~ ~ ~ CT?'Y OF ANAHEIM ) i ~ 1, Ann ri: ebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of th- City o[ Anaheim, • held on Auyu=_ !!,!?b7o at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oi the m~Knuers thereo`.: I `i AYES: COhtMISSIONERS: p•l:red, Farano. Gauer, i~iuncall, Rowiand. Camp ;. ~ ! NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tvone. ;~, i ~, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: f~erust. !; I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto srt my naad thia %~tn ,iay of Auc~ust, 1967. ~~ . t ~' ~ ; , ~~~~-~ ~-t.:~~`/,j'L~ 1~~./ !~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ' ~ _ RESOLUTION NO. i83 `! * V2-G -~ i ~+x ~